What does he listen to?

What does he listen to?


I'd slam Beth t.b.h

>in muhfreedomland you can get arrested for wearing a mask

It's not even a mask either

It's illegal to wear a mask in virginia?

Yeah but the second they remove that law they're fucked



pretty badass mugshot desu


We all wear a mask


He does not appear to give a fuck


guess the movie :)

If I pulled yours off, would you die?

>wearing a mask in public is a criminal offense
damn the cops must have a field day every halloween

I mean there was that one shooter who dressed up as the Joker


I'm actually pretty surprised too desu. I was so ready to get into masks as soon as Google glasses start becoming a thing.

I looked up the incident and it seems he was also carrying a sword, I'm guessing it was more about that

In my city (not the US) they banned masks in halloween, because of the crime


21 Pilots
The Dark Knight soundtrack

Not all people who look like the Joker are mass murdering psychopaths
Only like 90% of them


Whatever happened to all those crazy clowns? You don't hear of them anymore.