Best place to take a girl on a first day

Best place to take a girl on a first day

homeless shelter, watch smelly old guys raping her on a piss-stained mattress



The top of an abandoned building

sewage treatment plant

I'd guess a neonatal unit unless she's premature and needs specialist care


not even kidding, take her to a picnic under the moon

u can get to make her drunk with wine,
can both have privacy (pick a dark place in a park)
no dsitractions
can kino her easy
its cheap, nice
no one has ever taken her in a night picnic 4 sure

trust me nigger, i always do that and end up kissin/fuckin on the 1st date

Op here I was thinking about a slater house tour but that might scare her but idk


pound town


chemsex orgy




the kitchen

real answer, take her somewhere she'll experience strong emotions: a scary movie, haunted house, skydiving if you are a richfag
that way you'll leave a strong impression on her

What the fuck is mcspaghetti

rape dungeon

The best Italian you'll ever eat.

After u eat it kills ur stomach or kills you lol

As a female I fucking agree.

Agree to what, gtfo cunt!

im on

look at what the thread says you fucking retard

Rape dungeon sounds good to you?

Lots of girls are conscious about eating infront of people they don't know well so avoid stuff centeres on eating (drinking is fine).

>drink (alcohol or a cafe)
>a nice place

Try something that you can talk during too, not like a cinema where you come out knowing as much about them as you did when you went in

Found this user there early one morning

The abortion clinic.

Dating doesnt exist anymore...

I thinking about just asking her does she just want to fuck instead of going on a first date

Your place for homemade dinner.

Take her to some place with a nice veiw. Like your rape dungeon or some normie ass shit