Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous:The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:





Hipster detected
Nice vinyl collection. I bet your bumming off a Starbuck's WiFi.

Der Fuhrer reporting in.


Yomi claimed.

Still here and on mobile

Well said
>your spelling

Did that one stupid nigga fuck off after yesterday?

You're gonna be on the POW camp if your referring to me....


>I doubt they do that.

But they do. What's your response to the reality of them doing it? I see it every fucking day. If I pound one for too long, the others get restless until I give them their turn.


Try playing company of heroes some time buddy.

>Also there's such thing as protection, the morning after pill, etc.

Yes but a pregnancy is far more financially beneficial from the woman's perspective.

>How dare you insult Der Fuhrer?

Hitler fucked bitches and got money. It's been scientifically proven. I'm sorry to tear down your cookie cutter fantasy playdoh world.

I am actually close to a dog-centric hipster in real life.


Haku Ryu claimed



You'll have to be more specific. This is Sup Forums after all.




Do typos make people retarded?
I'm going to bed now.
It was a typo. I'm really tired right now and I'm going to bed.




Name one thing attractive about a dog.

>Protip: its literally impossible


Depends, were you the sperglord who kept trying to OP and kept spamming that gay little "-_-" thing?
Kill yourself, dogfucker.




So cancerous and pathetic.

Yes in fact. Except when it's me. I am officially trying out for the grammar Nazi position. Perhaps I will be promoted from POW status with enough devotion.



no need to be mean -_-
>kept trying to OP
I actually did
then you started bitching about it and everyone went to the other thread that was posted after for no reason then after i spammed that created sekrit threads for no reason other than not wanting to use my thread
pretty sad tbh
>kept spamming that gay little "-_-" thing?

As always.


Like your mother?


fuck off sachi


original -_-

Nope, was only on for a little bit yesterday anyways.
This is why you are in the POW camp.
Her is an updated list for you Field Marshal.



Well at least I have good company. The true Führer and I will mutiny against your false Reich!


original -_-

Going to bed, take care of the Reich for me.



Before I go, you need to be executed.




This nigger
Now I goyoutube.com/watch?v=BawkcZdr3QI


All this nazi shit... It's like the japs didn't get the message the first time. Or the second.

>implying dog pussy is attractive
That's fucking disgusting.
Go back to /trash/
Only acceptable animals to fuck are Gardevoirs and Lopunnies. And maybe blaziken if it has big chicken tiddies




This guy knows what's good.
You don't listen very well, do you?
You were doing shit that would have made it easier for mods to ban us.



No idea, Karme.



Are all these weebs forgetting that Nazi Germany nuked Japan in 1889?

megumin claim



There is literally nothing hotter on earth than those delicious triangular puffy dog lips.



I'm gay for you



Hips are very nice










The answer is apparently no.
Go on... Go... At the very least fuck off, and never come back you degenerate shitpile.
Prepare to be heartbroken then.
Yea boi.













