Depression, anxiety, stress test. Take the test and post results

Depression, anxiety, stress test. Take the test and post results

>pic related: my results

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confrimed what I know, stressed out and anxious but really happy. it's kinda strange mix but its cool, because i am always entertained



Bruh what

My anxiety is caused by a mild cardiac condition. They'd probably all be 1s without it.


Depression 11 Mild
Anxiety 0 Normal
Stress 5 Normal

Depression 39 Extremely Severe
Anxiety 6 Normal
Stress 25 Moderate

no surprise there
not anxious
i just don't give a shit about anything
fuck existence

This is current, but I'm working on it.
Been dealing with cutting a bunch of cunts out of my life right now, holy shit.



lol god damn. always thought i had social anxiety.

Basically what I expected

Guys I am fucked. Extremely severe depression though I try to lead a normal life. What to do?

Well shit.


Op here. I'm in the same boat. I'm gonna try to talk to a doctor or psychologist about it

What do I win?

A lifetime supply of depression, anxiety, and stress. But also dubs. Congratulations

Neat! Thanks user!


An hero

you need medication user

All good







Well fuck

Y'all suicidal neckbeards...

I Have Crippling Depression.

you should probably kill yourself then.

>low stress
>mid anxiety
>relatively high depression
Pretty much my self diagnosis

> Holy....!



ok this is mine




I would say that's pretty accurate, but it's fine, I can walk it off

I blame the drugs

Just looked thru thread i have lowest in everything.... do i get a prize?

Well ain't I a fucking pocket of sunshine.

You can suck the shit out of my ass if you want

sorry I just beat you.



dafuq? why is everyone getting such bogus scores for depression?

Because the world is terrible and everyone hates their reality

good god i'm a mess

R8 pls

10/10 would fuck

I'm a guy, and not the type you'd even want to be seen with.

so..test assumes you're depressed?

I can guess what you scored. The world is terrible, yeah, but you just have to have a thick skin and get all righteous about white knighting and being good and strong as fuck too. It's quite true that sick, nasty people thrive in the face of weak will. That's basically what makes a person good: overcoming animal behaviours and acting on your better self (which everyone has). Easier said than done though.

Mhmm, that self pity makes me drip

Damn it

Yay for Depression



this thread reminds of me when I asked Sup Forums how many of them were actually autistic. Turns out over 90% of the replies confirmed they were medically diagnosed with autism or assburgers.

I am not normal. I am super normal.
This test is pathetic.

It's fair. I know I am depressed though I put up and try to lead a normal life. I know anytime I can break.

You are awesome, my man!


heh. almost thought i wouldn't pass...

I'm going to die early this year




Hell yeah

Good job! This shitty wasteland is a little less shitty.

You just pick the far right ones. Not really a legitimate test.


beat that

29 depressed
ive been severely depressed since i was a kid so its ok

Feels bad man


Hmm. Makes sense.

ah ok...

Anybody else here not feeling suicidal.


Well that was thrilling.

New user checking in. Just took some etizolam so hopefully I can sleep a little before walking up and going to my anxiety trigger of a job.


Lol. You messed up. Low score wins the game

The test is garbage. I scored almost zero on it, yet I am sad.

But I am not "depressed." But I am sad.

I have an alcohol problem.
I use sleeping pills.

But this is called being an adult.

People want to play the Great Game but they don't know how to deal with grief. They're not taught that.

I'm concerned at how schools are failing to prepare tomorrow's leaders for life.


Well, I didnt expect anxiety and stress that high. Depression tho.

>I have an alcohol problem

Who the hell doesn't anymore? This world sucks way to hard to experience sober.


Depression 35 Extremely Severe
Anxiety 9 Mild
Stress 26 Severe

Ayyyyy, what the test fails to measure is how much I don't give a fuck though. Yeah lifes pretty shitty and worthless to me, but look on the brightside, I'll fuckin die eventually.

I'm fine I guess


Normie coming through

>I'm concerned at how schools are failing to prepare tomorrow's leaders for life.

Not very well, is all anyone can say.

My plan in life is to consolidate power and change that.

That's how I used to think then I began hoping to die and eventually thought about just ending it myself. It's a slippery slope if you're not careful.