Jew. Just look at her hook-nose. Right?

Jew. Just look at her hook-nose. Right?

She has a show because she's a degenerate butch dyke. No other reason.

Even worse, a lesbian joo. Any job she want's in front of a camera she will get. No idea why anyone would watch her, though, if anyone actually does.

She was one of the first to question Donald Trump's fitness to be President.

I didn't pay any attention to the signs and now I realize I voted for a man that is siding with our most dangerous adversary (Russia) over own Intelligence agencies in order to benefit himself politically and financially.

I don't care much for her or her political views normally - But she got it right about Trump and I got it wrong.

Dude - libtards love snark. She and Meghan Kelly have a sex tape with a double-ended dildo.

Post it.

>Why does this ugly boring slag have a TV show?
>literally everyone on television
>still watching TV

Slag?? Yer a Brit fag? Get teh feck off Brexit stage left.

Because she's one of the sharpest and smartest minds in cable news. She went to fucking Oxford University for shit's sake

Yeah? MSNBC just hired Greta van Sustern. NBC hired Megyn Kelly for a fluff show. Fox and right wing conservetards dun got beat from the right - by Breitbart and Stormfront and fake news by script kiddies from Moldovia.

she's asking the tough questions, it's important to know if trump is a nazi or if it's just the edgy teenagers behind the ultra-bigoted alt-right spam on the Internet

>Why does this ugly boring slag have a TV show?

Because not everybody thinks she's ugly or boring.

when did 'Where's Waldo' get a sex change?

Yeah, sorry, but you're not getting any sympathy from me. We liberals were screaming for the last year and a half that he'd be a disaster. But did you listen? Fuck no, because we were liberals.

Not that I'm bitter or anything.

Mostly both.

Fellow liberal here.
We're all salty here over the retard grabbing the presidency out of no where.

I'm already done losing my shit over it.

Progressives can just take solace in the fact that trump appointed Goldman Sachs employees and Bernie would have won

Trumpcucks will be eating crow before this is over

conserviturds who are dumb enough to fall for McCarthyism are dumb enough to fall for the conman trump

I'm not done. I'll never be done. I have never in my life felt so much utter contempt for my fellow Americans. Anyone who was stupid enough to vote for this obvious fraud deserves all the scorn I can muster.

If they'd only hurt themselves, I wouldn't care. But we're all going to pay a huge fucking price for this.

she looks like a thumb

Not really. I bet much doesn't change at all. I mean shit, life has barely changed in the past 16 years. Nothing life changing anyways.


Not looking for sympathy. I'm just sorry I fell for his lies,

>At the time someone willing to buck the status quo seemed refreshing - Now I see him appointing billionaires straight off of Wall Street.

>He said he wouldn't be beholden to anyone but he's giving jobs to the donors that supported him.

>He said he'd drain the swamp but he's bringing in the lobbyists

All I can say in my defense is that I meant well. I genuinely thought he'd be great. Hell, if he was doing everything he promised he WOULD be great. Instead he's turned out to be a faux conservative and perhaps even a traitor. Ronald Reagan is turning over in his grave.

>our most dangerous adversary (Russia)
are you implying a Trump/Putin broship isnt more desirable than Hillary who literally said she'd start a war with Russia on her first day in office with her bright no-fly-zone idea?

Do you genuinely think Russia has an alliance in mind when their policy of expansionism comes into conflict with our policy of expansionism?

yes, and its only possible under Trump. Trump is the only man Putin fears.

>Fuck no, because we were liberals.

I hate this shit so much. The whole 'hur durr everything I don't like is liberal BULLSHIT' meme makes reasonable political discourse impossible.
