Celebs you fucked but no one would believe it thread

Celebs you fucked but no one would believe it thread

>pic related, knew her in highschool and fucked her daily for a few months

I'm sorry.

Did your cock fit through the gap?

she only fucks her dad, she says it in every song ive heard

Who is that?

Don't even know who that is.

Literally who

sorry for your loss


Natalie Portman at Harvard about a decade ago.

She randomly showed up with 2 girls and a guy at a party I was at. She was hugely stuck up and i pretended I had no idea who she was.

Super long story short, talked all night... yada yada yada, went to a bar with her friends and her around 1:30. She dropped me off at my place after and asked to use the bathroom.

I proceeded to feel like I was going to vomit out of nervousness and couldn't believe she might actually be into me. Honestly was thinking she thought I was a fag.

She comes out of the bathroom and walks to the door and said it was nice meeting me. As she's leaving I take a long shot and try to kiss her. Ends up being a good move.

We make out for a while laying on my bed. The moment she brushes my cock over my jeans I pull out my dick on autopilot. She makes some stupid fucking comment about she's not sucking my dick, but I can eat her pussy.

I go down on her for about 15 minutes until she cums. Immediately flip her over and fucking plow her like a madman. Shoot my load inside her within about 60 seconds.

She then proceeds to lose her fucking mind. I mean freak the fuck out.

Hard to take a movie star serious as they are screaming at you making threats while wiping your cum off their legs and waiting for the rest to drip out.

After a full hour arguement, conversation, request for my medical records, and vague legal threats, I want to wrap things up and start telling all my friends what just happened.

I drop a grenade in the conversation by asking her "do you want to be my girlfriend". That does it and she calls me and I quote "a typical Boston retard going nowhere". My response is "is that a no".

She picks up her stuff and without saying a word, walks out of my place and my life.

I can hardly remember anything about her body anymore. Wish I took a picture or something.

Moral of the story: not one bit different than fucking anyone else other than she had like perfect teeth.

lucky bastard

Does getting molested by a politician count?

All fake retarded stories kys fags


angry virgin who hasn't even had sex yet lmao

>fucked her daily for a few months

Yes, but did you ever suck a log of shit out of her ass?

>These fake stories
>Wanting to get attention from anonymous users

How pathetic.

>angry virgin alert

Even if you posted a true story, there's not a chance in hell anyone here would believe you.

true it is a long shot to believe this but why lie on Sup Forums not like he gains anything from it

She's hardly a celebrity, but I used to fuck Jennifer Paige before she had her one hit wonder. I ended up dumping her because she was too clingy.

And yes, I'm that fucking old.

I've also met Christina Hendricks and she flirted up a storm with me, but I was married at the time and stupidly didn't act on it. A couple years later, she married that goofy looking guy.

did she smell bad? i bet she smells bad.

I fucked G on her 18th birthday.

damn i wish i could smash a celeb gerogie henley liked my 3 of my tweets on twitter and followed me but thats all i got

Natasha Leggero is a family friend of mine and once got really drunk at my parents' house and decided to go skinny dipping. So, didn't fuck her but saw her naked (I was only like 13 at the time, I'm 19 now)

i fuck'd emma watson in the butt on the set of bling ring. she farted on my dick repeatedly.

God I wish

a celeb i would smash selana gomez oh my god i'd fuck the shit out of her

Taylor Swift stalked me again.

Heaven touched my dick that day, December 22, 2016.

Such a tiny frame

>Super long story short, talked all night... yada yada yada
NEED TO CHANGE, is in all your yarns...

this i can believe...ps 43 checking in


franco roast

So young and innocent looking, I would love to fuck that adorable girl.


Are you sure you want sloppy seconds?

She was there.. yes, what about it? I don't really watch anything with her in it, it's just weird to me.

Why is no one asking for nudes as proof? She's 18 and legal, and if this user is to be believed he may have pics to back his claims.

Well? Do you?

As long as you didn't give her an STD I'd fuck her any day.

That'd be great too

She never used to be hot tho

she refused to suck me off


Genevieve Hannelius, born December 22, 1998.

I ALMOST had hooked up with sean avery. I ended up getting kicked out of the bar before we were going to go upstairs.


47 here, brother. And yeah, people forget that celebs and the like are just people. They fuck, just like anyone else does. Musicians are much easier to fuck, though.
