I don't get it

The songwriting just sounds so bland and uninteresting. It's not bad, but nowhere near as good as everyone says it is.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's his confession. He wasn't in love with her anymore.

Pretty insane how one person can be so wrong about the meaning of an album when it's so blatant. It's his way of dealing and moving past her death.

Dude wtf
Mods please delete this thread and ban this user, thanks

If you aren't a death and sadness obsessed person like me it's not gonna be your AOTY. But I am that guy so.

Yeah and look how he deals with it. Erasing her. A person in love doesn't write a song like Toothbrush/Trash. He loved her but he wasn't in love with her.

God what a stupid fucking way to interpret that song.

I have the liner notes, my album came in the mail today. Can share more if anybody is interested.

This is why Sup Forums tries to pretend like lyrics don't matter, because they are uncapable of intepreting them properly.

The liner notes have been online this whole time. A person in love doesn't wonder if they've been reincarnated as a fly swarming the garbage. That's just one example of many in the album. I think there's maybe three songs where he doesn't diminish her in some way.

Wow pretty insane that he'd write these in the album notes considering he wasn't in love with her anymore. Thank god we have Genius.com here to help.

It's called processing grief. You've so obviously never lost somebody incredibly close to you (lucky you though). You start thinking absolutely horrible things because honestly what else matters? You start considering awful realities, everything is shit, you want to die and leave everything behind, including in the darkest moments your infant child. He's more honest about death than any other person who's written about it musically in the past decades.

can you post the pics from the album too

Do you not understand the difference of loving and being in love?

I agree it's possible that it's a similar situation to the end of Harry and the Hendersons for one of my favorite examples. The result is still the same in this case though because he's not convincing her, he's convincing himself.

And he did not consider leaving his infant child. He did it.

Here's the back of the liner notes insert, and the reverse of the sleeve.
If you're implying that Phil only loved her and wasn't *in love* with her, that blows me away. That's like if Julianne Moore, my celebrity crush, died, and I wrote a fucking album that meditated entirely on death as a coping mechanism.

Do you not understand the all encompassing grief and loss that comes from the death of a partner? If you are lucky, you die before everybody else you love and leave the suffering to them. You're the lucky one in that case. But most of us are gonna go through this someday. Phil experienced it in a moment when he was still young and healthy enough to be able to channel it into a musical experience for others to hear.

All my pictures are being incorrectly rotated regardless of orientation and I apologize, it's infuriating.

reckon i might poison my wife so I write a bnm album lads

I'm pretty sure he just gave the kid to someone to take care of for a little bit so he could spend time with his dying wife. especially considering all the picture he has of him and his kid, and the lyrics on crow, which is fairly obviously the last song on the album chronologically.

Are you implying this album is about death? The very first lines of the album clearly say it's not about death. So what does that leave us with? What is this album really about?

Honestly can you imagine missing the point as much as this guy did

Yes I didn't mean to imply he didn't get her back.


I'm saying this is not some clear cut innocent little album. There's more to it.


I just want to know how the Councillor died t b h

Literally not one person in this thread thinks this is a clear cut album. We're saying that imagining he doesn't love her anymore because he didn't keep her fucking bloody toothbrush in the bathroom for the rest of his life is stupid as hell.

its barely music. I think of carrie and lowell and how the subject matter was similarly morose but there was real songwriting on that record. Mount eerie's new record doesn't have anything real songwriting that makes me want to listen to it again to hear a certain part.

It's fucking sad for sure, but not musically very interesting to listen to again and again and that's ok I GUESS. Nothing compels me to come back to it, I feel like I stumbled upon some pathetic fuck singing songs that were never going to be recorded but TWIST they were recorded oh shit

I didn't imply that at all. In fact I clearly said that imagining she was reincarnated as a fly swarming the garbage is a stronger indicator that he was not in love with her rather than he was. Also in this same song he says that his memories are being replaced by pictures. What does this mean? The truth of her is being erased and replaced by facsimiles.

That's indie music for ya

If PWE was one to simply just write and publish recordings of him reading poetry, he would have done that. But he's not. He's a musician and songwriter. There's no choruses in these songs, no bridges, no musical motifs that repeat. The guitars and sparse percussion are literally just a vehicle for words. Don't get riled up because Pitchfork wants to get on the hype train. It's an album where he's venting. That's his purpose. He's not here to make a catchy tune.

i think the point of this album is the lyrcis, not the music my friend


i've seen people react to death exactly like this many times, it's a coping mechanism

a person feels so destroyed and miserable when anything reminds them of the person they lost, so they try to erase them to try and make the pain stop

>listening to music for the lyrics

Totally, the point of this music is the lyrics and catharsis of the whole "shit my wife died yo" thing. That's totally fine, I'm not saying it's bad and I'm def not riled up by the Pitchfork hype because most of pitchfork's writing is really bad! This record is his own personal art and I gotta respect that. It's just not something I'm gonna listen to many many times more because of that, it's so personal!!!!!

It's really easy to take the cynical approach of "oh he's just profiting off of his wife's death lmao" but that's just a really corny way to troll and even worse if it's a real sentiment

Christ dude.

One day, you will lose somebody you love. If they were a person that any part of your daily life revolved around, it will be very, very hard, and you will never stop thinking about them. If it was somebody to whom you had pledged your life, with whom you had created and were raising another life, whom you loved with all of your being, you will be completely and utterly destroyed by it. You will be mashed into the earth and crushed by walls of grief that are endlessly heavy and they will cause you so much pain you will wish you were dead too, but you will be very much alive and you will experience it all, every second, and there will not be an escape from it any time soon. You will try to reconcile it mentally. You will curse any god you believe in, if you do. You will hurt yourself in some way. You just will. You will start thinking defeatist things. Your brain will do a lot of fucked up stuff. You will taint your memory of that person just to feel less grief from their death. You will think of a terrible afterlife or post death scenario for them, because why is it fair that you're alive, all your faculties intact, able to theoretically experience joy or happiness someday, when they are rotting in the ground? You will blame yourself for everything, and pile on the shame of that by imagining them cursing your name in death or feeding on shit in a trash can. Later on down the line, you will find out you are thinking about them less. This will trigger a deep, horrible bout of shame. You will hate yourself.

You have never lost somebody you love. Maybe someday you will, and you will understand.

Phil did not make this album for the masses to understand or connect with. He made it for Genevieve.

you just got ripped a new asshole m8, comeback to this album when someone you love DIES

Fair enough. and fully agreed on his second point. I feel like I keep saying this in every comment I leave in this thread, but it's so clear in instances like this that Sup Forums and the general indie music listening/discussing population is so young that they probably still haven't lost a grandparent, let alone the mother/father of their children.

>I now wield the power to transform a grocery store aisle into a canyon of pity and confusion
>And mutual aching to leave

I really didn't. That wasn't even really a reply to me let alone my post.

Let's take the next song which shares a striking similarity to the conclusion metaphor of The Great Gatsby. Phil basically even says that the conclusion is the same as The Great Gatsby. "The distance was the point." In The Great Gatsby that means he wasn't in love with her and in fact never was. Interestingly this is alone song where he choses to tell us that he gave their daughter away.

>it's dumb, and I don't want to learn anything from this
>I love you

I listened to this album at fucking work the first time, like a dumbass. I could hardly function the rest of the day. Death fucks me up, man.

Pretty sad to find an album where a man professes his all encompassing grief from the death of his one love and go "hahah I'm gonna bait people on Sup Forums with this".

my dad died four and a half years ago and i never properly grieved
this album is helping me get started

>you were planning ahead to a future
>that deep down you must have known
>would not include you

I feel you. I hope your grieving process is personally productive and you come out of it wiser and with some sort of closure.

I honestly don't get why people are shitting on the music so much, there are some legitmatelly beautiful parts in it. The piano in Forest Fire is simple but pretty devastatingly used, same with the transition in Toothbrush/Trash, and the entirety of Ravens and Soria Moria and the way they build and move is incredible, and in terms of style are pretty on par with what Phil has done in the past.

I don't know, I can understand people getting bored with the album, but at the same time, even if you just have a cursory familiarity with Phil's discography you'd know that there is a deliberate attempt here to keep things sparse for directness. In my opinion, it works perfectly and given the subject matter gives the songs so much more weight and intimacy. I'm not saying it has to work for you, but seeing people equate what is obviously a creative choice, to a lack of musical competency is really fucking frustrating.

My mom got a fucked up scan on Monday.

Tuesday I was on the phone with my brother, trying to figure out what we would do if the worst happened, just having no idea about legal things and financial things and, oh yeah, not having a mom anymore.

The immediacy with which everything that "matters" suddenly doesn't. Suddenly finding yourself watching tv with her in the evening when you usually do you own thing, fucking about on the internet. Just because it's the only thing that makes sense.

Anyway, she gets a new scan on Tuesday. Hoping for the best. I like Mount Eerie but I don't think I'll ever listen to this album.

I used to joke about cancer and death and whatnot. And I guess in the end that's all you can do. It's inevitable. But I think once you've gone through it with an immediate family member, you just don't joke about it the same way anymore.

Has Phil ever sung about fascism before?

But dog I can't use this music recreationally and we all know that's the point of music right?? Why did Phil do this to me?!

Yep. I used to throw around the word "rape" in jokes or casual conversation until my partner was raped. Seeing the harsh reality of things really changed how you speak, think, appreciate, etc.

I hope the best for your mom. Truly. Fingers crossed, you are in my thoughts user.

This. It's also a relatively short album, so it's not pretending to be something it isn't. I think it's a beautiful ode.

>I hope your grieving process is personally productive and you come out of it wiser and with some sort of closure.

I don't think there is anything to learn as you lose someone, like "Real Death" says

"It's dumb and I don't want to learn anything from this, I love you"

All the works are telling us that with lose of some one we come out stronger or something, but we don't really, it just takes, it makes so so much weaker, we don't learn anything, the only thing we come to realize is that death, really IS real, that is, you realize that the person you talk to daily, you love, will die one day and you will never get to see them ever again, they're just gone.

The way I can sort of relate to this album.

My best friend attempted suicide, I didn't lose him, but for a long while I thought I did until I found out he was in a hospital. I still feel like I've lost a part of him, I feel like the same person didn't leave the hospital.

Thanks, my best to you and yours as well.

Fair, but saying you don't want to learn anything from something does not mean you will not.


>I don't think there is anything to learn as you lose someone, like "Real Death" says

I empathize with where your coming from, but I actually don't think that should be the takeaway from the album. "Real Death" and the entire album in general are taken from someone still directly in the grieving process. This album is simply meant to be a painfully accurate portrayal of someone dealing with death, not to be didactic about death.

There of course is something to take away from the situation, it will just take a long time and be very painful.

If anything, I think whatever album Phil releases in a couple years or so will actually eclipse this one. After having processed all that's happened and after having grown even closer with his daughter I'm sure he'll have found brand new insights and significance from the situation. I mean even in the last song on it there's a transference in focus from Genevieve to their daughter. That shift will only grow stronger with time.

download link?

Nirmslly rym reviews are shite but someone posted a quote as one I thought fit the album really well

"Getting over it so soon? But the words are ambiguous. To say the patient is getting over it after an operation for appendicitis is one thing; after he's had his leg off it is quite another. After the operation either the wounded stump heals or the man dies. If it heals, the fierce, continuous pain will stop. Presently he'll get back his strength and be able to stump about on his wooden leg. He has 'got over it.' But he will probably have recurrent pains in the stump all his life, and perhaps pretty bad ones; and he will always be a one-legged man. There will be hardly any moment when he forgets it. Bathing, dressing, sitting down and getting up again, even lying in bed, will all be different. His whole way of life will be changed. All sorts of pleasures and activities that he once took for granted will have to be simply written off. Duties too. At present I am learning to get about on crutches. Perhaps I shall presently be given a wooden leg. But I shall never be a biped again."
C. S. Lewis, A Grief Observed

Why are you trying to hurt Phil's daughter?

Buy the album, he's an indie artist who's now a single father supporting a kid.

holy shit you're fuckign faggots

oohhh he loved her bloo bloo :((
thats so lame

grow up queers

>Daddy I'm still hungry, please.
>I know you are sweety, I am too.


haha got em

download link pls

if you're still here, can we see the gatefold?

This is so fucking cute.

not him but i hope nobody else even gives you another response. you are human garbage.

i think you should listen to it


>Lost my mom to stomach cancer freshman year of high school
>it messed me up for a bit but I think I got over it
>turns out I was just ignoring it.
>this continues for the rest of high school and most of college.
>senior year, fall semster.
>Touché Amore release Stage Four.
>It opens all the wounds back up.
>expresses all of the feelings I had when it happened and some that have been creeping back.
>feel like I've healed properly.
>spring semester
>Mount Eerie drops this.
>I slowly start to understand everything my dad went through.
Sorry for the blog post but this album is strait grieving and should be seen as a snapshot of a man scrambling through the most emotionally wrought experience he could.
I'll pray for your mom and you, user.
There are a ton of ways to fight cancer and it's a surprisingly livable disease if you do it right.



god i fuckign hate you all


are you retarded or something, nice trips tho

how was i complaining

I think its obvious that my interpretation isn't clouded by personal circumstance like a lot of people here. I'm able to interpret this album objectively. This album is not as straight forward as it appears. Like I said, the very first lines of the album clearly say that it is not going to be as straight forward as you might assume. It is not about death.

Except all of Phil's commentary about it have iterated that it is about death.

We're all allowed our interpretations of art, but yours is so tenuous that its really obnoxious to see you professing it so forcefully.

I've never had any similar personal experience either, and its actually given me a distance fro the album that I wish wasn't there. Regardless, in that sense I'm able to be just as "objective" as you are, and I can see you're pulling this theory out of your ass.

Phil has said lots of stuff about this album. Contradictory stuff.

Let's take the song Forest Fire. Why did he go into such detail as today that he threw away her panties? He already tells us that he gets rid of her clothes? Why would he go into such specific detail? Someone earlier asserted that the purpose of erasing her is to get rid of the pain. Is keeping a pair of panties causing pain? Something that can easily be stowed away as 0.0001% of your total mass possessions but yet containing immeasurable and irreplaceable value? People spend thousands of dollars to mimic the scent of their deceased loved ones. It's actually an industry.

beige "muh feels" indie """folk""" for boring people

my captcha for this was a road sign that said "EDGE FIELD" and that is perfect for your uncool ass

Today = to say


And actually the contradictory implication of this stanza is a perfect example of my point.

Forest Fire
They say a natural, cleansing devastation
But when I'm kneeling in the heat
Throwing out your underwear
The devastation is not natural or good
You do belong here
I reject nature, I disagree

So he rejects nature in thought but not in action? Someone who truly rejected the nature of her death would have her stuffed and mounted not to mention save a mere pair of panties. So how is this contradictory statement reconciled? She does in fact belong there. As someone he loved. However he does not reject nature by throwing out her panties as someone he was in love with. Taking away someone he loved was not natural or good and he does reject that. Taking away someone he was in love with was something that simply did not happen so there is nothing unnatural to reject. Unless saving the underwear of everyone we love was a normal social practice but I dont think it is at least that I'm aware of.

yeah but if you find those articales of clothing years later it will still cause you a lota grief so its probaby best to throw them away or give them away so ure not remembered that that person is gone forever.

hey i mean its me again but the thing abouts the nature is just an allusiure to his blog where he writes. it just means that he dislikes when ppl say he writes about the sun & stars & moons & mountains & natural things, he doesnt like to sepieriate nature from regular world..

>I don’t like the word “nature” because it does a quick job of drawing a mental curtain between “us” and some other realm, separate from where we live and what we are made of, perpetuating the damaging illusion that we humans can exist in some exemption, leading to irresponsible thinking and acting. Fuck nature. I believe there is only one big THIS.

Ok well how about keeping pictures? He says he's not the throwing away the pictures. However I do think his comments on this are important not just that they are facsimiles replacing his more truthful memories from his perspective at least but the fact that these photographs are literal objects. That is what she has become now. A stack of literal objects. Perhaps to be placed on a shelf and collect dust. Perhaps similar to this album. Is that what he's really up to? Turning the very last vestigages of his wife into this album? Another addition in his discography to be shelved away? I'm not diminishing this as a coping mechanism as has been pointed out. Just simply trying to accurately define it.

You legitimately seem mentally ill. Half of your points are non sequiturs or are connecting ideas that are blatantly unrelated, I'm legitimately curious about you as a person now.

If you cannot see why keeping your dead wifes underwear is fundamentally different from keeping pictures of her then I don't know what to tell you.

The contention was simply that being reminded of her would cause grief.

yeah but pictures dont remind you of very real nuanced interactions that you have with someone everyday like some1s toothbrush & trash or whatever,

especially photos of stuff that you'll always see everyday. i had picks of my lost one all over my house, but when i found their clothes it brings back much more memory & all that..

That doesn't refute the point.

Again, this is honestly kind of fascinating. It's like seeing a schizophrenic try to close read poetry.

but you clawed at the cliff you were sliding down!!!


that's a good point. initially as younguns, those edgelord jokes are for reactions - joking about rape and killing and cancer and AIDS are all fun and games when everyone is still going "whoa lololl what?!>?! zomg" but then it starts to happen to everyone, slowly but surely, and at different times. at some point the jokes become a coping mechanism. life sucks huge balls and when youre dealt a shit hand for a bit, what can you do but laugh at the ridiculousness of life for a bit, and try to find some common ground with someone who has it bad too.

it can be hard to tell whats behind jokes like that sometimes. some kids joking about rape and cancer and death just do it for recreation, bc "stop being so sensitive fag jeez". some do it because its the only way they can deal with that stuff happening, and for those it can be insulting if your reasons are less

i'm ranting. im sorry about your mom, user. i hope everything turns out well, sincerely

im goin threw fil's picks write now on flikr & i see this..lol.. bottomless pit feels like death grips couldve listened to em wouldnt put it past em, but they might've got their name from this guys..


This guy Pale Fire'd the mount eerie album

your carpet is exactly the same as mine. do you live in a low income apartment?

sorry to dissappoint u but it just looks like normal carpit thats made everywhere... everyone has that carpet yall are not special..

>until my partner was raped
yr a cuck hehe

I teared up listening to this on my lunch at work and I seriously just felt a gloom over me for the rest of the day. I had to go for a walk and listen to this album in its entirety. And granted I felt better towards the end, I ended up going to the beach and watching the sunset. I wish Phil the best of luck.