My ex cheated on me with her half brother, AMA

My ex cheated on me with her half brother, AMA.

i don't understand the question

Bump for her

Is the 5.5" backspacing going to be a problem if I get bigger tires when stock wheels are 4.5"?

Also, why did your cousin steal your sister?

Im Asking for nude Pics of her. More degrading the better.

How did you find out it was brother?

He sent me a video of them fucking while we were dating. And she never sent me pics

vola that vid.

Lol you cuck. Put it up

It was a series of like 5 snaps

hows life in the trailer park?


post that shit nao

Small town, some trailers but not me lol

What a fucking idiot, she was disgusted by you so much that she rather take her half blood in the ass before you? Hahaha you should have kept this to yourself, this makes you look like a sorry ass. You are not even worthy of being called a beta, you have reached a new low in with the Sup Forumsros; you will now and forever be known as a fucking OMEGA.


She never even gave me head

Holy beta


Underrated thread

After he fucked her, I started talking to a different girl, and he sent me this pic the next week, she's on the right

Kys op

Will you show the nudes