Ask a Gta Online modder anything

Ask a Gta Online modder anything.


fuck off to leddit

Do you give shit away for free???

Can you pls gimme

The truth is I've been on Sup Forums for 7 years now, I don't know what the fuck I'm still doing in this faggotville, I left for a while but look at me here. But that's neither here nor there, besides I could just be lying about it, this is the internet. But I remember that faggot Heaven, and the days before he came here :^) But my point is that your statement makes no sense, and is essentially irrelevant. (So are mine, like I said, this is the internet, to me, no one except me matters on here. And the same goes for you.)

ask anything? ok

credit card number


thank you

dont forget name on card as well

Which system?

What were your rates?

Please mod in a op Donald Trump.

you on ps4?

You using GTA Force Hax?

Also GTA Modder.

Why are you still stuck in 2013 faggot?


Yes. One thing I like to do is find people who are fighting, I give the lower leveled player a tank and watch them repeatedly kill the other player. Then I give that player a tank and watch chaos ensue from the safety of my apartment.

PC master race :^)
Force is for cucks
No 1980

How does it feel to be a piss in the ocean?
Gta online has about the worst reputation of any game ever for hackers / modders coupled with the seemingly complete abandonment by devs to combat it in any way shape or form.

Oh, I was messing around, I didn't know you were an actual faggot.

It's pretty fun, I like making people like you mad

Tell me about Force. Their protection system is shit, I get their 100$ legacy feature for free, and just report the same crack to every update.

It works like a charm though, and I've fixed most crash issues.

Sorry user almost missed your post, I suppose I'm bound to the rules of the internet.

Credit card: 4236 0410 1547 8326
CCV: 024
Type: visa
Exp. Date: 9/20

Name: David Carney

People who pirated Gta5 to play single player, because no fucks given about playing a driving sim online?

Force is a shitty menu, overpriced and subscription based, it's a ripoff, the menu I used is a one time payment of $10, and it's still pretty good, crash protection, cash drop (still risky as the ambient pickup native is monitored by anti-cheat), spawning vehicles and shit, etc.

someone with balls try this, then paypal me $20

Exactly my point, you don't give a fuck about it, so why is it so important to you that you need to comment about it?

Ok ok user I surrender, it's a real card number, but I changed one letter in each pair of numbers, and one number in the CCV. If you can figure it out you've earned it.

What was the best shit youve ever heard or watched happen in GTA Online?

sauce to the menu? I'm interested.

Credit card: 3642 1004 4715 2683
CCV: 204
Type: visa
Exp. Date: 9/20

Name: Cavid Darney

code cracked motherfucker

I once heard someone talking to a real woman.

>once heard someone talking to a real woman

Such a weird name for it, had to do that quick google check just in case it was infected at all.

Seems legit, thanks.

>Ask me anything
Wasn't actually your point,
"I mod gta online to piss of people like you who don't play gta online"
Question stands, Do you feel special modding one of the most modded gamed in history knowing full well the dev's abandoned trying to counter it all together? I mean it's kinda like baby's first hack at this point right?

And I've answered your question, it does make me feel special :^)

OP here, I'm off to fap now, I'll let this thread die

Ever going to leave the playground and mod a real game, There is thousands of dollars to be made duping / botting / scripting games with actual player bases.

when will I be able to fuck those bitches in the strip club ?

Know anyone who can hook me up on Xbox 360?

how can i get my accout back after a perma ban?



Noob here, what's the fastest way to level/get guns/money/cars? Sick of being rocket launchered every time I step out of my cuckshed.

Lol, are you like fucking 12 and discovered how to download a file from a page then drag and dropping it? Stupid fuck go die

Can you drop me some cash?
On ps4?
Is it even possible?

Which is harder to mod, console or pc?

can i have 50 million?
i'm on ps4.