Walk through neighborhood

>walk through neighborhood
>see pic related being hit by owner
>wat do

I don't care.

Animal control then adopt the poor baby


definitely call animal control OP

I had a dog just like that. That is one of the sweetest dog breeds next to a lab. I would fuck that dude up.

Wouldn't animal control just kill the dog anyway when nobody adopts it?

It depends on the shelter it'll land in, if it'll even get taken away. If OP is worried about the dog getting killed he could easily adopt it.
Either way animal control know how to deal with these situations the best.

Do what I did last time. Grab my baseball bat and bludgeon him.

>Either way animal control know how to deal with these situations the best

Citation needed.

>not know this is actually OP dog and he just wants to brag

wonder how I got transported to the ghetto

U were walking your GF to Jamal's house, cuck.

Grab my shovel to make a new shoveldog gif.


go home and treat my own doggo with love and care

Walk up to the dude and ask what his fucking problem is.
>if a girl sees you do it you might even get a date

Watch that edge, son.

Thanks dad

No problem son, now go outside and play with your friends.

Dad I'm 26 and still live with you. I don't go out to 'play' anymore. I don't even have friends.