What kind of people cant you stand?

what kind of people cant you stand?

me: people who say "literally" every other fucking sentence

Why cant you stand people? I cant stand you! Literally

people with tattoos that cover more than twenty percent of their bodies, and who can't explain why conformity is not the same thing as transgression.

white people

so cringey and annoying

You're ilterally right. I literally can't stand those fucker either. Literally

Fdonkerd at this thread

actually, i can't stand people who begin their sentences with 'actually'. as if they have the One Truth and your statement is shit.

I hate niggers, wasnt good idea to bring them to civilization since they are feral apes and they are literally disgusting

Actually I think you'll find that it's the people who start their sentences with "I think you'll find..." that believe they have the One Truth

People to whom you say, "You're going to hell," and he or she respond with
a) Yep, and when I do, I'm taking over
b) Yep, and when I do, I'm taking you with me
c) I'm driving the bus
d) I'm already there (especially applicable to Walmart employees)
e) I won't permitted to hell/The devil don't like me

i.e. White trash and schoolbus drivers

At this point, actually is a "discourse marker," a linguistic term, which serves a discernible function.

People who use the word 'fucking' in every sentence. Thinking they amplify whatever nonsense they spout by doing this. Muricunts be cunting.

What the fuck did you just say about Merica?

You began yours with actually, faggot.

people who respond with the exact same thing you dislike such as the annoyingly obvious responders using literally, so fucken dad joke

No I didn't

The ones that urge me to get a job ASAP, despite my unfinished education %%law school%%.

а)Dude, you should get a job and earn money
b)Fuck this law school, it won't give you any practical skills %%International Trade Law, export-import activities, customs%%
c)Find a GF with a far lower status than you are. Able to cook, suck and fuck.
d)It's so bad in Russia, it's up to government to give me everything on a silver platter!
e)You're not masculine! Try heavy lifting, get a driver license, start to drink beer on weekends instead of your "Pussy" wine.

People who constantly act like douchebags and excuse themselves with "Well, I'm just being honest".

Speak of the devil, what kind of wine do you prefer?

All people.

i literally can't stand you

Red Semi-Sweet from Spain(Mostly Torres) and White Riesling from Elsass.

I in to indie-rock music such as The XX and Foals. I believe you understand what kind of dude I am.



City people
Religious people in general
People who can't stop talking
People who is for mass immigration

Why is that boy flipping himself and his friends off?

Young american women. They sound like ducks and go "oh my gooood" whenever they can. Yeah those are super annoying too. Especially when they go "god damn" "god bless" and shit. Sounds like our middle age France's sacrebleu.


Plus bitches. Bitches are everywhere. They overreact everytime you tell them shit to look funny or cute, they just can't stand being natural.
Fuck them, fuck makeup and fuck ultra short clothing. They too much stock in their looks, but little do they know 15-20 years later they'll be terrified to age, and their very way of living will have disappeared. They don't know yet, that happiness doesnt go by their ephemeral beauty...

Or alternatively..."I'm just trying to help."

This but it's not just americans in my experience.

Teenagers in general

Soccer moms

people who can't stand people who say "literally" every other fucking sentence.

>every single person that colors their hair purple, pink, yellow, blue, etc
>painfully obvious feminists
>traps that are only interested in sex

I still think dyed hair is hot

Just how often do you have to go around telling people they're going to hell to be able to compile a list of stock responses that you dislike?

Why do you even tell people they're going to hell? Do you believe it? If you do and you're the type that goes around telling people, you might actually be the one that is white trash.

i'm a frenchfag myself and i can't help but notice the way they try to talk in such high pitched tones. In France our voices are much lower, except for our teenagers who are annoying as hell

I think you'll find that you did if you reread your comment.

thats a way of saying "you're bad" while in a funny situation.

Yeah, a pretentious pseudo-intellectual.

Yeah I know but... that often? If you hate the way people reply to it then why even say it? I used to work at retail jobs with white trashy people everywhere and I learned pretty quick which colloquialisms were going to draw me into a conversation I didn't want to have or beg a response that I didn't want to hear.

Like if it's cold out and someone wants to mention it I used to tell people "yeah as long as my car starts I'm fine" but I stopped because people would always ask me what was wrong with it and tell me about their meth addict friend who could fix it for me.

Come to think about it, it's almost never worth talking to white trashy people at all for that reason.

You spelled fucking Ausicunts wrong, fucking fuck.

You're literally overreacting.

This lol
Basically every hot girl I went to school with is now in their late 20s or early 30s and looks like shit. Some of them are in what I like to call desperationships. Basically where they whore around until they get pregnant and latch on to the wealthiest guy that will still take their fat asses in.

>People who use 'im not that old' to excuse not experiencing music or film.
>people who say they wish they lived in the 60s
>anyone who puts miracle whip on a sandwich
>people who say 'how are you doing' as they briskly walk by rendering asking such a question pointless
>grown men in puffy jackets
>Women who tuck sweatpants into ugg boots
>people who go out in pajama pants as if operating a fucking zipper is too much trouble
>People who quote songs in tweets and fb posts, but don't use " " or list the source. Bitch you didn't think of that, John Lennon did.
>people who think poes law dismisses them being too stupid to identify real blatant parody
>people who talk about vaping or their hookah as if us folks who aren't into that give a fuck
>people who cook brownies in glass pans

Stop being a fucking retard and you won't have people call you on your bullshit then.
Just being honest, broheim.

No one wants to hear your life story when they ask "how you doing?" dumbass.

>people who cook brownies in glass pans

Could you elaborate on that? I'm genuinely curious as to why that made your list.

Catch 22

No one wants to hear some random retard ask how they're doing either.

I guess unless you're mentally dependent on other people noticing you for validation.

Obviously. But I work in a hospital and people say that while very quickly blazing by. If the only response you want is 'fine', just say hello. because you haven't left me an opening to ask how you are doing and now I look like an asshole you fucking insensitive prick worshipper.

It fucks up all brownie chewiness.
Metal baking pan...always metal.
We ain't baking a goddamn cake.

i want to die

Why are you a sadkunt?

People that can't pronounce words with more than 3 syllables correctly without fucking up 8 times

People that don't care how those words are pronounced in the first place.

People that used to draw dinosaurs and color them in purple and pink and justify it by saying something like "well you don't know they weren't purple."

People that wear their pants so far down their ass that if they weren't wearing underwear you'd be able to see their butt hole. Because I guess that's still a thing.

People that wear baseball caps with some kind of authentication sticker on them like they think it grants them some kind of prestige. More so if they are wearing them at night or backwards during a sunny day. Baseball caps in general are stupid.

People that make fun of me for playing video games, but then buy scratchoffs and play fantasy football or watch sports without actually playing them.

People that watch tv news and think the latest reporting trend (i.e. the thing they are shoving in your face every other day to make you feel like there is a crisis) is some how reflective of reality.

Perforated lines that don't tear along the perforation.

Then you're dumbass should realize why they are moving fast if you're in a hospital. No one wants to listen to you drone on about your boyfriend or new musical interest.

I think this is mostly a problem for introverted people that care on some level what people think about them. I have this same problem at work. "how's it going" "fine how about y- oh you're gone already ok" You don't really care how they are doing and you know they don't care how you're doing, but it just feels rude not to reply in kind.

I never ask that question unless I'm actually engaged with a person and ready to talk to them on the not very slim chance that they want to tell me.

glass pans cook different than other, arguably better pans. ceramic pans are my favorite for cooking brownies, but i prefer metal for caramel and making butter, etc.
glass does have some uses tho, right? like for reducing liquids.... idk. glass is nice because you can scrape off ALL of the dry material in the pan

mmmmm.... does anyone like butterscotch? its the best

Aren't they the dumbasses for asking a question they don't want an answer to? You can't even argue that it's a rhetorical question at that point because it serves no purpose other than to be a generic greeting.

Delicious. I don't cook much so I never get to eat it. It's not popular in many candies anymore sadly.

So what if someone's like "actually I can't come to the party. I forgot I had work."

Yeah shitbird, try reading what I wrote next time.

Yeah glass is fine for plenty of shit. Just not brownies

Aren't you a hoot?

actually, that is literally not true.

14 year olds ask the most asinine questions

This is beautiful.

The fuck is a hoot?

Conspiracy theorists
Anyone who has every used the term "red-pilled".
Conservative christians who don't give a dime to the poor.

a fun person in this case .