Hey Sup Forums. I'm working on an RPG and you guys are helping! If you suggest something and roll dubs, trips or quints...

Hey Sup Forums. I'm working on an RPG and you guys are helping! If you suggest something and roll dubs, trips or quints, it will be added. Every addition can be found on my Pastebin account "The Amusingly Bored Sta"
Remember: This is created by you.

Nothing will be added if it already exists in-game or is too Overpowered.
Quints get to add anything into the game that doesn't change the name. (ex. a bra that reduces damage by 99%)

want my gf inside this game roll

Roll dubs.

Nigger donkey dick of power.

The ability to plant it's seed in females and give birth to half breeds. The power can only be used once per female. This will boost attack for 5 minutes.

After this attack has been used you can no longer be in 10 squares of the female. You have to run away or she will drain your cash at 10k per second. The half breed stays with the female as a permanent 1% boost to all stats



add an entire gallery dedicated to tracer porn

Dubs get.

Thanks OP and your welcome

There should be a stone within the game, once you touch it a big black dick spawns and you get game over.




The main character should be naked.


check em

Rolling for child rape, fulfills health and energy, the more you get the younger they are

rolling for this shit




Black people get 1000% stronger when near bananas and treetops.


Niggers have -500 Intelligence points but get free food and can use bersek at will




>Standard edition
>Drawing graphics in the gms sprite editor

fucking plebs

Everytime you die it says things like "that was fuckin stupid" "you're worse at this game than a nigger trying to be a father" "next time, die in real life, faggot" and stuff like that

Come ooooon,baby
