I'm 35 straight, cis white male, cute even, but never really even had friends irl

i'm 35 straight, cis white male, cute even, but never really even had friends irl.

well ain't that somethin!

what does cis mean

No gf?


"I'm a huge faggot."

Its a mystery why hes alone

Cis means normal dumbass. We don't need a label


why not say normal then. cis is a gay word, it makes me want to punch fags

i hate gays
-god 2017

Riget? He's obv gay since he said cisco

I am straight not gay, this me

Fuck off greg

Thats a gay lookin abdomen

>never really even had friends irl
Of course you haven't. You accepted garbage ideologies produced and imposed by bratty children who never grew up.

By 35 you would be hard to not call a lost cause making decisions like that.

Cis is a Trans word. It's nothing to do with being gay.

I'm gay, have never even once considered using the word Cis.

Super gay

im not saying it means gay, i mean it makes me want to punch you, no effense

Well you're right fucked now, mate. For some reason men lose friends as we age. Get used to it.

Post face dude

not me, the older I get the more friends I have

good looking loser maybe?
post face
also timestamp
also pls no cis
also post stories

Trutru! I got none friends left. Just colleagues and my family

Have you tried going to bars where dudes hang out to try and make some friends?

It takes a while to fund email, we have a great one here, the Gothic Castle

Lots of totally straight men just looking for "friends"

Then you are the exception to the rule. And you probably have less actual real "friends" than you think.

It's brutal. I think it must be an evolutionary thing.

i dont believe you

>Cis is a Trans word.
It is a word applied online by transexuals and sjws to avoid hurting the feelings of the ones whose mental states were more delicate.

Its root "cis" is (if I am remembering correctly) from psychology and is absurd to use in any situation where you want to have anything you say taken seriously.

If you go to some really garbage places like tumblr and twitter (and believe it or not certain parts of reddit) You will find adults who never matured and still behave with a childish mentality. They use and try to justify these terms and for that must meet reality as they are told exactly how stupid they are time and time again.

>men lose friends as we age.
When should I start to notice it? I've only been gaining friends and strengthening existing friendships lately.

>When should I start to notice it?
around 30

This .

A lot of it is explainable due to family and career obligations. But we all get old, drift apart, and get weird. It just happens.

my friends would die for me, they're my niggas. i would agree coming out of highschool you lose a lot of superficial friends.

You'll see, newfriend. Feel lucky if you have a couple of close friends by the time you hit middle age.

please no stop. you're threatening my delicate 25 year old sensibilities.

I enjoy being alone anyway.

It's not all bad. Hopefully you have a partner in crime, and maybe a kid or two,by the time you reach that point. Breaking off from the group helps you develop a true sense of independence and makes you, well, you. It is what it is. For better or worse.

The summary I got from reading your post: "I'm going to kill myself for how much of a faggot I was raised to be"

You watch Rick and Morty.

If you are right I've still got some good years then before I need to start worrying. Thanks for alerting me user.

Is it possible to establish friendships strong enough to last as time takes its toll?

A couple for sure.

That's good.

>family and career obligations
So I'm guessing that is a sign that I should have a life by the time I'm 30.

You still have a few years. At least have a plan by your mid 30s.

>some good years

things change but not necessarily for the bad. its nice because you get a chance to pursue hobbies when you unplug from other people lack of a better word. you just do you and you're okay with that is the best way i can describe it.

I'm a fifth of the way through my twenties and there is still much I haven't done.
Honestly I regret being so asocial during the years in school. I mean, most of the students didn't like me and simply tolerated me but there are alot of social opportunities I wasted.

I already do that sometimes... Does it get easier to feel "motivated" as the years go on?
On the days I wake up "motivated" it feels as though no task is beyond me. Well, until the next day when I wake up and all of life returns to feeling bland to me.

You still have plenty of time to make up for lost opportunities. Embrace it and make the most of it. At least make sure you have some good stories to tell and regretful nights to fap to later.

>Embrace it and make the most of it.
If I could have done that easily I'd not have missed most of the opportunities.

35 and calling yourself cute.

During your mid 20s anything is possible. Go new places. Meet new people. Even if you have been a loser most of your life, new people don't know that. Reinvent yourself. Have fun with it.

Why mention "cis"? This not Tumblr, faggot

to motivation; no, i havent noticed any change really. where to focus becomes an issue sometimes.

also habits become harder to break and more ingrained. developing good ones now will help you keep a few decent friends, at least in my experience.

Alright I'll go for it.

>35 and calling yourself cute.
I think he is probably a latent homosexual on top of being the kind of person who simply buys into whatever the sjws are selling to avoid ever arguing with them as rational people do.

ok. I need to figure out how to be motivated without it being a matter of luck then. It is the difference (to me at least) between being creative (and wanting to do stuff/try new stuff) or being focused (but not particularly aware) & not even wanting to do things the way that has minimal effort.

luck? no man. you hit what you aim for. but yea you can have a mix of all of that, its not an all or nothing type deal

im just saying what helped for me was picking a few solid, long term stability oriented goals and focusing on them. i kept doing what i wanted to do at the same time creative/new experience wise. i had friends that just continued doing what they wanted to do exclusively. most of them are still in rent, single and play vidya all the time. which, isnt a bad thing i guess if thats your idea of a fulfilling life.

>cis white male
>matriarchy cast male cuck, kill yourself.
>Propagating this feminist meme.
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