Help Sup Forumsros what should we say next 3 pics related

help Sup Forumsros what should we say next 3 pics related

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damn bitch

So you're Filipino? I know some Filipino words.

Chill. Just making sure you're not an asian cunt.


I like filipino food

Whatever you reply is probably going to end up on this bitches tumblr account anyways

ask her if she is a ladyboy, flips like this question

Damn autocorrect, I meant to ask What's your favorite food

what the fuck????????? she's a cray cray. avoid her at all costs rofl. she obviously has identity issues if she can't simply say "im asian". she has emotional baggage....

ABANDON SHIP!!!! Also ask her if she's a ladyboy.

Tell her there's no need to flip out like that.

Holy fuck this actually hilarious. I cannot believe you made her flip because you asked her ethnicity! Hahaha

LMAO this.... makes her look like an idiot.

Marinna i'll be honest with you too, I love filipino food.
Btw I think you have writen your name wrong, it should be Marina, just one n cutie ;)

OP did you meet her on tinder? those fucking bitches are CRAZY I tell you lmfao.

This is OP I need something that's going to totally own her I can't believe this stupid bitch

This is OP no bumble

this !

I'm white

This is OP again I kind of like this one but idk yet

Ok then...... in that case tits or gtfo

OP the best thing you should do is not respond at all. My cousin told me ignore the bitch and she'll probably text you back. if she's doesn't she's probably a lunatic and doesn't give a shit about getting to know you.

I just wanted to make sure your not a mexicunt. You kinda look like one, but im glad you are falopian. Aside from that, wanna get some of yoir falopian food?

OP here again here again with another related pic of her on right I thought she was Mexican...

OP respond with this:

YOU'RE OPPRESSING ME! post results

just reply something already, this thread will be dead otherwise

ngunit sanggol i-enjoy ang iyong fallopian pagkain

Translates to: But baby, I enjoy your fallopian food


It's 5am she won't reply though I want to wait till the middle of the day so she gets it right away


Call her a yellow nigger

I thought your name was interesting and wanted to discuss heritage, but as you are as closed as a safe under water, I will simply ask how you illegally immigrated to the country. I have been on the phone to immigration officers to check of you were permitted in the country but they did not have any record of you. Wanna fuck?

So why the fuck you make this gay thread

OP you should just reply with this pic and see what she says. Say is a perfect match for her.

Fucking do it

>what should we say

I don't care i don't date chinks.


You're pretty cool, want to hang out? Maybe tonight ?

so is fillipinos mexicans who got away from their mainland, or asians who got away from their mainland?

say "i am sorry you were born a filipino, I thought you were something good"

she's a bitch can you imagine asking her more personal shit about her life? who the fuck wants to read all that or listen to her? annoying as fuck. no wonder she's single lmfao.

Say "wow you're filipino. I would have guessed you were flipino". Cause she just flipped out.


I think she's got a valid point tho (even if she doesn't look remotely asian)

Asian girls get so fetischized by white guys like it's not even funny. You read all this shit about "submissive asian wifes" and blahblah "petite jap gf" that I kind of understand why she wouldn't want anything to do with that.

Cmon OP pick one and delivar

fuck you ching chong

"I was just curious and thinking about what color your vagina is."

So your prejudice is to think people who ask your ethinics are prejudiced?
Amuse me a bit more, i'm intrigued...

Tell her you're half Asian and find this offensive and prejudiced.

>*tips fedora*

Enjoy your stay in Nevergetlaidland.

Or say "oh, so you're filipino, cool, i'm...". Just act like you completely ignored her rant.

What a good-looking dude, I daresay!

Send her a dick pic.

That's east asians. Nobody wants southeast asians.

This is the correct answer.

Say "Ah Filipino, I thought you were Mexican. Cool, so what's your favorite food?"

wtf? pasty asians or firm chocolate?

OP here I just keep rereading what she said this bitch is crazier than a loon I will deliver I promise

Handsome/10, would post if I was Jason


Holly fucking kek, this made cry user

is this a cringe thread?

Fucking do THIS

That's bullshit and you know it, they're like a perfect blend of latina and asian. You really think the average Sup Forumstard would pass on that?

Soft curves, cinnamon skin, a cute asian face and all of the down to earth charm of an underdeveloped culture

Fucking this

" If my cat was a cow, I could sit with it in front of my fireplace " reply with this wisdom

this!!!!!! please do it

This faggot

Replace "Filipino" by "Chinese" and expand on what a beautiful country China is. Include that you don't get why Trump hates China so much, since your mom has a lot of china in the cupboards upstairs.

(you live in the basement, but that'll be your next move)

How many times you gonna reply to your own comment? Dickbrain

Ask for nudes in whatever the fuck her native tongue is.


kill yourself you queer

Fucking this.
Ur suggestion was trash bro. Gtfo.

"Why I would say "I love you in Tagalog"? I do not even know where it is..."

Filipina chicks are usually awesome, at least the ones born there.

This bitch is obviously a crazy Americanized cunt.

OP u sure this is not her?

It's more like elves vs. dark elves.

It's not the elf part that's the problem. It's the dark part.

So sure, you're not African. But if you're not chimps, you're banobos.

But nobody can look at the 3ft tall, knuckle-dragging, flat-faced slatey niglets from southeast asia and think they're worth a homo sapien's time to mate with.

>Soft Elves or Hard Orcs?

Not a hard decision

I have no friends

dubs is winrar, OP deliver nao

Well now you obviously have to say "i love yuo" in tagalog and telll her that you like filipino food and have a filipino friend.

The're literally just a little tan :/

Well that's just your average retard, there are those in japan too. Only they're locked up in institutions.

Tell her you're actually filipinno yourself and you just wanted to be sure about it then tell her she's acting like a bitch and you told her that so she won't do the same mistake with other guys

Op deliver you waste of human space. Fuck!

OP, this thread had potential. But unfortunately, you're a giant fucking faggot. So fuck you.

Simply say this OP.

OK, so because I was curious about some basic information regarding your background, you decide to become irrationally upset? Yeah sorry, not every person is going to flip out because they got asked a simple question such as this and then jump to conclusions assuming I am some asshat who is going to go for some lame ass icebreaker like "hurr I like filipino shit too". If anything you just saved me some time in not messing with your level of crazy, because if a minor question regarding your background is going to set you off, then I would rather not walk on eggshells trying not to set off the next irrational freak out moment. I get sometimes questions like this get irritating. I personally get tired of being asked how tall I am, how much money I make, and what kind of car I drive. But if you asked me one of those questions, I wouldn't assume & immediately profile you into some stereotypical box. Because you don't fucking know me. And this is prob. why you are single, and will remain so. Here's my word of advice. Take a chill pill. The world doesn't revolve around you. And if someone is trying to make basic conversation, maybe wait and see where it leads before jumping the gun like some psycho bitch and biting a guys head off. Now I am going to swipe, I wish you the best.

It's called chinegras mate


this. that bitch needs to get knocked off her fucking pedestal.


Ask for nudes obviously.

Eh potato potata

"Woah.... Assuming I'm going to say something along the lines of what you said is incredibly intolerable and you have no right to assume I'm a douche. In fact acting this way won't help keep the 40 cat lifestyle away. I simply asked a question and you went full cunt. I see why you're on tinder as your personality is drier than 2 dicks with no bitch. Shut the fuck up and quit assuming. Oh and black doesn't mean African American btw. Sometimes it means nigger


So I'm guessing you're not the " fun asian" then...

Butthurt is writing your life story to some dumb bitch instead of just saying "lol okay you dumb bitch"