Yo b, I'm quite a famous person...

Yo \b\, I'm quite a famous person, tell me your experiences with famous people in greentext and I might tell you who I am, timestamp possible. Shoot faggots. Pic unrelated. Not me I swear.

>go to Sup Forums
>meet quite a famous person but didn't tell us who he was

yeaaaa i call bullshit

Nice try, Batman.

Bless you m8

Bill cosby

>doesnt tell us who he is
>fuck off

Attention Whore Protocol activated:
Tits & Timestamp or GTFO!

Got a Selfie with myself and Steve O last month after a stand up comedie show, shit was cash!

bby :*

>Steve O l
No greentext f off

Yeeaahhh...Unless your posting nudes idgaf if you're some B-list celebrity on Sup Forums

my bad

>Steve O

I'm a bi curious man that presents as very masculine and definitely not gay acting.

Two VERY famous gay cultural figures have sucked my cock. Met both of them in a hotel lounge and just got comfortable and they asked if they could make me feel good. I was happy to let them.

Where can I get a couple of those?

Tom Selleck

Jeffree Star

are you jesus

I was on British tele a few times as a child. Russel Brand made me suck his cock backstage.

Bullshit. Prove it bitch

No greentext

Let me stuff my cock in your mouth user

>be me
>be in Vegas
>see Tayshaun Prince
>played for the detroit pistons
>they just won a championship
>so it was around 2004
>told him congrats but that he beat my team and stopped them from getting a 4peat
>he was shopping in a mall

another one
>be at pearl jam concert
>eddie vedder made eye contact with me


>see the singer from 311 after concert
>he signs my friends poster then walks away
>ask him to sign mine
>he ignores me and start walking into the bus
>i crumble up poster and throw it at his head
>he flips me off and goes on buss

thats all i could think of.

>met Guy Lafleur
>shook his hand, got an autograph

lol famous people can be snub asses huh

You look like Daniels Radcliff. I gave Dan Auerbach of the black keys an uber ride to his hotel. Told me about his life and stuff, super cool guy really about the music.

is OP still here?

Ooooh Dan is awesome, love jewish peeeps


thats cool he seems hella chill. and he like to box so that cool too.

>i used to know Mø before she became Mø she was in a band called the edmunds with two of my best mates and we ran in the same social group of frriends.
>Smoked weed with Lukas Graham on Christinana.

Famous people piss me off. Steve-o is cool. Knoxville is waste'. Every other one I met is a fucking tool. Taylor Swift passes me off. I better never see Selma Gomez, rape would be inevitable. 41. The word of Sin is Restriction. O man! refuse not thy wife, if she will! O lover, if thou wilt, depart! There is no bond that can unite the divided but love: all else is a curse. Accursed! Accursed be it to the aeons! Hell.

No greentext din read


>be me
>go with my author dad to some festival in LA
>he knows edward james olmos through some stuff
>edward walks up to us greets my dad
>my dad says hi and asks if the girl that was with him was his daughter
>olmos is visibly annoyed
>tell my dad that is his wife
>then walks away irritated

i guess he was getting shit in the media for it at the time


>answer phone
>hi is anondad there?
>yeah one sec
>dad tells me that was Victor Villaseno
>he wrote rain of gold

he isnt that famous but he is a successful author so low key famous i guess?

who are you OP

>Go to a My Chem concert when I was 16
>Go backstage to meet band
>Hug all and hang out talking bout music and movies
>Tell them I gay
>They say it's cool bros
>Guitarist slipped on ssome ice and landed on his ass
>Security said I need to get out
>Guitarist said I can stay bc I helped him clean his ass

Cool guys, were really down to earth and nice.

>Living in Monterey, go to Carmel
>Stumble across small restaurant tucked away down an alley, get some food
>One seat left on the patio, guy says I can sit - have lunch with Clint Eastwood
>Old army buddy becomes Hollywood producer
>Occasionally visit, meet his friends: find out later they are award-winning screenwriters, producers, etc.
A bit of that and it became clear - 'famous' != 'different'



thats cool he lives in monterey i think

He was super nice, too

Yo that's cool I like them

>Met Demi Lovato
>Bitch didnt like me

I bet OP is Ted Cruz


Hi Taylor.
I was wondering when you would show up again.

>going to Berklee
>meet Melissa Etheridge
>attend club concert with her
>end up spending the night with her at my place
>we stay in touch
>15 years later she's back in Boston for concert
>she calls and tells me to come
>get into concert for free
>spend the night with her in her hotel

I'm not a girl, sry

only Americas gayest politician / serial killer

>The Zodiac Killer

I call bullshit fag

>didt post proff


Worked on "save the elephants" legislation with Bob Barker. Spent quite a bit of time together working on it. Then he got sick and spent a few days in a DC hospital. I wound up sitting with him in the hospital room while he tried not to die.

>celeb life is glamorous


whatever makes you feel good.

>Met Murray once
>No one believes the story

I bet OP is Danny DeVito

>a total player

it all adds up

i gave like four stories can we get a hint now?

>Playing poker in Las Vegas
>Jose Canseco sits down
>I have Red Sox hat on
>I give him the nod
>he asks if it's just a hat or if I'm a fan
>I say fuck you in from doahchestuh
>he laughs
>play about 10 hands
>get 7/2 off
>Jose raises
>I re raise
>AQx on the flop
>Jose bets
>I go all in
>he folds
>I show him my bluff and say thanks for the memories
>he says fuck you

lmao no he isnt. edward wayne edwards is do your fucking research.

>b friend at airport
>sees snoop walking with big ass security nigguhz
>has to say something
>sup snoop
>snoop replies
>sup vanilla

you a fag too?


Took trip to Elliott Smith memorial wall in l.a. wrote on wall tried to get a drink but stupid dress code at every bar......door guy directs us to bar down the way after we ask for a "hole in the wall" or a "dive" go their, chat with doorman, tells us Drew Barrymore is at the end of bar. Go in she's dressed in chuck Taylor's jeans and a Hoodie making out with some dude hard (find out later was Justin long......wasn't famous yet just those apple commercials) had crush on her whole life (I'm 35 now) my girlfriend (now wife) makes a rose out of a napkin tells me to give it to her, after 2 more drinks I walk up and try to hand it to her

I've provided services to famous folk, for the most part I lie and say whatever horseshit they want to hear. Sure it's organic asshole


>sent an email to Noam Chomsky
>he wrote back

What I assume is her bodyguard gets in between us out of nowhere she let's me through I give it to her we talk and have a beer her and Justin both super down to earth just normal relaxed chit chat girlfriend and I say bye and walk around town a bit.....later on that night find paper rose on ground bout a block from bar

Uhhh hinttt... I am mentioned in one of the comments here. that's a big one right there. One of the greentexts

>get free tickets for a baseball game, we're both mets fans
>mets lose because of that dumb cunt keith hernandez
>me and buddy walk out to the parking lot and see hernandez
>friend yells "nice game pretty boy" as we walk past him
>the guy turns around and spits on my friend, the spit ricochets and hits me in the eye
>hes lost in the crowd as we stand there disgusted

Fuck Keith Hernandez.

>Noam Chomsky
im gonna cry when he dies. also what was the email regarding?

I've fucked Lindsay Lohan

Not exactly something to brag about though

I met Kyle Hotz at my local comic shop. That's the end of the story, I did walk away with a signed copy of billy the kid though.

Oh that's pretty cool buddy :)

Met William s Burroughs new York mid late 80's

This thread is stupid.

Like you


Austin Mahone sucked my dick

Ouch, i'm offended.

>Daniels Radcliff
no way, he's more hairy

You don't have to believe me and I frankly don't cre


got any proof? not trying to be aggresive btw

Nope. You were expecting a timestamped pic of my cum on her tits from a coked up night about 5 years ago or something?


>frankly doesn't care
>still posting with no proof tho

>Met a few internet famous people
>Going to a starwars con to hopefully meet mark in a few months

I've met people who are well known in certain groups but that's it. I used to do Judo with the kids of the dude who started blackberry. They were pretty chill.

I'll start with newest to latest
>last month Vince Vaughn walked out of a private lesson in bjj and said hi to me
>couple months ago I saw Fred Armisen at a comedy festival we talked about mac demarco
>same comedy festival 2 years earlier met the main characters in workaholics and took pics with them
After that I can't really remember much too many drugs but I remember 1
>7 years ago at a Italian restaurant in Hollywood finish eating and go out to where the vallet parking is Craig Robinson is standing right outside of the door with his friends say hi and walk away

>catholic priests have been fucking boys since about 322 AD

i got a story for ya

>be me
>I want to meet Danny Devito
>he is the perfect human being
>I grew up watching taxi and Matilda, loving the characters the dan man played
>still watch everything devito is in
>always sunny being the highlight of his career
>don't even bother with other celebrities
>regulaurly get made fun of for mixing up celebrities
> best example being benedict cumberbatch with jimmy dean
>how i long to meet the god king daniel devito himself
>how i want to tell him how much i look up to him
>to tell him my dream, my desires, my fears
>for him to tell me to follow my dream
>for him to tell me i can do anything i put my mind to
>i want him to tell me his stories of success and hardship

I never have and probably never will meet him, this thought makes me sad


OP you fag

sage goes all fields newfriend

Nothing interesting.

he seemed so fucking sad when his wife died a couple years back. broke my fucking heart.

You're Milo Yiannopoulos, aren't you? Don't lie, I know who you are. I'm watching you.