Eurofag here

>Eurofag here

I feel sorry for the 2% of smart americans stuck in the current of retardation...

>Posting more examples below

ITT: Laughing at the most stupid 1st world country on the planet.
>THEN we watch muricans try to come up with insults for people they don't know or understand and dispute scientific facts/objective thinking.

Other urls found in this thread: to google

>Will be re-posting the best bits of the last thread too

Obama was a bad president?


Where do you fit in on this map user?

fake news

blacks sections have lowest IQ. tries to insult white person.
mommies little failure in action.

I honestly don't know and would be glad if you would prove your statement.

meanwhile at op's house....

I don't know where you get those numbers from.
S&P 500 going up is not a good indicator of good economics... ESPECIALLY when a very small part of the US actually invests.
When it goes up, it's because of inflation/cost of living going up.

Lol did you read the op?

you brought it up kid now back it up.
oh wait you can't.

Not that a shill would bother looking into it (above your pay grade) but my friend who lives in the UK visited last month, and was telling me the EU has seen people much worse than Trump coming into power in different areas.

uses lol still expects to be taken seriously.

they aren't very smart. most often just posting the first thing they find on google.

Hahhaaha I thought so!

>I don't know where you get those numbers from.
It says bold letters at the top.

Americans already have 4k nukes what's the problem with making more nukes than Russia

Awesome way to pull numbers out of your ass. Now why don't you take a look at the number of people NOT in the workforce. It's at an all-time high dickhead! Obama is the worst fucking president ever. The great thing is, his name will be forgotten in three months. PS learn howto do research.

Black people are part of America you spastic. Hahaha. I wasn't insulting white people, I was insulting your country and people.

What does that mean?

Have fun paying for that wall americunt

Please educate me, pull up your facts, link your sources.

Somehow, even with your tendies still intact, you managed to hamfist something other than reddit in to your browser.




sure kid

child detected.

>THEN we watch muricans try to come up with insults for people they don't know or understand and dispute scientific facts/objective thinking.

This is interesting but I see no reference... I'll look it up.


What happened to the cold war with Obama and Putin.?.

Global warming is BS. A tree works its magic and creates O2. Cutting down trees drops O2 levels.

but, but; what about grass. no one is cutting them down, or weeds. its natural selection at work. Trees have evolved and become something humans destroy. Another form of plant life will thrive. therefore O2 will still be made by magic.
Those green peace faggots dont want you to know that.

Didn't you hear, Mexico is going to pay for it.

>I wish I was dumb enough to believe that.

yawn, try being interesting kid or is this tread really about you and your lack of social skills.

but you are kid. real dumb.

go sit in your special corner

I can understand why Trump would say that; it gives him more wriggle room to pursue short term economic gains that the people who gobble his knob will love.

What I've never understood is why a portion of the population reject the science in the first place.

>being sarcastic
>point out I'm being sarcastic
>"no, you believe that"
>know that people who mock Americans are just as dumb if not dumber

This is not even worth refuting. I love people who dont understand natural selection v sexual selection v cultural selection invoking these ideas incorrectly.

well you see, tree's suck up carbon dioxide to make carbon. Trees are largely made up of carbon. Carbon dioxide is basically the gas form of carbon.

You burn something, you turn carbon back into carbon dioxide.

Simple fucking science.

>know that people who mock Americans are just as dumb if not dumber
Nobuddy haha that's where you're wrong.

Now Trumpnigger says taxpayers will pay to get it done quick, then Mexico will pay US back.
So look for that check from Mexico in your mailbox next year.

What exactly is wrong with that? MAD is one of the main reasons why conflict between superpowers doesn't happen.

Looks legit. This is pretty interesting too.

I'm gonna call bullshit on this map


to illustrate this further, the amount of carbon/carbon dioxide doesn't usually leave earth, it is either contained in a form of carbon, or it's a gas state of carbon dioxide.

You burn trees, coal, oil, ect, you turn the carbon into carbon dioxide, and the world gets warmer because carbon dioxide is good at trapping heat.

Trump is an egotistical liar and a self-serving piece of shit. His brain lacks the ability to think more than 15 mins in the future or past, his hindsight and foresight are shit.

The 2 party system is going to keep us paralyzed in hatred and fear and this country is going to "fall back to earth" in terms of being "better" than other places. This doesn't have to do with Trump tho, he's just a rich kid asshole who grew up and kept getting what he wanted.

lol "other"

hawaiians confirmed for extra-terrestrials


>>THEN we watch muricans try to come up with insults for people they don't know or understand and dispute scientific facts/objective thinking.

You can call it whatever you like sweetie but it don't mean shit to google

This makes me sad that my state and parish has African American as the largest ancestry.

where did they get the data for north korea? and china being above average...

Interesting point but they already have the capabilities, why add to the pressure?



This ain't about white/black it's about America being full of retards.

I agree with you, the system is the biggest issue here. to google

you're the one who posted the map jackass

did donnie get a pie in the face when he went in the ring?

Let's be honest here, we all know we elected trump for the memes.

You wanna know how long it took me to find the source using google (The website I linked you to)
>4 seconds

Omg are you calling him donny as in donny from TBL? Holy kek I hope so!

>the most stupid 1st world country on the planet.
>Exhibit A

yawn, real dumb.

ohh ok
>For 104 nations there were no IQ studies at all and IQ was estimated based on IQ in surrounding nations.

aww, did I hurt your feel, feels.

It's not just the system though, it's the people. We have no soul. You can meet individuals that have depth to them and are interesting, but as a whole we're so superficial and self-absorbed and shallow. Trump is the embodiment of those traits, he's just a recent symptom of this problem we've had for a while.

well put

While I doubt this is exactly Trumps plan/reasoning, I can think of several reasons.
Russia can't stand against the USAF and their doctrine has always been defensive, so most of their tech reflects that. Because of this Russia is much more advanced in missile technology and can thus deal more damage with their nukes. They also have more active nukes than the US. They are also currently massively overhauling their entire army, or at least have plans for it. Don't forget that this tweet was Trumps response to Putin saying they will update their nukes.
China also has some plans to upgrade their stuff, not really to MAD levels but that they still have a nuclear deterrent
Then there is stuff like Iran supposedly trying to get them, North Korea supposedly will be capable of producing serious stuff in a few years, India/Pakistan doing something stupid, Israels Samson Option, any of the unaccounted warheads (iirc only America has lost 40 of them, tho I might be completely misremembering) ending up in the wrong hands,... Realistically this are all 100% non threats, but the military still has plans for them.


Trumpfags drank the Tang, now we all have to pay

I'm curious what you're particular genetic stain is.

I'll go with French and throw in Jefferson Davis parish for good measure.

Also check 'em.

This is intelligent input. I think the reason for this is the youth of the country. Zappa puts it nicely.

butthurt? try bleach. its great.

>1st world country
The US???

found the tard.
sorry I have no youtube link to show how immensely retarded you are.

Look at all these butthurt americans!

Their anger brings joy to my heart!

I can think of a reason not to.

>unaccounted warheads

Apparently there are enough of them that some can just fall off the truck.

leaving this here

US citizens have an avarage IQ, what's your point?

Well you could try using your words? Explain it to me :)

As opposed to Milo fagging Breitbart cucks?



Fuck yeah! Sure kid guy is back!

you imply our government represents us

i observe the reality is a bit different


all low wage crap jobs you can't live on, check home ownership if you don't believe me

aww, somebodies feel, feels is hurt ;)

implying is a sign of retardation. wonder we're fucked, so many dumb people

in that our government represents russia?

US is for paying for the wall!


How deluded are you?


My heart goes out to you.

Kek op called it:
>THEN we watch muricans try to come up with insults for people they don't know or understand and dispute scientific facts/objective thinking.

the country would be 3rd world if it weren't for their blood oil going buy USD/gallon

This map is pretty amazing. No sources, no author name, just a paint by numbers. You had to look at the file name just to know what it's supposed to represent. You could just change the name to cucks per capita to make a different narrative.

no, it represents wealthy business owners

the russian shit is mostly propaganda to distract simple democrats from the truth

> democracy

yes that's what we observed during the election, billions spent to mislead people, primary fraud, supression of third parties and non traditional voters, district gerrymandering, etc

its people's fault for buying it but its really hard to fight people's willful ignorance, if not impossible

There is literally no reason to not at least keep updating your nuclear strength.
And the nukes never just fell out of truck, I'm pretty sure like 95% of the missing warheads/bombs are from planes crashing somewhere in the middle of nothing that could not be retrieved.
Hell, there were so many close calls with the nukes. The most famous being that one Soviet officer that refuses to notify Moscow about a supposed US nuclear launch. Or a few small scale ones, like the one time the Americans managed to crash a plane in North Carolina. It had an active nuclear bomb on it and 3 out of the 4 failsafe devices broke.

This is a nice pic, saved.


So in your head - High IQ = Being a cuck
>Says a lot about you.

That's a good point indeed.

That's call damage control. When you can't argue against the oppositions, call them name! That will sure win the argument

Wait, you've tried bleach?
