What would you pay for my moms used dildo and panties?

what would you pay for my moms used dildo and panties?

Don't see any panties.

10 bucks, a pick of me taking it in the ass, and transport


25 bucks you pay shipping

If you haven't already, you know you want to, lick the dildo OP. If you dare, suck the tip of it and think about where it has been.

Tell us if you can taste your mom on it. What does she taste like?


the cringe.

Trips, so do it

pic of panties

Do it faggot!

If you don't your head will explode in 30 seconds

>implying I didn't buy all that for her in the first place

There really should be a layer of shit on it, especially just below the cock head.

Not every1 likes anal

Show me ur mum first

3.5 tacobell wrappers

Do it! Just do!

I'll pay you $200 USD via PayPal right now, plus shipping.

Can I get a picture of her?

Send to my email

Whatever anyone else offers for it, I'll double it.

I need this. I really need this right now.

I offer $201 plus shipping

>I offer $201 plus shipping

Ok. Let the bidding war begin.

P.S. I am an Oncologist, so I doubt you'll win.

$402 plus shipping!

I bid $403

Has she got any STD s
I'm after top shelf you know

Double it and you have a deal.

Glad you are here as this thread is cancer

nope no stds /OP

>I bid $403

I'm sick of this shit.

I bid $1200 USD.

Email me your info and I need this shipped tomorrow, please.

You've got to be kidding. If your serious my wife is 109 and ridiculously hot yes you will agree. Inny puss plus pubs are strawberry blonde and so thin looks like a adolescence but she's mid 20s. Always smells clean always.

Good God of almost sell her for that much