Yay or nay?

yay or nay?


NAY jesus fuck

for the love of god nay


Face looks terrible. Tits?

need a better pic to determine.


Face is 1/10 and body is 4/10

Nayyyyyyy (spoken as a horse would)

This but not so critical.
Face is 4/10, body is my 9/10
Fucking go for it if kinky bitch.

tattoo is repulsive. Poor, generic design. Indicates a general lack of creativity and intellect.

she got a big ass. I would hit it

Yay. A chick like that will be a straight whore in the bedroom. Better verify she's not a monkey-fucker first though.

Jesus Christ...... just leave

I like her face on this one


I dunno, gonna need a good pic of her tits to decided, they can either make it or break it

got moar

Extreme Anal Solo 46 Years Joyce

Lets see her nudes

Show more



There you are

yes What would you like firet how old r u

Im 30.

what do you like to see ?

I like titts. Not saying no too pusay either


i would tear that cutie up... fuck she is sweet... Who is she? how old? lol

for you like?

Very nice. Pls continue sexy

more tits?


Yes pls. If you want


you like ? are you aroused?

Yes I am

for you

No way youre 30, thats ok i like 60 year old milfs. But be honest.

like my legs how would you fuck me user

Your arm skin is saggy...id say late 50s

i never said I was 30 I'55 I adked your age user

Very nice legs. Would take you hard from behind

Yay, but for sure with the lights off

Id slowly take your walker away and kiss you gently then id remove your dentures and have give me a gumjob, then we would compare our 401k's

this u too user?

Im the one taking you from behind. Not the lights off. Il end my msg with.X

Send personal pics i need to wank


This isnt me id take you from the front. Ill end my messages with. Y

Yoy dirty whore :) where you from

Ok. X


>Septum piercing

Confirmed for nigger lover

Looks like a dude, unless you're into that sort of thing.
Yeah... Still a Nay.

you like how about this

Quit copying me. Y

I like it very much sexy.X

Spread pussy and then ill be hard enough to start.

how close user ?

Very close. X

More titties, please!

Not even hard you swine. X


Pussy please...come on

you cum go back to where we started and we can talk

nay what a pig

Spread it. X


Dude id get that checked out..

tribute me user and post it in where we started I came so good my pussy is tingling

Ok but i need you to spread your puss before i can cum. X


What the fuck is this shit? Are you guys like grandson and grandma doing wincest on Sup Forums?If so...neat

More please

Dear fucking christ NAY.

Also, shit tattoo.


Learn to fucking spell "yea," retard.

she thicc i'd hit it

Hi Jennifer.
Does your lip/chin still quiver when you're nervous?


I still remember how tight that pussy was.

>pierced and tatted


Would smash that pussy to oblivion.