Just got done furiously masturbating

Just got done furiously masturbating
My fitbit says I lost 150 calories in 11 minutes
How many cal. do you lose during sex, Sup Forums?

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OP Here
Didn't get to cum as I'm on Zoloft, btw

Masturbation isn't sex little buddy.

>How many cal. do you lose during sex, Sup Forums?
about 200 calories.

It was the way I did it
>Lube up your hand and fuck it

i've eaten so much pussy in the past 4 days, i can guarantee that i've burned up maybe about 1/2 of the calories i've taken in from drinking in that same time. so that's pretty good i guess? got my dick sucked some too but that was just kind of me laying there fucking mouth, so it wasn't much of an exercise.

200 calories

>little buddy
what the fuck is this, Gilligan's Island?

sex is much more tiring

199 calories

I gained a pound from sex. lots of gay sex, too much. Some would say i'm up there with op.

I prefer her on top, but i still do a lot of thrusting... so 50 cal?

30minutes on my treadmill and I lose close to 450 calories

30minutes lifting, doing situps, push ups, and squatting every single day for 2 months straight and eating only 3 9oz servings of soup per day has lost me nearly 34lbs. and ive gained some muscle too.

I also jerk it about 9 times per day.

I should be a skeleton in another few months

Don't ask me where I got this info from but the average human loses 200 calories during 30 minutes of sex.

>9 times per day

Are you fucking kidding me?

fuuuuck dude get a girlfriend


No. Sometimes I can go for 14. Years ago in High School I once masturbated 17 times in a single day.

My dick was so sore it was actually numb lol.

Nah. I'm a loner. I prefer being by myself.

I'm actually in the middle of jerking off right now. No lie. To this img


How the fuck can you fap fo 11 minutes? I either cum in 1 or 2 minutes or just lose interest.

Well... good luck then friend.

Damn dude.
Your testosterone levels must be through the roof.

I can't masturbate over 3 times otherwise i'll fall asleep...

The average length of copulation in humans is just 3 minutes - sad, but true. If you are honestly and truly managing 30, then you are a god amongst men.

9 times a day isn't really that bad. I personally do it about 6 times because I don't want to blow my load earlier than she wants it. I have absolutely no control, so fapping it all away has helped tremendously.

I have POIS

If I masturbate more than 2 times a day I might actually die

That's bullshit.

I've seen men go for tens of minutes

hah get rekt

I also jerk it when I'm sick (it seems to help). Do you jerk it when your sick and find it helps?

Currently jerking it again over in this thread.
