If I land on jupiter and light a cigarette, will I the whole planet?

If I land on jupiter and light a cigarette, will I the whole planet?

Yes. Yes you would.

No. No you wouldn't.

No, it will grammar singularity.

It would create a new sun, thus letting us enjoy daytime 24/7/365
Scientolgists and astrologers have been trying to do just this for 600 yearsp

>picture of uranus

will you what the whole planet?

No, no oxygen.
Also sun doesn't work that way. It's nuclear fussion
MFW you are fucking stupid = No face

Well there's no oxygen so there's no way you could the whole planet.



You named Uranus Mercury on your computer then called it Jupiter, then proceeded with some of the most autistic grammar on Sup Forums

You need oxygen to light fire, I think. Also meteorites burn up in its atmosphere like all the time and nothings happened.


You're thinking of Jupiter

Baited hard m8

thats not jupiter, thats your anus.

it's mostly ammonia and it's not certain if there are flammable gases there

you would totally die within seconds.

thats neptune tho

No fire only works on earth


That's Neptune, you fucks

Nice one that's Neptune you dickweed

Might find a Gerbil

If you could light the cig then the atmosphere has tons of fuel to burn the planet. But you couldn't light the cig because there is no oxygen to make the initial fire.

Neptune, fucker

It's Pluto you colossal idiot


You won't even make it pass the asteroid belt.

Nice try homo


No colloidal silver is not flammable.
I've checked.