I live with my mom in Slovenia

I live with my mom in Slovenia

2 months ago I take a shower and the wall is dirty, spider web or something

I take the washcloth and use on the wall, but red/yellow thing appears

I realize it's snot and my mom blew her nose into the washcloth and just left it in the shower

I was mad so I jacked off into another washcloth and left it there in the shower

Then my mom takes a shower

Now 2 months later my mom says she's pregnant

I know 100% certain my mom didn't get fucked by another man

She is devout Catholic and would never get abortion

She legit thinks she is pregnant with 2nd coming of Jesus Christ

tldr I'm gonna be a daddybro, also God

cool story bro



what the fuck

Yeah OP. that's not possible

>I realize it's snot and my mom blew her nose into the washcloth and just left it in the shower

>I was mad so I jacked off into another washcloth and left it there in the shower

Rape her. It is the only logical action now.


Maybe she thought the Lord left his juice on her snot cloth and she decided to impregnate herself and bear the next Messiah.

aren't you supposed to be in school?

enjoy having a retarded son OP


are you Cody'slab?

Op will be new God. Mexicans will be deported, mudslimes will be executed and the world will be saved from degenerates

Thx dude, fingers crossed

>guy doesn't look anything like cody
wtf man?

OP here, how do you know what I look like lol

oh, i thought the picture was you rubbing your filthy washcloth in your face.

That's clearly a woman, I searched google for "blow nose into washcloth"

post pics of you and your mum

post pics of you in your mum



Ne mora se abortirat samo odlaskom doktoru. Iznabijaj je u stomak, ako je istina išta od toga što si napisao.