Well, shit

well, shit...

Other urls found in this thread:


But Hillary is the corrupt one right?

Fucking lol. This is like a greek tragedy playing out before our very eyes.

Let's see the proff. Not the CIA agents who are butt hurt cause HC LOST. Now LETS MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

>this is a conspiracy too
>it's all a conspiracy

Conservative logic.

Says the liberal calling conspiracy.

There's not direct proof that trump had anythign to do with it. putin could've done this all on his own just to put a literal retard in the white house.

>implying trickle down economics and legislated morality are what made America great in the first place

Just proves bros look out for bros...

if tru, putin save us from destrct. thank put

OP, why does that fucker's face appear on this board so often?



Settle down child, it's game over for Hillary. She lost and she won't ever run again. With her health rapidly declining I'll be shocked if she doesn't die within the next 5 years.

Remember shes the only presidential candidate in history to have a full-time neurologist to help with her seizures.

Because Putin is love, Putin is life.



Putin is mediocre and boring.

>the CIA agents who are butt hurt cause HC LOST

top lol, implying CIA agents aren't the most conservative motherfuckers on the planet. I think they would have been happy if a republican had run in 2016.

Like America hasn't influenced politics in EACH AND EVERY nation in the world that it could for as long as it could.

Of course Russia tried to influence the election to get rid of the party that have been working against it for eight years now despite doing what THAT party said it would do when chemical weapons were used in Syria...

So if this is true, what does it mean? Will the election result be annulled? Or will they fuck it all off and put Trump in anyway?

stupid cunts, of course he tried to indirectly or directly damage hillarys reputation and prop up trumps.. did he hack podesta/dnc tho?? thats what people have been goin nuts over. i dont care that he got some people to troll online

It means absofuckingnothing.

The USSR rules the world, buds

murrika isn't equipped to deal with that kind of situation. trumplethinskin is going to be president and he's going to be horrible at it.
with any luck he'll ruin the country enough that the parts of teh country that don't completely suck will be able to secede without much hassle leaving this shit eating south and mid west to die with the next hurricane or tornado respectively.

yeah doesn't really mean anything at this point. Just more mental acrobatics from conservatives who secretly long to live under a leader like Putin.

Bruh, read the fucking report. It's not even that long. Guccifer/pals hacked the DNC and emails. All part of the same info leak.

the soviets couldn't rule half a continent and the russians can barely maintain their own country now. they're all too drunk, lazy, and cold to do anything.

Firstly, Reuters is reporting on a report -- which doesn't even link the actual report in the article.

Second, the supposed "hackers" supplied DNC emails to Wikileaks -- even though Assange has said their sources were not Russia. So, exposing DNC corruption is, apparently, "rigging" the election -- which couldn't be rigged according to Obama and the like -- in favor of Trump.

More like mental-acrobatics from Leftists who lost and need a coping mechanism. This isn't the Cold War.

Funny that people had no issue shrugging off Trump saying the election was being rigged against him before he won, but now Russia is hacking everything since Hillary lost.

Putin didn't do shit. With proxies, it can look like anyone is launching a cyberattack from anywhere. It could have been an american or Israeli (ahem) hacker for all anyone knows, simply using russian proxies. If there is some hard evidence, it has certainly not been revealed by anyone anywhere, to the public.

No he isnt you faggot

I bet Cuba, China, and the political leaders of the SHERPA even tried to influence the election, we know 100% for a fact that Saudi Arabia did by donating to Shillary, wtf does it matter if Russia tried to influence the election. Did they hack the DNC? No, the ONLY MAN IN THE WORLD who knows the sources of the material Wikileaks posts said Russia was NOT the source of the Podesta emails.

you are specially retarded my friend



Is google to hard for you :(?

Thank you, Mr Robot. h4x0r 2 teh starz!!!!1!!


If you actually pay attention, it's obvious as fuck that what's happening in Washington is political manipulation by a lame duck and his political corpse entourage.

USSR wants Brexit, Brexit happens
USSR wants Trump, Trump wins
USSR wants Stormzy, set trends dem man copy

lol, like a former kgb senior officer would put anything REAL on paper.

Nobody ever told what the fuck INFLUENCE means.

It's not like they made fake votes. What else they did? Contributed to the automated fake tweets as candidates did already themselves?

It's the truth, fool. I challange anyone here to show ANY proof of ANY kind that putin or even russia in general was behind any hacking.

You can't because there is NONE, 0 evidence, let alone real proof. There were some russia originating IP's on a server's log. Well, shit, a 12 year old can do that in 10 minutes with free web proxies. That doesn't mean shit.

Where's the proof, liar?

it doesn;t who had anything to do with anything INSIDE the US presidential election system. What matters is than an outside influence may or may not have changed the overall outcome, and that's pretty much what this is about

I agree. I just don't think trump is smart enough to actually have a hand in any of this.

>he wants direct proof
But only when it suits you, right, Cheeto-fingers?

Considering that the US sends their black hand special forces to usurp legitimately elected governments, and actively supports rebel insurgencies in other sovereign nations on a level approved by its congress on the public record, I'd say Obama needs to shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down about it.

What about USA influencing elections all over the world, especially in russia?

Where is the outrage for all the money Saudi Arabia gave Shillary. Talk about trying to influence an election...


Not in the slightest, but you can bet your arse he'll be whining like a little fucking bitch if the result hadn't been in his favour

If the US does it it's divine right, but if anyone else does it, it's some kind of act of war?

Hypocrisy much? This is why the US and it's people are becoming literal pariahs around the world, when 30 years ago, the world treated Americans as VIPs.



He's a whining bitch despite winning.

US intelligence agencies are always spot on too.

Wibble? And what the fuck does that make your post? Absolute retardation?

Uh, 30 years ago Iran took American athletes hostage. You have a funny way of defining "VIP"

Oh piss off. All this right-wing bollocks again without a shred of proof apart from articles from Brietbart or Fox news again.

The "intelligence" community is seriously making this shit up. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE RUSSIA HACKED THE DNC, PODESTA, OR THE ELECTION. NONE. If there was, we would see it on every news channel, every newspaper front page, every magazine cover, every news site homepage.

Instead, we get statements that basically say "we assess Russia hacked the election". No specifics on what was hacked, how exactly it was hacked, or who in Russia did it. No specifics on how it came to such a conclusion. No hard evidence at all anyone with so much as a Russian accent had anything to do with it.

The truth is simple:
John Podesta fell for a garden variety "your email is at risk!" phishing scam, and a disgruntled DNC employee downloaded the DNC's emails and handed them off to a Wikileaks contact. No hacker, Russian or otherwise, necessary.

The Obama administration has hyperpoliticized EVERYTHING in our government, especially the intelligence agencies. That's why these intelligence "assessments" are heavy on innuendo and bereft of facts and evidence.

Does anyone else remember when the CIA was caught editing its own talking points on Benghazi to erase references to Islamic terrorism and match the video-blaming narrative Obama and Hillary were pushing? Same fucking people are still there, pulling the same shit.

So did these russian hackers commit voter fraud?
Did they hack into the voting computers and changed votes?

If not is see no problem here. Saudi arabia pumped millions into hillary's campaign. Corporations pump millions into elections. If someone believes, that russia is the only country trying to influence the U.S election. You're either incredibly stupid or willfully ignorant.

suck on that slav prick harder comrade

LOL, right. I'm a take James Clappers word for all this????!!!?!?!?!?!?

No actually, they are literally not. Let's see, there was the Iraqi Intelligence about Saddam's weapon program that everyone knew was bullshit, but Bush forged ahead anyway, there was Lybia, and.. well, actually, there's no shortage of fucking examples of US intelligence failures in the public record, let alone what else they have fucked up in secret.

oh look it's this thread again.

Trump and Hillary, tell me where is the difference?

Wait, Hillary already has blood on her hands...

Based Putin then. Hillary was the worst option.

Looks like the Sup Forumstard faggots have found the thread.
PROTIP: correct their spelling and grammar. It drives them insane.

Nice pic but no links, nice bait shillary

No, you're just a retard pretending "Iran" is the world.

Or as you put it. "You have a funny way of defining "world"

good post tovaritch. extra vodka ration for you.

you know these people you see on the news are just faces. putin doesnt say shit, hes just a face so that people can hate him.

HER CAMPAIGN DISCLOSED THE FUNDING FROM SAUDI ARABIA! Nobody thinks twice about it when it's all up front and in your face...

That's actually a good point I wouldn't actually be surprised if those scribbles did mean something.

Congress publicly approved sending equipment to the rebels in Syria, fighting the legitimate government of Syria. That's as real as it gets, fool. It's in the public record. The US sends equipment to the rebels fighting the Syrian government alongside ISIS.

Fuck off and die third world shitstain. US citizens are talking here.


Wait.. is this the entire article we are talking about?

>Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered "an influence campaign" in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election with the goal of undermining the democratic process and denigrating Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, a new, declassified intelligence report said on Friday.

>"We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump," the report said.

>"We also assess Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him," it said.

What is new here?
Just that the government said it again?
That there's less reporting here than the December report?
Now it's more true?

Regardless of what really happened, "Hacking the Election" is a manipulation of language to make it seem like Russia is 100% responsible for the outcome, which is just not true. Someone please first uncover the correct percentage of causality that affected the outcome by cause of the published emails.... and I bet that number is statistically significant but not major.

Hillary is a piece of shit, but lol @ your neurologist crap

Arrogant fruitcake.

disclosed. as in they were up front and honest about it.

no they fucking weren't, it was a 3-way fight, why do you think so many people left?

Yes, let the russian propaganda flow unimpeded. Thats free speech, comrade.

Yes, sure, because intelligence services are well known for spreading literally every piece of information they've got before they know exactly what's going on. Very good point on your side. That's exactly how the public knew that Osama was hiding in Pakistan. They just told everyone and then decided to drop by a few days later, I mean, what could possibly go wrong when you spout out every detail of your clandestine work out in the public.
You fucking god damn moron, you don't make any sense. I don't even understand how you can be so delusional. Fuck yourself, you fucking idiot.

You have literally no understanding of proxies of cyber security

you're a simpleton, with a simpleton's limited understanding of geopolitics. Please leave the conversation to the adults.

Shut up you stupid fucking useless idiot. You should be put down.

aww, did he hit a nerve, amerifat retard?

Well duh....

Well, in case you missed it, one of the factions congress approved to send equipment to turned around and officially joined ISIS, lol.

Anyway, it's not a fucking three way, it's the government vs the insurgents. Some insurgents think they're on one side or another, but they are all just rebels fighting the legitimate government, and the US is sending them resources to do that and usurp a legitimate government.

How is that just or legal? Imagine if another country was on record publicly, sending equipment to extremist jihadists in the US. It would be a war overnight.

You an idiot who is easily misled.

the will allways be misinfo/disinfo thats y u need evidence

What I stated are facts, and all you're doing is squirming under the light of the sun. Those are public facts, and nothing can ever change that ,idiot.

The US has been funding terrorism in other countries for decades, and congress approves it. It's not some secret. Look at it, fool, avert not your gaze.

I'm not surprised at your pathetic attempt at a rebuttal. It's not as if you can show anything I've said is wrong, after all.

>Remember shes the only presidential candidate in history to have a full-time neurologist to help with her seizures.
holy fuck. Someone actually believed that?
i posted that as a joke like a year ago.

"No vote tallies were modified"

>don't get mad at me for being criminal scum. get mad at them for pointing it out.

so america's been influencing elections and installing dictators around the world for 70yrs and were pissed cause someone took a peak to see if they should start getting ready for ww3? Hard cheese i say.

You are truly an idiot.

No, you don't know shit, son. If you don't have any facts, then keep your bullshit to yourself.

Why are you so dumb?

Trump didn't have anything to do with it. He's a pawn. Putin saw a chance to fuck over our vulnerable democratic political system by manipulating brain dead plebs to vote a buffoonish greed driven orangutan into the white house.

Yeah the #1 country in the middle east causing destabilization gives billions to one candidate and the candidate declares it in fine print and nobody cares, but some Russian neckbeards post a few fake twitter stories and it's a scandal...what did they say "almost an act of war"...

You are a gullible fool.

>I'm a fucking idiot PLEASE RAPE MY FACE

so just ignore foreign influence? please tell me youre not this stupid.

No, he's right, and you've offered no counter-argument, just your silly fucking tantrum name calling..

Oh look, another fact-free, argument-free "rebuttal" from a leftist. Typical.

See this is why we demand evidence when you people make wild claims. You're usually full of shit and bad at making it smell like anything else.