What is this?

What is this?

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Some moody kid, think she's famous for stubbing her toe or some shit

Seen tons of gore videos, but this one hit me hard. :-/

me too, my bollocks nearly exploded

If this shit hit you hard, you need to lurk more. Seriously, this shit was just meh. The only thing I'm upset about in this whole situation, is the fact that she did it before a ton of her nudes were dumped somewhere.

It really seemed like she thought it wasn't gonna happen until her final little "goodbye" then she's like "OH FUCK"

Forever alone.

a picture

A corpse

The mom and brother calling her name was depressing

She is twelve and that is this

whrer can I finde the video of her selfhanging?

She needed parents that loved her. I wish instead of her dying I could just give her a hug and teach her to be a neet like me

>yfw i wouldn't ever make any sexual reference to her whatsoever

do you happen to know where?

I second this

Google her name its literally the first result

At 12 I was concerned with catching all the pokemon, not hanging myself

being a neet is a fast track to suicide, at least for me

Ok. Whats her name?

A 12 year old slutty bitch attention whore.


thank you a lot.

Daily life of Amerifats

I don't believe she was 12 she looks 18.

Damn, I had to skip to 18:30, that video was way to drug out.

thats what you gotta tell em

>She needed parents that loved her

That's a lot of sorries that she gives.

thats some cheesy nigger shit writing

It gets worse

There is nothing more pathetic than suicide. Grow a pair you zeroes.

appears to be some sort of photograph.

Wow. She was fucking insane.

>i was to stupid
>to stupid

>>tfw mentally healthy and doesn't understand

these sound alot like the journals that i used to write and give to my therapist

>She was fucking insane.
Boy was she. She clearly had mental problems which her white trash family ignored.

She's pure dead this one. Do the parents get to see the corpse by the end?

i like at the end you can hear her parents calling out for her and messaging here

Why does she keep saying sorry in that suicide vid? It got really cringy, almost too much to watch.

All girls on the internet are 18. Didn't you know that?

They keep getting further away. I can't believe they still can't hear the racket of that ringtone eh

>Why does she keep saying sorry
Because she was insane. Just out of her fucking mind

one less idiot in the world.


etch that on her tombstone.

no i wish they found her and started crying or something that would be entertaining

>Those weak, shallow cuts

What a fucking loser.
I'm honestly surprised she even killed herself.

Nothing more pathetic than a lack of compassion towards those who suffer from suicidal thoughts. Sure, it may be selfish to an extent but to say it's 'pathetic' is disregarding the clear problems that somebody had. Ignorance!


an angel


I know that at times the fear of a progressively receding hairline can overcome ones sanity, particularly in women

you sir are a fuck. a funny fuck but a fuck nonetheless!

Is that lil big bolly?? Is that lil Shrolly?


Call me a fag I don't care. I've seen a ton of fucked up shit, from a man being burned alive and screaming his lungs out, to that gif of a baby being shat on that was posted on Sup Forums at some point. But this shit hit me hard. Cried several times for 2 days. It's less the video that got to me, though her struggles after she jumped made me feel so bad, but it was the story. I felt the same things when I was 12, I also wanted to kill myself, I feel such empathy for her, so much in common, I only wish I could have been there to comfort her... I started bawling when I saw her youtube video where her brother is being annoying, when she said she loves him. Those feels man...

is this pasta?

No he's just a fag

Are you so incapable of writing a paragraph that you think every piece of long text is pasta? Read it, it's relevant to the story, I just wrote it now.

I'm saddened to find that her story is not getting enough attention. Shoutout to all the Sup Forumstards, oldfags and newfags who ever contemplated suicide.

Was meant for:

I'm 12 and what is this?

get some balls you fucking bitch. there is immeasurably more suffering in africa. do you cry about that, too? no, you cry about some over privileged emo princess who listened to too much bad music and became brainwashed into thinking that hanging herself would solve something.

tl;dr - toughen up, buttercup.

What did he mean by this

prescription meds?

Jokes on you, Africa is actually a Eutopia on Earth but the jews don't want you to know that lest you realise you live on a human farm.

>Effects may include suicidal thoughts

She supposedly was on anti-depressants, clearly they didn't work

claiming my waifu

To those who aren't in on the whole story. This is Katelyn Nichole Davis. She commited suicide by hanging with a cord on Live.me. She had a small online presence where she explained her fleeinga and thoughts.

An internet diary she wrote (archived since it was removed): archive.is/OEAay

Her instagram (archived because it was removed) : archive.is/YGNwa

Her youtube account : youtube.com/channel/UCl_BN-qMurMoxdnUfK16iHg

If you want the video of her suicide, it's pretty easy to find. It's on bestgore. Just look up her name.

yeah giving drugs to a suicidal person clearly won't push her over the edge

I've had my worst lows while high on weed, I usually avoid it when I'm feeling down these days

pfft all these edgelords

I know it's Sup Forums but I can tell most of the comments are from edgy teenagers

She lived in a trailer, sleeped on a matress on a wet floor, with her little brother and her single mother, and apparently had an abusive stepfather. So not very priviledged

Not yet :^)


>fluorotic intoxication
learn about it.


Been taking Fluxetine since I was 14, now 21. It improved my life greatly. Weed is not an appropriate antidepressant, it also makes me feel horrendous.

I bet she had a great ass.

how does fluxetine make you feel?

So many edgelords

>chemically lobotomizing self
>works great

Not depressed. Otherwise I feel completely normal. I haven't been seriously depressed since 14. My absolute lowest was 12-13, wanted to die and thought of killing myself many times. Eventually I instituionalized myself in a hospital at 13 to try and end that shit, thankfully it worked. If you wanna try fluxetine you should know it takes about 2 weeks until you feel the effects, and not all antidepressants work on everyone.


jews control pharma too?

I'm artistically gifted. I discovered my talent at around the same time I started taking those pills.
I perform great in school and speak 3 languages. Not really amazing but nonetheless.

Some people just need to be stupider in order to not feel bummed about things they no longer have the capacity to think about. I wouldn't call it a solution and I wouldn't call "not wanting to kill myself" success, either.

>jews control pharma too?
How new though?

i take zoloft for hereditary depression, AMA

probably but the drug he described is literally under $100 for an entire years worth

yeah i totally believe that... not. either, way - even if that was true, that's no reason to kill yourself.


Did you ever attempt suicide? If yes, do tell a tale.

You can watch her living conditions in her instagram videos and her youtube videos. It was also confirmed by her family. They lived in northwest georgia.

Here's another video of it

But how was her ass? Must have been juicy af

Wow so edgy. Anyway, I didn't know her personally. Go watch her photos and videos if you're so eager to know.

so how often did her stepfather rape her? i'm just trying to get a visual for some fap material later.

I don't get why this isn't all over media.

Aww I didn't see this :( I watched the video just after she was saying goodbye and sorry, before she kicked the bucket kek

wow that's pretty sad :( . so how wet does one's mattress have to be to qualify for suicide?