What happened?

What happened?

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He retired the name immediately after, and hasn't really made new music until after...let's say Third Side 3.

Yeah I mean I've listened to bed wetter and all that but why the fuck did he retire the name? This legitimately has only gotten better with age, and there's still nothing out there really like this

honestly uneven compromise is better.
anyway LUM is done with the persona and had writers block trying to keep it writing for it. so he dropped it

>uneven compromise is better
Bruh how? The production was absolutely nuts on this tape, whereas Uneven compromise was a chore to get through

Didn't know he had writers block for it tho

>whereas Uneven compromise was a chore to get through
idk how
first verse was his hardest hitting memphis rap song in his discography
2nd verse is his best conscious rap attempt and showcases he has talentfor storytelling. then it ends with noise which throws back to his days as an noise artist.
its everything hes done so far but better.
idk if its still up but read his facebook posts.

Sure technically you could argue for its lyrical superiority, but it's really not interesting imo, MTI was just fucking extravagant, it was just grand as fuck in production, and especially at the time, and imo to this day was incredibly unique

The best hip hop album of this decade. Better than TPAB

Different guy but
the beats in Uneven Compromise are incredible, but sometimes in MTI the lyricism runs a little too flat for me (Slick Rick/Hoeish Ass Bitch)

>and there's still nothing out there really like this
Mista Thug Isolation is just memphis rap revival though, it's literally nothing new

MTI sounds nothing like Mystic Stylez

well of course.
they didn't have fl studio

Mystic Stylez isn't the only memphis rap album you know...

sounds similar to youtube.com/watch?v=TfAKMpRZhgs tbqh

Does anyone have that Memphis rap essentials chart?

Is it this one that you're thinking of?

This is great, but there's another one I remembered that wasn't a flowchart.

This has a dl link for every memphis album you'd need I think

unironically degenerative mental illness
Travis is sick in the head

Is there any more hip-hop projects like Bedwetter? I loved the more personal lyrics and especially the ambient overtones, even "this in not my stomach." I know I'm part of the minority here but I personally vibe harder with Bedwetter rather than LUM, and I fucking loved his work as LUM.

Oh hush

Mentally ill people tend to make good music.

He spells it out in Haze of Interference with the whole 'treated your madness like a muse, are you happy now Travis!?', not to mention he accompanied the release with his whole story about seeking psychiatric help and talking about cutting his own fingers off.

You could see where he was headed with Oblivion Access and that little zine that came with it (Browns & Clowns or something like that?). The guy's delusional and riddled with neurosis to the point where that's all he can write about now.