Is there any natural way to make my dick bigger and longer?

Is there any natural way to make my dick bigger and longer?
+porn bread

medfag here, not really. There are some sketchy ways that kind of work (penis pumps and such) but those tend to cause nerve damage that can lead to less sensation and even ED.

No. Unless you try some kind of penis exercices. Since it works like a muscle, you can actually make it stronger. But still, no big difference. Just a slight improvement.
But how about you start acting like a child and actually try to rely on something else than your dick to pelasure a women? You got hands and a mouth, use it well and no girl will ever complain about size of your dick.

Samefag, follow up on that if you're overweight, losing weight will make it "bigger" in both length and girth. When you're overweight, the fat kinda mushes up around it and makes it look smaller and makes it difficult for blood flow to reach the area adequately.

The results can be pretty impressive.

Final follow up, fat males tend to have higher estrogen and lower testosterone than lean males. Exercising and getting fit will help fix that and give you better drive, stamina, and just make you feel better in general.

using a cock ring will make your dick harder which can result in it being slightly larger, you can get a cheap silicon one on amazon for cheap

Steal a bike

Steal a bike ok. What's next?

lose weight, if there is less fat around your pubic region then more of your dick is out, thus bigger

Sauce please


welfare check

>kill yourself
>be reincarnated
>kill yourself again because size is not the actual problem

Wake the fuck up and live your life already.

Korea has a surgery for thickness.. Expensive and risk of losing EVERYthing.
Length... you can jelq or pump, but there is no evidence that either leads to permanent gains.


Any surgery is very risky

Once you hit puberty it should get bigger

I have a friend who takes a wet town after a shower, puts it on his boner and does dick lifts with it to build girth.

Excuse me, wet TOWLE. Idk if you can lfit an entire town with your cock but if you can, more power to you

Jelq. Takes month and it's hard to do it right though

Yeah, but that requires me doing actual activity instead of being a lazy piece of shit while eating whatever I want.
>opens up another Coke
>salty snacks, salty snacks everywhere
Why doesn't my dick work good?

yes there is. its called jelqing and it works. i dot it in the moment. look it up on google. you also get harder and healthier erections from it.AND STOP BEING ON Sup Forums IT DESTROYS YOUR SEXUALITY

hit it with hammer, repeat once its no longer swollen
