Any richfags around...

Any richfags around? I'm gonna get kicked out of my house in the next 4 days unless I miraculously find 300$ to complete my rent money. And before you ask yes, I did have a job, but I spent the last 2 weeks in hospital and because my boss is a cunt I didn't get any sick pay plus I haven't got a job now either since I called him a cunt and quit.

[email protected] is the paypal. This is the last fucking place I would ask since all of you are a bunch of souless faggots but I have no other option than begging.

Other urls found in this thread:

> asks for money
> calls people soulless faggots

Seems like a smart guy to me

Just sent you $150, it should be there shortly

Ok, I'm sending the other half.

OP, I've also just send you $150. Good luck bro.

Did I offended you? I'm sorry.

>eric da silva andrade

>called my boss a cunt

noone is gonna feel bad for you, you dirty fucking spic

i actually hope you die you poor dirty little beaner bitch

eat shit

Because we are soulless faggots.

I'm still waiting but thanks anyway

So mad, watch out

Thank you. But I got nothing.

yeah im super mad some little spic i dont even know is poor. hahaha fuckin dumb poor spic

So what? I'm so scary of your little madness God damn it nigger

Oh look everyone! We have a tough guy here! kek

I've been in your situation before, I sent the 300 :) have fun friend

we all do mistakes op, but i hope your learn from them Sup Forumsro

He's underage let him be happy kek.

Too lazy to even make another email COME ON

Thank you.

First of all, I don't have steam kek

I will, don't you worry Sup Forumsro


My mom promised me she would bye a ps4 for me in Xmas but today she came home and said "son your mom can't buy it because we have so much bills to pay and this month I received less"

Can you send some money to my PayPal?: [email protected]

Merry Christmas

HAHA retarddddddddd

Hey Sup Forumsros

I really want a ps4 for this Xmas, but my mom don't have enough money 'cause we are poor af to afford it.

Donate me some money to buy it please :(

PayPal account: [email protected]

Want a fucking ps4 for Xmas

Gimme some

[email protected]

hahahahaha idiot

what is rich?

It's most likely a HUEHUEHUE BR BRBRBR you faggot.

Didn't some faggot post this exact same shit yesterday? Fuck this guy.

>quits job
>asks for money

Yeah right. Nig harder.

4 days is plenty of time to suck a few dicks, OP. Try harder.