Need serious advice boys, please try to keep the piss taking to a minimum

need serious advice boys, please try to keep the piss taking to a minimum.

my gf wants me to be "dominant" in bed. I am not into this sort of pervert stuff at all and have never done anything like this, but I dont want her to think I'm a wimp or a prude.

obviously I can look up bondage porn, but everything I watched either seems laughable or horrible, and I am not sure I can imagine real people doing that stuff.

What sort of thing shall I try on her that will excite her, but isn't crazy? what sort of things does a girl mean by "dominate her"? I don't want to just hit her or whatever.

>slap her face
>fuck her hard and fast
>cum before she does
>tell her to make you a sandwich

thanks for reminding me that I don't have a gf

slapping her seems a bit much?
not full strength right?

well obviously not hard enough that you hurt your hand

I dont know. I guess I *am* sounding like a wimp, but I dont feel that comfortable with the idea of hitting a girl, let alone one I actually like.

just try pulling her hair during sex or grab her throat

or ask her what the fuck she wants

>I dont feel that comfortable with the idea of hitting a girl
look in the mirror and slap yourself until you're cool with it

pulling her hair sounds ok.

I am just worried that asking her what she wants is kind of the opposite of dominant. Obviously I am not particularly dominant, but I want to act like it.

some light choking (firm hand on neck during sex), dirty talking, and slapping on the butt should honestly satisfy her want for a dominance. And when you're smashing tell her to do

how is that supposed to help me fam?

Things I'd recommend trying to see if you like it are choking, slapping and probably "forcing" her into positions that she'd probably never assume herself (not saying you should do stuff she'd never want). Also just rough fucking, but I assume that's not something we have to teach you.

nah asking should be fine, especially if she actually knows what she means by "dominant", as it probably means sth different for each person

just try with stuff you're comfortable with and see how she reacts and how you feel about it and then proceed from there

Does she want you to be dominant as in a D/s relationship or does she just want you to take the lead in fucking, i.e. not be a fucking wimp?

If it's the former, you both should be clear about your boundaries. If you can't have that discussion, you're not ready. If it's the latter, you're just a fucking faggot.

he called you a girl bruh

>hold her throat tight
>spit in her mouth
>fuck her rough and deep
>command her to do stuff
Basicly treat her as a slave

yeah well that isnt helping is it

don't just spit in her mouth OP shit is gross

These, also holding her down with her hands stretched out above her.

If you are strong enough, fuck her standing up, taking all her weight. Pick her up and put her on your dick. Had a couple of gf's loved this.

Could be though by 'dominant' she means she just wants you to do more so she doesn't have to; is she active or passive? Lazy? Difficult to turn on? Could be other things going on there in the relationship.

Shit in her mouth OP

Have a few drinks but not so much you arent in control. Pin her down, hold her hands down, slap her some. Once you see that she gets off on it you will probably be more okay with hitting her. Hitting girls during sex doesnt really do anything for me but if they tell me theyre into it then Ill do it for them.

I dont know

I have a pretty vanilla attitude to sex, the most kinky thing I do is have a blow job off her every now and again.

The sum of what she has said is she wants to be dominant, that I can do anything I want to her, and I should be rough.

If I really did exactly what I wanted with her I'd get her to suck my cock and then let me go to sleep, but thats probably not what she means.

I'd honestly rather she dumped me than have to do that.

My ex liked it you can try it out OP

>soft slaps to the face and hold her mouth shut or put some fingers in it

then just be rough. throat fuck her.

what's she look like?

Usually when woman say they want a dominant man. They don't mean bondage or any of that shit. She just want you to take charge. Push her down, hold her down, tie her hand with a tie, blindfold her or spank her ass. You don't need to go do anything laughable or crazy.

I really dont want to post a ton of pictures, but like this.

there's plenty of rough advice in here. do that.

or, just get a big negro bull to do the job for you while you sob and fap in the corner. you sound like you might like that.

again, thats not helping is it.

I've been where you are, OP.

Tell her you're interested but want to better know exactly what kind of stuff turns her on. Have her send you pictures or videos of porn that she likes. That's sometimes way easier than her trying to talk through everything she wants.

Some beginner mode stuff if that doesn't work:
> Slap her face
Seriously, like half the posts in this thread recommend it. There's a reason. Try it on yourself - you have to slap HARD for it to hurt for more than a few seconds. Don't worry you're going to break her.
> Collar and leash
Just get them from the pet store. Strip her naked and put the collar on from behind while she's standing. Yank on it a little to pull her neck/head/torso around. Keep the leash taut while fucking. Don't really pull on the leash too hard or try to lead her around by it.
> Control her mouth
Use one hand (not two; you'll look like a goon) to put pressure on her cheeks to open her mouth. Tilt her face up towards yours while you do it. Play with sticking some fingers in her mouth (two or three fingers in an open mouth; one finger is close-mouth-and-suck territory). Push her down to her knees to suck you off by pushing on the top of her head, not her shoulders. Have a pillow ready for her to kneel on.
> Dirty talk
Slut, cunt, whore, needy, easy, you get the idea.
> Sense Dep
Put her on her back on the bed with her butt right on the edge. Fuck her with you standing up. Don't wear socks so you can go hard. Put a pillow over her face. She can now imagine anything while feeling like a dehumanized fucktoy slut. Comment on how nice her tits look bouncing in that position.

Good luck

thanks user, thats something to think about

>"reel this in, you slut"
>bend her over, rip her shorts off and fuck her straight in the ass dry.
>Slam your scaly catfish deep into her uncharted fathoms.
>Shoot your eely slime into her moist clutch of roe.

Then withdraw with an oily "pop", kick her square in the back so she flops into the water and yell

>"you ain't coming back in this tent till you've made me a sandwich. Tuna."

Zip tent and profit.

you cant catch tuna in freshwater.

Not with that attitude.