There hasn't been a single night that I haven't fantasized that Rose was laying in bed with me with her arm across my...

There hasn't been a single night that I haven't fantasized that Rose was laying in bed with me with her arm across my chest since 2011.

Every night, I'm not laying in my bed. I'm sharing a bed with her in a hostel in Croatia and she's nursing me back to health because I pushed her out of the path of a bus she didn't see coming just in the nick of time.

I wake up crying every morning, because she's not there.
It hurts so much.

Other urls found in this thread:

Who the fuck is Rose


Prolly his ex


What a loser

Stop shoving rose webms down our throats.




this counts as normal amongst rosefags I suppose

I'm not the only one?

one of my fantasies is very similar to yours except in that particular one i'm an illiterate simpleton who's never been outside of my village until my older brother whom i live with travels to the uk and brings me along. i somehow end up getting acquainted with rose who eventually learns of my illiteracy but isn't appalled at my ignorance the way the others are. we become good friends, then one day i get hit by a car as we're out walking together. in the following weeks after i'm discharged, my brother abandons me and she let's me live with her for the time being and takes it upon herself to help me learn to read.

every night i snuggled up to her with a book that she reads to me.

You have posted the exact same thread on /r9k/ already.

Only the regulars are biting. It sucks to be a waifu fag.

i want rose to sit on my face.
my nose in her pussy, her sweet little asshole on my mouth.


Why would you, she's a filthy 3d girl

>pls watch my shitty edit

but shes better than all those 3d whores
thats why she is so special

>There hasn't been a single night that I haven't fantasized that Rose was laying in bed with me with his arm across my chest since 2011.
>Every night, I'm not laying in my bed. I'm sharing a bed with him in a hostel in Croatia and he's nursing me back to health because I pushed her out of the path of a bus she didn't see coming just in the nick of time.
>I wake up crying every morning, because he's not there. And because I'm a colossal faggot
>It hurts so much.

How does it feel being so cripplingly pathetic?

>There hasn't been a single night that I haven't fantasized that Rose was laying in bed with me with his arm across my chest since 2011.
>Every night, I'm not laying in my bed. I'm sharing a bed with him in a hostel in Croatia and he's nursing me back to health because I pushed him out of the path of a bus he didn't see coming just in the nick of time.
>I wake up crying every morning, because he's not there. And because I'm a colossal faggot
>It hurts so much.
FTFY (at the second attempt)

>my nose in her pussy
>her pussy
Boy have I got some bad news for you.....

I claimed her as my waifu in 2009, unlucky faggots.

Rose is a biologic female you fucking autist. There's always a few that never quite got the joke and now that retardation has spread to semi new fags like you who actually believe it.

i claimed her in 1986, sorry m8.

t. peter