Hi, virgin user here. Yesterday my also virgin gf asked me to fuck her...

Hi, virgin user here. Yesterday my also virgin gf asked me to fuck her. She was really wet but still I couldnt fit my dick inside her. I knew it was a bad idea because I could only put one finger inside her pussy and it still felt really tight. Now I dont know what to do, I told her to masturbate to get used to it and I'm gonna get some lube too. Any advise from experimented anons ? Thanks

Just use the other hole

take advice from the gif you uploaded

Lube it and put it in. It's flesh so it will adapt and only hurt the first time.
Also, do not go full throtle at first, do it slowly or you will hurt her.

Also this

just run and jump at her with ur dick in ur hand to u can put it in her midair


You lay down, she sits on top and let it slide in.

(OP) Okay thanks user but is there something I can do not to hurt her or maybe make it less painful ?

When that happened to my, my boyfriend had me ride him. It made it easier to fit in. Still hurt a fuck ton though

OP here. Thank you anons but is there a way that I can make it less painful for her ? Or without hurting her at all?
I kekd hard to your replies btw

You can go slow and use lube. she will get use to it eventually

Took me a while with my gf too. Just took quite a few attempts and then.. *schloop*

No. Split her like a log you fucking homo

I didnt see I had actually replied I'm a fucking moron sorry for this

Okay I thought about it too, maybe we'll try this.

OP here, I am actually a massive faggot and I am trying to mask the fact that I am gay.

Please play along in my other replies, I don't wanna be a faggot.

Yeah I actually lied it was a guy and I'm afraid of shredding his asshole. Thank you for your help user.

Andre, you're just gonna have to get a bigger girl. Can't you just jack off in her face? Either that or get a bigger girl nigger.

yeah the more lube, the better
also try using 2 fingers to get her used to the feeling

Kek. My dick isnt big its like 16 cm and I dont know what it is in inches
Yeah I tried to put 2 fingers to stretch it but she told me I was hurting her so I stopped.

Why isn't she your wife? Fucking underage degenerates

relax her body, somehow
A massage perhaps

Maybe she will be but I'm 18 sorry Grandpa

Fucking hurts. I don't know how people do it. Even fingering hurts.

Btw I have to share it with you anons it was really fucking awkward. First I couldnt get hard so I asked her to jerk it off for me like the alpha male I aint and then I tried to put it in but it wouldnt so I just lost a bit of my erection because of the stress. Eventually she jerked me off again but it was just really fucking sad and funny in the mean time.

Fit your head in first. Then your dick.

Thats a good advise because thats how babies come out. I'll try it and let you know the result of it.

dude, give up on women already. dont start with the "stress" bullshit dude, who doesnt get rock hard with a naked lady, specially your gf

try wait till she achieve legal age of consent

I was hard as fuck before and after this but during the action I totally lost my mind because I was too disappointed that I couldnt fit in. Then I laughed because the scene was really hilarious.

I mean 6 is legal in my country.
She's 18 just like me.

Hey OP, no idea if it's this but it isn't a well known issue. Honestly i only know about it because of a book i read where a character had it and the author made a note at the end of the book.

It may be Vaginismus in which case talk to a doctor about it, i really have no idea what to do about it.

dont jump to straight penetration, get her ready, 1 or 2 weeks using 2 fingers, she'll be ready by then

We need a pic of your gf's face so we know if that's the problem.

I read something about this but I dont think its her case. I went to some other websites wich gave me infos and honestly I just went here to maybe find an answer I hadnt seen before while laughing at funny answers.

Happens mate. First time was pretty shite for me and my gf too.

I had the same troubles. If the girl likes you just keep trying the next day, eat her pussy. You will get there. I could only penetrate her in the 4th try. The. It was awkward, a few times. After 10 times she I got used to it, now she comes every time :)

Yeah we'll do things slowly thanks for your answer user

Alright, well that's pretty much the only solution i had for it sorry.

Had to fit three fingers in my ex before I could fit in, shit takes time bruh

Thank you all anons. I just thougt it was all games and fun but apparently I'm not the only one having such an issue. Now I feel a bit better about it and I'll try everything you guys said. Except for going head first.

if you can't fit at least 2 fingers (maybe 3) she is not ready for dicking

spit and shove your tiny donger in her

It happens like the other two said. Relax. Seriously. None of this is the end of the world. Take it slower during the act.


Try fucking a 10 year old instead of a 5 year old

She's probably contracting.

Not really.thats how you end up sliding all over the place, take a knee to the face.

The reason it's so tight is because she is nervous and tense. Foreplay a lot. Fingering with one finger, then two. She has to have her muscles relaxed and be very wet. It will not hurt her first time if she manages to relax. There is no reason to force if it doesn't fit, don't listen to stupid anons that tell you just to do it with lots of lube

Yeah I guess so but maybe lube would help if I manage to put like 3 fingers in there or something. I dont know I could relax her while putting the lube.

I never knew this problem.
My current and only girl rode horses and did sports so her hymen was shattered by being knocked around.
Also it doesn't hurt that I have an Irishman's dick.

Sure, lube helps a lot, but it hurts her because she has her muscles tense, not because too little lube. Talk to her and tell her to relax muscles and try to keep them relaxed.

Also, oral sex is a great way to get both excited and ready for penetration, you guys could try that before penetration

U need to bust her hymen, pop her cherry

fucking turn her on motherfucker she won't even feel it

Dubs never lies

Holy projection Batman!

I thought about this and I would like to try it. Thanks about this user

arousal. arousal arousal arousal. the vagina expands when she's aroused and tightens when she's stressed/worried/frightened/pretty much anything else. fucking foreplay before diving right into the puss dude, especially for really tight girls, gotta make her want it/you before you'll get anywhere

Yeah I know it but she just said "can we fuck now?" So i guessed it was okay but she clearly isnt ready, which I told her.

Have her be on top at first. Was the same with my wife. Fucked twice a week and it was months before she could take it all. Some women have small vaginas. Tried using toys to stretch her out more but depth is an issue

Dump your 12 yr girlfriend and get some one more your age pedo

you say "no, we can fuck when i say we fuck" and she'll start dripping so fast you'll slide right in