Hello, b; trap lovers and haters, why do you think so many guys, especially anons, are attracted to traps?

hello, b; trap lovers and haters, why do you think so many guys, especially anons, are attracted to traps?

I have several versions:

> They unconsciously want to be girls;
> They unconsciously want to be traps;
> consciously N 1;
> consciously N 2;
> They are bisexual;
> They are gay;
> They love/are attracted to penis itself;
> They love an idea of being so much attractive that even boys, thus traps, want sex with them;
> They find them exotic.

share your opinions too.

especially anons? because most of Sup Forums are virgins who would fuck a hole in a chicks shoe



your data set is skewed because you're only pulling from Sup Forums where people are naturally a little tardy otherwise they wouldn't be here

i would say it's not nearly as many as you think it is

Straight men aren't attracted to traps. Those are gay men.

This website is littered with social shut-ins and terrified homosexuals. Sup Forums is not a representative sample of men. It is a sample of faggots.

Maybe it's because they know what it's like to be a guy and don't play hard-to-get.

Traps helped me find my sexuality
I'm gay btw.

i like them because i like feminine and cute stuff. I prefer girls, but traps have that advantage of being able to be a top because they can dick me and that's it in a nutshell. I know it's gay but that's it sue me. And I don't like most traps because they are in the uncanny valley between a man and a woman and some of them have that oblivion character face for some reason (maybe because they are too manly and makeup makes their faces weird). However traps, don't get mad at me I'm a picky faggot . Most fags here would love you



It's from porn brain. You watch so much porn and see so much dick, prolly more dick than vagina, so your brain starts associating sexual pleasure with dick. Slap a dick on someone that looks feminine and you got the best of both worlds according to your brain.

> I don't like most traps because they are in the uncanny valley between a man and a woman and some of them have that oblivion character face for some reason
Today's your lucky day

For most people who get into it its because of too much porn exposure. They need a higher "shock" thus they get into scat, traps etc. Like a drug addiction, youll need a greater shock after some time

For me i started watching anal porn because girls always look like they are faking it during vaginal sex. At first traps triggered me but after a couple of years seeing them here i found hot traps that seemed to actually love dick and want to get fucked unlike women. That being said i feel like shemales pretend too so i only really fap to traps and cds for some reason. Men don't turn me on at all, but something about a clean shaven feminine penis and some lingerie...

This. Ive been fapping for 11 years now and its harder than ever to find porn i can get off to

best reply i ever got tbh 10/10 post

The only time Im into trap is after smoking meth for two or more days and my dick cant get hard. So i start shoving things in my ass to stimulate my prostate cuz thats the only way I can nut. Traps are ok then. But any other time its just a guy.

Ok so you are into little boys, not men. Glad we figured this out.

I want to fuck a trap but i know they are just guys at the end of the day and sex with a guy doesn't sound appealing. I would love for one to suck my cock though

Just like petite feminine, girlish things. Don't matter what equipment they have.
They have a mouth and ass. Could make it work.

Little boys aren't for sex, they should just play vidya

They helped me find mine and I'm pretty sure I'm bisexual

This. I am not gay but always liked the idea of sucking another cock (also did when i was in primary school). My acceptance towards shit that "normal" people would find weird or disturbing is probably the reason why I hang around here so often.


its a reaction to years of over the top hyper masculinity, people are embracing femininity again because it was stupid in the first place to reject it

Because Sup Forums's primary demographic is weak, pathetic, nerds and social outcasts. It always has been.

This demographic of self-hating losers doesn't have the fortitude to resist the complete emasculation that results from identifying as traps, cucks, and other non-binary faggots.

Fortunately, these worthless pieces of shit don't accurately reflect wider national trends, but represent a niche demographic of videogame playing, basement dwelling dorks.

While they're a large majority of Sup Forums users, thankfully, even here, there are still some men with a semblance of dignity and self-respect who provide healthy, sane, and appealing heterosexual content. You have to sift through a ton of faggotry to find it these days however.

Hopefully these faggots will do the world a favor and start killing themselves en mass so that we can get through the first page without the constant inconvenience of their continued existence.

I'm attracted to the female body. But when it comes to genitals I'm attracted to the penis. Therefore I prefer traps above anything else.

because they're more submissive than a girl can ever be

Heard this somewhere that 20% of males like the idea of making out with another man although they are not gay. Am one of them btw

That's what I always thought, but I think it's because I became so enamored by the female body and its characteristics that swapping the cunt with a dick didn't bother me that much. I think that the genitals only make up a fraction of a persons character, i.e. fragility, cleanliness, arousing scents and tastes, overall youthfulness, and absence of body hair, which can all transfer between genders.



t. massive faggot

implying faggot is even an insult

You forgot to mention autism
Probably because you couldn't bear to self-depreciate

This is an interesting point. Especially when you realize porn romanticizes the penis to unrealistic expectations. Plays into the whole hyper masculine thing.
But I'd much rather watch lesbian strap on porn than Trap.

Lol. Truth.


I love the submissiveness of girly looking boys, pure lust

>While they're a large majority of Sup Forums users, thankfully, even here, there are still some men with a semblance of dignity and self-respect who provide healthy, sane, and appealing heterosexual content.
First four things on Sup Forums
We're all in the same boat here

Would like to kill every single one of them for making these shitty threads

you are at the very least a little gay user. luckily denial is the first step to acceptance.

Personally, the thread i gate the most are fb faps and pics you shouldn't share. Not only i simply hate them but i can't got those threads actual premise.

you can't got a handle of english either

because buttsex

I like them because girls are sexy and dicks are sexy, its like the best aspects of straight porn rolled into one body.

Plus I'm a virgin so I can't really get too excited about vag, but dick just lights my brain up in a way that the entire female body does.

sorry for my grammar mistakes:
> got - get
> threads - threads'

Gay people don't like traps, I've been called "a waste of a perfectly good twink" so... scratch that one, lol

aCTUALLY i'M JUST SAD THAT i CAN'T GET A GIRLFRIEND woops caps so I start imagining one of my cute guy friends will be my girlfriend in stead, since he already likes me and such


1-5 no question

idk if this is the place to ask for it.

Last night there was a webm of a trap being shocked into cumming. I was an ass, and forgot to save it, so if anyone knows what Im talking about, can you post it.


This ones confusing. They've actually done studies that show straight guys are the primary consumers of trap/shemale porn.

I'm bisexual so it's always been my opinion that we're all this way but some of us allow ourselves to enjoy it when others don't. But people say that's pretty narrow minded, they say it's because we've never understood being attracted to only one sex

But I call bullshit. I was 19 before I got bicurious, and before then I was homophobic and quite literally disgusted by dicks. And even now, the idea of a romantic bi relationship disgusts me. I'm only interested in sucking cock and getting fucked (at least I think, haven't tried it yet but I've adopted pretty bi mannerisms and attitude I'd be shocked if it wasn't the case)

Am I just stopping myself from enjoying it? Is sexual preference exclusivity even a thing? It's so confusing

kind of contracted myself with the bisexual/bicurios thing but you fags get the point

Porn brain. This is a fucking thing and I've only heard it dubbed recently by some comedian. Never had a name for it before that.

Shit turns you on that shouldn't, could be anything. You get glossy eyes and adopt pretty creepy mannerisms unintentionally.

Is there an actual scientific term for this? Is it hypersexuality?

I don't think all people are bi, but I think way more are bi than we think.

I think we're all capable of it all, but some of us understand how to control their hormones while others don't

It's like that guy, the iceman, who climbs snowy mountains wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. He's able to manipulate his immune system in a way others can't, at least by their default. He can teach this skill and I've watched a video of some rando reporter climbing that same mountain with him.

Don't you regret becoming bicurious?

I did for like the first three years definitely. Lots of self hate man. I've either numbed up/accepted it enough that I don't take comments like yours offensively any more. But I'm still sure asf not coming out as bi.

It fucks me up cus I'm normally super dominant in most situations.

I'm not gonna find a wife with the gay eye twinkle and submissive mannerisms. Makes me want to condition my brain away from it, just like I sort of conditioned myself into liking it

>Shit turns you on that shouldn't.
This is Judeo-Christian bullshit. It's in all our dna to procreate with what we percieve as a fitting hostess. So what if it's got boobs and a dick. Our dna doesn't differentiate between what's real and what isnt. Our brain does, but it's there is a lot of social programming going on.

Just do nofap

I'm speaking to a child aren't I ):

Bummer I actually wanna discuss this...

Nah man, porn brain is different. I don't think you're familiar with it or you'd understand what I mean? I wasn't saying you shouldn't be turned on by dicks user

Itll make you more dominant due to higher testo levels. Also fapping is for losers

bump for discussion

You don't know anything of what you're speaking. I understand the science behind all of this, I don't want your non contributions and ignorant opinions. Stop replying.

Then correct me. I am open minded. Also i aint no native English speaker so i might have misunderstood you

Well the problem is straight guys aren't going to experiment enough to find out, and those who do and do discover they are gay/bi, well people will just say they were bi all along.

But I see where you are getting at. Maybe sexuality is similar to learning a skill, some people are just naturally gifted, but some people have to suffer through trial and error before finding their sweet spot, but as I mentioned most straight guys aren't gonna suffer through 100 bad gay experiences to find a good one.

I also wonder how much of it is just mental barriers. Gay is bad/not masculine is something we all pick up at a young age, but what if it was normalized or even revered, would people still grow up to be as homophobic.

I'm not here to educate you. You've proven yourself an unworthy conversationalist and I don't want to talk to you any more.

Reason why I like traps is that they are so submissive that they become female, a bitch for my dick so I can abuse them, and they would call me daddy and love it. That's why incase's traps are so hot. They are obviously male with flat chest and slight jaw bone but everything is soft as fuck because they desire so much to be cock sluts. It's about being so alpha that weaker males become females to my cock.

I do like some shemales because to me they are giant, tall, big titted Amazon women who want to dominate me with dick. This is about being fucked by a super powerful woman.

Because at the end of the day, it's a male brain there, and no one understands what a man wants more than another man. A trap is loyal, always horny and doesn't bullshit like women.

At least for me, a trap is far better than a trans girl. A REAL trans girl is on hormones that wipe out the ability to get an erection, so if you're into a feminine partner with a hard cock, you're gonna be out of luck. It ain't like in the pornos, my friends. It's chemical castration. Plus, the hormones make them batshit insane. Imagine an unpleasant combo of menopause, puberty, PMS and pregnancy moods all rolled into one psychotic bundle.

...yeah, gimme a nice slim femboi who loves girls clothes ANY DAY.

Hetero is cancer.
Sup Forums has always been a trap board.

They're fags, that's all there is to it cancerfag

Yeah, societal norms is my reasoning for people not exploring it too. I've got desire to fit in but the draw of pleasure is greater, why should I stop myself from enjoying it because someone says I shouldn't?

>well people will just say they were bi all along.
That's the crux of the "we're all this way" argument. My experience is anecdotal sure, but I truly believe it. I'm an evidence based person.

>but what if it was normalized or even revered, would people still grow up to be as homophobic.
If there were a group to fit into by being so I think yes. Dominance has and always will be a huge part of human nature, if someone can feel better for disliking someone else what's there to stop them?

Time and time again that's proven true. Every single real trans I've meet/spoken to is batshit insane. But so are the majority of crossdressers?


Have hooked up with any guys yet? I've been bicurious for years, but I'm only into twinks/traps, which are hard to find so I've never crossed the line.

Trans girl here. My path to understanding and accepting that I was trans started with an attraction to other trans girls, or traps. I wanted to fuck them, and eventually I discovered that I wanted to be them.

I think, in a way, this has to do with an extreme obsession with all things feminine. I am attracted to females, whether they have a dick or not. (I call myself bisexual and literally dress like a girl, so don't try to say I'm in denial. I know what I am.)

So, with this obsession with femininity, I eventually came to realize that I wanted to be feminine myself. I wanted to be the thing I was attracted to, cause why wouldn't I? I want to be attractive, and what I find attractive is the female form. Sometimes with dicks.

I'm also attracted to men, but in a much simpler, more sexual way.

I don't know if this answers any questions or not.

closet gays or bisexuals

BECAUSE THE JEWISH PORN INDUSTRY HAS DAMAGED YOUR MINDS SO BAD THAT YOU HAVE TO GET OFF TO THE MOST FUCKED UP SHIT YOU CAN FIND. porn addiction is the same as CRACK addiction they both release dopamine in your brain, over time the receptors down regulate and it takes more and more to get the same dopamine spike. This happens with porn you start off watching normie missionary sex and over time you can't get off to it anymore so you have to look for more and more depraved shit. Guys find themselves looking at so mix porn of women until they no longer get satisfied with watching the women. No they start shoving dildos up their ass and cross dressing, now they can only get off to the thought of BEING the women. I think this is a part of the reason of causing people to turn gay, Jewish porn influenced them.

Nope, every time I get close to meeting up I chicken out. Mostly cause they've all been set up via Sup Forums or /soc/ and I'm on the twink side of the spectrum. I weigh like 110 lbs. I don't wanna get craigslist raped cus I'm thirsty you know?

Afraid of the mental impact doing it would have too.

Can you send more pics? You look hot

I think you're right user.

I post pretty frequently. Surprised you hadn't seen me before :P

We're misogynists and deep down we believe that traps are superior to women.

I think you forgot your pills today

Has nice try SHILL. this is a fact you can find all the sources on Google. Porn addicts brains look exactly like crack addict brains on brain scans.

Are you actually trans or is this just a fantasy? That looks exactly like a stuffed bra. Are you taking hormones?

We like dicks and tits, duh.

I wish I could get payed for calling out paranoid delusions on the internet. That's be pretty fuckin sweet.

I kinda feel the same way, like being a sexy THICC woman is a huge fantasy of mine, but its mostly a sexual thing, I like being a dude way more even though I suck at it.

Yes goyim keep watching porn it's healthy for you! Oh you feel like becoming a women? Don't worry this is 2017 we have a very accepting LGBT community! Just please don't be an assertive manly leader we don't want that!


>I'm on the twink side of the spectrum.


Have you noticed how the new generation of men are super feminine and beta as fuck? Walking around looking at the ground? Too scared to talk to women? Its because of the effect porn has had on their minds. If you castrate a bull it becomes more docile than a cattle.


You cant get a girl? You look for traps, easy to understand

>unintended consequence of porn
I realize it's human nature to look for explanations but blaming jews is absolutely delusional user.