Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous:The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!


Still here.




still here



still here


You have a lot to learn from the one who mastered that art, alleged smug mug.

Not here





sad you can only get (you) that way
try talking to people instead shithead

You can't purge what has been purged 76 times already.


Eu claimed

Cleanse me

Autist love repetition

I ain't smug, that's a blank mug.

Whoa I've never seen you without an accompanying math problem



>Is on waifu non ironically
Yes I can
Already been done.

how have you been?

claiming Julie Sigtuna naturally

You're blank.

>Sup Forums memes
autism confirmed
(you) there you go

And you are bland.

good I gues. you?


im alright just bored
trying to find something to do

is that a boi?

>still on /waifu/ non ironically
Right back at you faggot

Want to do some math homework with me?

I'm the same, days whitout work is boring.
well half the time...



i could try if you really wanted
yeah me too but longer than days...

only when fucking?

(No pic)


Lol I wasn't expecting you to sayyes but I need to get it done. What all math have you had?

don't worry

everyone already knows you're flawed

you don't have to point it out

yes ;-;

I work as a professor and I get long summer holidays, I always need something to do in the summer. xD
Its hard to explain...
>Luka had always dreamed of being a complete girl, and was disappointed that he was born a male. This changes later on in the story, as Luka was turned into a female through the influence of a D-mail.

Why would you want to cleanse me?



whats the name of your claim? and is she your first waifu?

i need to get a job again soon
what do you mean?


HAHAHA now I just imagine someone sending their D with fedex XD
what did you do before?

But not even the good kind like my favorite 3d Hibiki.

Have you tasted the salty milk yet?

Der Ketzer kann nicht mal Deutsch, will aber das Vaterland repräsentieren... Schande.

this conversation is over

What math classes have you already taken? Is it something that interests you?

i worked for the state doing data analysis
ive only done up to pre calc and it doesnt interest me im not the best at it

wichtig ist nur wie seine waifu? heißt damit ich die mit auf die liste setzen kann...
hab gerade angefangen mit dem zensus für heute
was machen wir mit den 5 postern die nur claimen?
ich hab die jetzt erstmal nicht mit aufgenommen...
und dann wären da noch mal 5 IPs die wohl anonpostern gehören

3d hibiki??

I was just in the shower.
I never really liked milk. maybe why I am so short. Salty milk sounds more desirable to me anyway.


I just hold lectures and sit in my office and act important.... and some other teaching things.

That would be a very van Gogh thing to do.

Wer sich nicht beteiligt, nutzt der Community so wenig wie er ihr schadet. Einfach rauslassen, würde ich meinen.
Seine Waifu ist Erika Hartmann, die weibliche Version des hochdeorierten Kriegshelden Erich.
Was gibt das für den Gesamtschnitt?

The none heretic kind of 3d.

I'm glad you didn't unlearn this during your hobo days.

It's my job.

Hey that's definitely more math than the average American! Did you learn any set theory in pre-calculus? I'm about to start probability models, which you may find interesting if you enjoyed your work with data analysis. Probability is the theoretical backbone of all of statistics. You will need calculus when you get to the continuous stuff, but at the beginning all you really need is some set theory and counting techniques


18 Anons
13 Ok
5 (Kätzer, Avatare, Shitposter) Schlecht

Aber ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass ich bei manchen nicht weiß ob sie gewechselt haben oder nicht.

i pretty much just put data from a few files into an excel document pretty much useless
by data analysis its not as advanced as you might think

I don't know what that means.

por van gogh ;-;
how did they not just automate the process?

Das ist doch schonmal eine ziemlich gute Quote.
Insgesamt erheblich aktiver als gestern noch.

Yea, he regretted it a lot later and asked everyone to claim it was just his ear.


The liquid kind.
It's a... blend.

Doesn't matter. All you need is curiosity and perseverance. Could even get you up to speed in set theory in like 10-15 min if you really wanted. If not don't sweat it.



hahaha wat a plot twist.
gtfo newfag

Oh now I get it.
Not a big fan of whisky but it works fine.

i dont know its just a waste of money for them


What do you teach if you don't mind me asking?

Post your Nazi waifus!


Even went so far as to cut it of as well, as far as I heard. Probably the smart thing to do.

It helps numb the pain inside.

Showering? I never could forget it.





Sieg Heil

where are you from then?
I teatch Algorithms and Data Structures and Algebraic Topology 1-3
Imagine the pain *^*

Just a little.

That's awesome!

your ways are wicked and unpure

Haruhi-claimer claimed~
