What's better

What's better

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Something adults drink.

You know, without sweetener in it.



coffee with a squirt of 2%

Mexican Coca-Cola > Pepsi > US Coca-Cola
Diet Coke > Diet Pepsi

Coke. Pepsi is too sweet

Your mom



I've always prefered Pepsi.

pepsi of course. What kind of question is that?

pepsi as a soft drink
coca cola as a mixer


I'm a big fan of Monster, but if it's between coke and pepsi, Coke.


this is oddly specific.
>only adult drinks are water and unsweetened coffee and tea

faggot i bet u like aluminum too.

pepsi's good, ya know. If you like putting your penis in other mens' butts.


Pepsi's just imitation sugar and dirty toilet water.

But growing edgelords like it, because it gives them the energy they need to produce only the dankest of memes.

If you want yout tooth melt both are good. The acid in soda eat your teeth, seriously.


I have two 1.75 bottle ticked away in the fridge, getting cold for tomorrow. I'll be watching Angry John and Todd in the shadows worst off videos. Combined with my coke, a truly Marvelous day will be had I'm sure.

Pepsi just doesn't have the same hit as Coke does


so does beer.

>coke product.
Coke wins!



Good for dank memes. Bad as a refreshing beverage.


TAB cola


>implying that adults these days don't nuke their coffees with sweeteners

Hey; newsflash: Kids drink energy drinks these days. That's the young adults that have made places like Starbucks millions.

starbucks isn't even coffee. Their coffee tastes like the free shit they have in banks.
I wouldn't have a problem with starbucks if they branded themselves as like a smoothie shop, because those frappuccino things are what make the white girls go nuts. and those aren't even coffee.

spot on chap, spot on

Supreme gentleman

Rum and coke

protip: Starbucks coffee is good. You're just a tasteeless douche who probably has a macbook pro. Bank coffee is not even arabica you dumb shit.

Irn Bru


Water. Soda is cancer and will give you cancer, and diabetes.

Pepsi is better.

this is way better

as long as were having obscure drinks

checked by the way

>so mad he forgets to reply
starbucks made a fatal flaw with their business model: they got garbage and coffee confused.
it tastes like the shit they have sitting out in the banks' lobbies.

>mfw everyone in starbucks has a macbook pro

Because fuck those based brands...

Pepsi !sded

>nobody posted it yet

it's ok. is just a butthurt white girl who likes starbucks because they're trendy

go DP yourself
Pibb is the superior being

point is that saying starbucks is bad coffee is just parrotted hipster bullshit. It's good if you actually drink coffee a lot, and is easily the best nationwide coffee chain. I'd take peet's ocffee over starbocks but that's a whole different level.

Mexican Coca-Cola is the exact same shit the US gets. In fact, Coca-Cola has their factory in Mexico.

this user had his tastebuds burnt off by syphillis-infested cum, so please excuse his idiocy

'Mexican Coca-Cola' which is made in Mexico for import/distribution to the US, uses cane sugar instead of corn syrup. Coca-Cola that is made for sale in Mexico may be cane sugar, or corn syrup, depending on the bottler.

Every middle aged woman I know gets too much starbucks


>Not drinking BooKoo like a real OG

obviously pepsi

but really

ginger ale
root beer


>buying water in bottles


what about boku

Sup Forums-go.tumblr.com


Macbook air is the thing nowadays?

Wrong. Google harder.

Underage. Ban this faggot.

Why did you save the pic twice op?

Boku doesn't give you a power level of over 9000.

Www. Bookooenergydrink. Com
And go get you some

fucking retaard. maxresdefault is the thumbnail name from google for every picture.

Coke Zero. Still has caffeine in it, but oh well. Don't you Amerifats get caffeine-free Coke Zero?