be me

> be me
> GF broke up 1h ago
> feel fucking sick

Help a /bro feel better.
Dont know how to handle this shit, just getting more and more angry.

Other urls found in this thread:

Here, a heckin' cool rabbit.
Hope you gonna be ok, user.

At least you had one OP, stop being a fag not everyone here had that luck

Ah shit dem feels.

You will feel better after some time OP, I promise. Even if it hurts like hell right now

Thanks user,
I've already thrown out everything i relate to her, thrown my shirt in the laundry - it smelled like her...

My arms and hands still smell like her from hugging.
Maybe a shower.....
filling up with whiskey, no chance to sleep.

Thanks man.
That last hug, fuck! fuck me!
You know anything that can distract me?

I feel like im just putting all my feels in a black hole, and being angry instead. - Right way to go?
Just as autistic as anyone else, haven't cried for 14 years.

Try taking a bath and listening to some of your favorite music. Think about all the good things in your life.
Another heckin' cool animal

I would rather be without, no way it's worth it.

Go workout, fukin wreck your shit
Start thinking how to better yourself
Forget that bitch, upgrade to better model

I'll give it a try mate, no bath, so shower will have to do.
The sad part is that she was the light in my otherwise very empty life.
Don't know if I'll just get lower from trying to find any other positive thing from this life.

FUCK! Get a fucking grip.
This happens to everyone, right?
Every day, every fucking day one of us feels this way.

Good tip mate, already done my lifting for the day.
And I've had a couple of whiskeys now...
I usually take sleep meds, is that shit OK to mix with alco?

Yeah it's quite normal, it's pretty hard to make a relationship with most of the girls these days, since the majority are hoes. Just keep on looking forward and find something else to be the light in your life, and in time you will find a better girl.
I believe in you.

This song is great and I listened to it nonstop after my first breakup but it will rather make you cry than distract you:

If you look for distraction, try
working out
meeting friends
watch south park

I do not recommend getting wasted with a broken heart. You will end up having the worst hangover of your life and feel like shit on top of that.

Thanks man.
I'm listening to your song right now.
Not what i usually listen to, but wth.

Thanks for all the tips!
It's 22:20 here right now, and work tomorrow, so South park i guess will do.

regarding the drinking, I just need to get the edge of.
I just want to hold her, smell her hair.
Fuck, you know what im on about.

Enjoy your night user, good luck tomorrow at work.

good night user

this will pass, dont forget

Maybe she will call you in 2 or 3 days to have sex. I guess you are youth, you will have another girlfriend. Men have more success at getting women when they are older, from 25 and older every women will want you.


fuck her best friends take pictures and send them to her

Listen to some music, do some exercise, talk to a friend and just distract for a while, breaking up is always painful so your best option at the moment is to have some fun

OP here.

In lack of other things to distract me.
I'll tell you what happened...

This girl, in my eyes solid 9/10.
Brunette, kind of short, just perfect, so when I hug her, I can perfectly rest my head on top of her's, you know....
She likes to work out, so do I. perfect!
She studies do be a doctor, I work.
Same sex preferences, awesome sex!

Please note that I've never felt this muck for a girl ever. I'm 28. turning 29 btw.

Today at 14:00, she texts me, saying "I've been thinking about us, and we need to talk"
>Fuck fuck fuck.
> whole day, been feeling sick.
> 20:00, go to her place to talk
> She starts crying.
> I love you user, and "you are like the perfect BF"
> But it feels like we dont "click"
> And I dont feel like we ever will.
At this point I feel the worlds crumbling around me.
So I ask her:
> Do you want to work on this, and make it work?
> No, I will not get any more in love than I am atm she says.
What the fuck have I done wrong?!
> Hugging, and she cries,
> hold her for 30 min while she cries.
> Take my shit and leave....

> be here.

I guess im writing as shit, getting a bit drunk, and frustrated.

Don't listen to sad songs...Try and talk to other females...Go outside for a run.Be strong fellow Sup Forums

she probably has a niggers cock in her pussy right now. kill yourself user

Kill yourself, fag.

Thanks user, that was fun.


dump the nudes or get tha fuck off autistic retard, you are wasting our precious pixels by making a shitty thread

Thank you cool pet bro.
tomorrow will be future me's problem.

she's single now? It would really teach her a lesson if you gave us her contact info.

nice trips and dubs btw

Man,I know how you feel...My ex gf broke up with me on 10 july 2015...We stopped talking and we kept seeing each other after awhile and fucked harder than ever and I started talking to other girls...Started dating someone else while I was fucking her...But man...She meant the world to me,niver mistreated her...She did so fucking much to me...I still regret letting her go but it was for the best,once you break up you can never go back the way it was so stay strong and fuck some bee-yatches and also drop em nudes

prove that guy wrong im not able to screencap
op faggot

That made me feel fucking great.
Hope my misery helps you in some way.

no problem, user.
creating misery for others makes me feel better about myself because im insecure

My fucking first trips here, now. fuck me.

Thanks for your story.
I will prevail. but, but...
you know what i'm feeling.

Thank you user.
I've got whiskey legs already, so I'll run tomorrow.
Any tips for good music?`

Thank you user.
I hope she does not call me for sex.
Couldnt handle that right now.
I guess there will be more girls, but this could have been _the one_ ...


I'm the same guy.Depends on what you like...
Kodelina - High hopes is a good one
Aerosmith Crying
Metallica - REVENGE

been there man, depending on the relationship it'll definitely take a while to mull things over... i wasn't able to do anything for literally a month without immediately thinking about my ex after our break up, so don't let people try to force you to "get over it." you take your time and really think things over.

also, remember that not every breakup means that someone was "at fault.." just because you're you and suddenly she doesn't like you doesn't mean that you're not who you're meant to be.. just keep living as yourself, that's all you can do!

feel better man!

Thank you friend.

Thank you again user.
will make playlist.
feel free to add more if you think of any. I guess I will be up for quite a while


Thank you user.
I can already hearing eveyone saying "hurr durr get over it"
I will take my time as you say.
It's just fucking hard to not think that I need to change in some way.
I am who I am, but that obviously didn't work.
Guess I wasn't compatible with her, thats it.

bad company - moving on
Johnny Cash- Solitary man

Thanks again friend, I've made a playlist with all your songs, listening to it right now.

you obviously cared about her, which means there was something special about her, so as people earlier have said you're very lucky to have found someone like that in the first place. you should treasure your memory of what you had together because it's something completely unique. probably every other relationship that you'll be in will be very different, with unique nuances.

just don't turn bitter about the whole thing. don't think that she was lying about your relationship, or her feelings, because chances are she wasn't at all.. one of my huge red flags for a weak person is if they're bitter towards their ex because it means either 1 they had shitty taste in the first place with the delusion that they were dating someone great, or 2 they just got bitter after the fact (or 3 the ex actually did something to deserve the hatred, but that's really rare)

OP here.

I need your advice.
Do I just puch all the feels into the black hole of feels,
Or should I somehow confront them, and fuck I dont know, feel?
Tips and tricks needed, im getting a bit drunk and dont know what to do.

Shower with music.
Work out
be around other females
talk to friends.

It's ok to feel angry or hurt or like shit after a breakup. It's normal. Don't fight it. But don't let it control you either. It'll pass; keep some perspective. It's like fear. Let it wash over and through you; once it is gone you will remain . Just don't do anything stupid in the meantime.

I recommend getting plastered with some buddies.

I'm waiting to see if you like them.
Shower with music,work out keep yourself busy if do this you'll stop thinking about her without even knwoing go out with your friends do some fun stuff

Thank you anonfriend.
Absolutely, she was very special to me.
More so than any other girl before.
I do feel luck to have found that, and I know not many do ever meet someone like that.
I will not be bitter, I will cherish what we had. and not be a cunt about the breakup.
It's just that. you know, it feels like shit right now.
I want to hold her again, but I wont. and that stings life?
She did nothing wrong, and she was open and clear about everything and I'm glad for that.
It's just the primal urge to be with her, thats whats breaking me...
love you /bro.

This guy knows what's up. Hats off to your fine emotional health and maturity, user!

decent list, here are my additions/suggestions

here's my post breakup list for you:
1 READ a ton, at least an hour a day of classics (nabokov, tolstoy, dostoevsky, nietzsche, gogol, murakami, buy a damn kindle and torrent the hell out of them)
2 work out on a schedule and STICK to it like fking glue (you already had that on your list)
3 go out with your friends (already somewhat there)
4 learn a language and go to the country where they speak it, alone, and couchsurf/air bnb across the country. it has never been cheaper/easier/safer to travel.
5 write down your feelings in a word doc if you get super mopey. it really helps just getting it out.
6 don't text your ex
7 delete your fucking facebook
8 don't drink, it is expensive, gets you fat, and does 0 for you as a person
9 play video games if you like them

Great music friend, enjoying it!
The go out with friends part will be hard.
I'm a vet and left all my frinends together with the army.
Now im stuck with no friends except you guys.
I ahve to make an effort to get new ones, I know, but... NO BUTTS! FUck me.!
ps. pls more music

I hate being so hateful. It's been well over 100 days and she hasn't even said a word. I miss my best friend, like a lot. Years of friendship and love just seems non-exsistant. I don't hate her, I'm not even mad at her. Just sad. I was just starting to feel better yesterday but then I heard she's dating someone else, and I mean, she's fucking amazing, so only a matter of time but it only confirmed it for me. He's a redhead, who likes stupid games and dungeons and dragons. He's just like me. I drew her a picture, and I thought it would actually change something, fuck I'm dumb.

Thanks a million friend!
I take your advice to heart!

OP here
Fuck man, i'm down there with you.
lets do this shit together.
I can't carry you, but we'll limp along together.

Emeric Imre- Nebun de Alb
Seafret - Atlantis
Jack Savoretti - Lovely fools/Chemical Courage

These only if you feel strong
Johnny Cash - She used to love me a lot
Johnny Cash- After all
Scorpions - Lonely nights

Good luck with your vet career,I also love animals a lot.Happy you enjoy my music,tell if you like these ones.
Same guy here btw

OP here.

Shower with music.
Work out
be around other females
talk to friends.
Read A TON
learn new language.
Write everything down if its gets to wild.
Delete facebook, - Not yet TBD
Don't drink - im halfass wasted - Check!
Play vidya, maybe later.

Thank you, brother.
I know it won't be easy, and I know this feeling won't be forever but fuck it's painful.

in a few months you won't give a shit.


We are not alone, we got this brother.
100 days, fuck I hope this shit does not last that long.
My hands still fucking smell like her.
she was...the one...was she?
I'm getting low here /bros, very fucking low.
feel like I should cry but I cannot.
What am I to do?

Thank you, nice knife.
listening to your song right now. mellow stuff.

Stay strong op. Don't be bitter. If a girl gave you a blowjob everyday of the month and the last day she used some teeth, would it ruin all the other blowjobs before it? Just because it can end shitty, love is an incredible thing. Think back on the happy memories between you two. It'll hurt, but just know time will heal things. Life will move on.

Just let it out for the time being dude - but don't become a mess wallowing in self pity. It's normal to feel sad and broken, but don't become stuck in a hole. The feeling is temporary, and while it might not seem so for now, it will go away. It will defenly get better.

hey nigbro, gf broke up in april. Just give it time, and youll forget that bitch

There is no such thing as the one. For me, she was the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. She constantly talked about marriage, about us being meant to be. Fate is an idealistic construct of the human mind. It's okay to cry, I do it too often. Also, I heard she asked about me, but I don't know what the fuck to do about that..

true that
it really fucks you up
couldn't eat anything for a week the last time
really thought it was the one

Thank you user.
you do have a point. it's just...
I spent so much effort on making it work, and being good that I did not properly enjoy the time we had, I was all to stressed up with making it stick.
Which i guess is what killed it in the end.
So for me, many of the blowjobs were bad, and not im stuck with mostly teeth.
But life will move on, with or without me.
better get on the train.

or under

Take it as a lesson. As much as it may seem, there's no such thing as the one. There's many. And you'll find another. And you'll do great now that you learned this lesson. I believe in you. It may seem impossible now, but if you get on that train and start making things happen, you'll be surprised to see the rest just click right into place.


Same boat, OP. Only she took all my friends with her cause she told her part of the story (95% lies probs) and no one asked me about shit before judging and getting on her side.

good riddance mother fuckers


As a same-nigger-new-faggot, just kill yourself -- it's the ultimate solution for this.

Thank you.
I will try, It's just she was special, thats what I think now atleast, I guess there are more "special" ones out there.

Thank you nigfriend, ill stick it out.

Thank you. I am really trying to let my feels out, and cry if I could, but im dry as a desert, as i wrote earlier I haven't cried for 14 year, maybe im broken.

What did you do to function again?
I've got work in the morning, and still feel fucking sick. got some yoghurt in me, but thats it.

right in the fucking feels.

tempting. but my whiskey legs cant get me to the fuck train station.

I was the only one in her life. We talked 24/7, we talked about anything and everything. But she found friends, she didn't need a boyfriend like me anymore.

OP here.
sorry to hear that friend.
maybe you were just lonely souls that needed company, not lovers?
I hope you find someone new that you can share all that with.
Join the limp train.

Literally a few hours ago just had a massive argument with my girl, i was a complete idiot...and she said shes going to forgive me, but theres a possibility that it wont be the same...fuck im an idiot, be careful boys, dont drive away the one girl you value most...

>The only way to get over a girl is to get under a new one

Man, I'm probably a lot less experienced than you but I get what you mean. I also met a girl I clicked with but it didn't work out at all - whenever things were getting serious she fluked out. I ended up trying everything I could to convince her that it would work, made an ass out of myself and failed miserably - But stuff like that just happens and severs as a learning experience I guess. It's been like 2 months since we broke up and I still miss her, but knowing that it's for the best I didn't feel like crap for too long. Overall it's been two years of my life that I tried to get it to work. Just keep going user, godspeed.

I'm the same user of this But thanks. We were lovers, just.. she didn't have a lot of friends growing up due to some fucked up circumstances that were totally out of her control. I became her everything, from her best friend, to her lover, to her "fiancé", to her entire social circle. She lived a few hours away. When she was with me, she had friends because I had a huge amount of friends. So when she moved into those dorms, she finally had a fresh start.

OP here.

Thank you all /bros for your help in my hour of need.
I now have a good todo list, and many things to think over.
I will start with the shower and music, dont know how long i'll be so maybe the bread will be dead when i get out.
So i take my chance, and thank you all again.

fuck my life.
OP out.

Make her fall in love with u again pull some weapons grade romantic shenanigans on her ass

Go get some ass and don't come back

already went half way across the city to see her, update: she said she loves me, and shell punish me for a while, but shell get over it, dunno about her friends yet..but ill try my best, i love her too much...

I'd also advise not to drunkenly text her later on.
If you try shit you should try it sober.

Anyhow user, have a good one

been through this 2 months ago, had the worst christmas ever. i tried everything i could to try and get back with her but thing is if she doesnt want u anymore, they wouldnt even look at u again no matter how much they loved u before.
ps i still love her ...them feels

The only way to totally recover is to replace her

>The sad part is that she was the light in my otherwise very empty life.

Never let a girl even suspect that this is the case.

Is this OP? If so - be prepared for the possibility that this will still go badly. A similar thing happened to me. However, I'm hopeful for you. God with you!

>if she doesnt want u anymore, they wouldnt even look at u again no matter how much they loved u before.

I understand a lot of things that other people don't - but I'll never understand this one.

OP here,
Thank you all /bros.
I am going to try to sleep now.
I take your advice to heart.
And hopefully i'll never see you in a thread like this ever again.

Good night sweet princes.

not op, just a random user who happened to see the right moment...seems better now, shell surely get over it, word game too good...still an idiot tho

Stop being a fag.
Come see a movie about bitch feminists.
Buy tickets NOW or else it won't happen.

Don't fret over it. My gut tells me you'll be fine, if you don't fret over it.

this OP, work on yourself and the rest will fall into place.

After a breakup, nothing helps like become a better you than you were with them

No. Don't do that.

Have a Loli instead.

Change is normal

Here's a good laugh for everyone. Always brings a smile to my face.