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I got plenty of stuff that can be considered s/fur but it's pretty vanilla

Aww, what the hell. At least there's some counterweight for all those herms and faggots.




I wish that Aimi would draw more of her own characters instead of doing adopts and bases




Her character is pretty captivating.

love vanilla foxes like this

She is.


Not sure if this is the character either but still lovely. I like the stripes and wide hips.

Same girl, Pup. Just different shading I think



Not sure who this is but I love it. Prolly the best vanilla pic I got. Dunno why, could be the eyes.

It's Rajwele, and that's a dude too

I've always pictured it as a female, lol


Well, it isn't really easy to tell. It's a headshot.

I on;y know that because I just found the person's weasyl



Any more like this?


I kinda require the face is feminine too. It's not easy to apply with realistic style.



Yeah, you kind of lose that when you do something like a realistic headshot.

I mean it's basically an animal head and then shoulders. No really defining features.


I have often tried to picture how realistic female and male facial features would look like without looking like they were drawn. Making that in professional cgi would be a task to handle.


We need some feather puss in here

I have no idea how they would even start to do that.

That's what makes a solid 50/50 split on anthro so nice, it's a little easier to tell what the character is. But still CGI would prove to be a challenge

If mares and birds are posted I'm off to bed.


I'm constanly fascinated of it. You can even see differences in heads of female and male dogs.



Didn't know that.


Often that is when you already know of which gender they are, since it's all about so minor details. I saw Warcraft movie and instantly I started to ponder how they would pull off anthropomorphic wolf or something similar.



A ton of R&D


Someone said s murr?









going for a quick ride

back in a few


cheers and enjoy



Any you niggas willing to link me up to Gfur?


Thanks man


Jesus Gfur's being cancer today

Cuntbois are hawt.

Gfur is always cancer.

it's been full of cancer the past few days, it's rarely good, too many avatar spamming fags.



Welcome back.

That's a fair point

Thanks Dash

How are ya, mate?


Normally atleast they know where to draw the line

Gfur has never had boundaries.

They never do, most threads are 90% people avatar spamming.

Can /s/hark play too?

Yeah but not scat fags

Fine I suppose. My truck got taken care of, finally, and it wasn't cheap but it had to be done. I drove back to Phoenix yesterday, and I've been enjoying my last day alone.

Shitty thing is that last nght I tried to cheat the parking meter because they never check them past 7:30. Until last night and I'm out another $44 but I'm back on the schedule for work so I should make it up pretty fast. Still, my luck seems to be running out.

How have you been?







Glad to hear your truck is taken care of.

Aw, man. That really sucks. I hear ya about the luck thing too.

Meh. Been okay. Just got back from a walk a little while ago. I love going for walks in the cold.

Also been playing guitar a lot more. Trying to learn this youtube.com/watch?v=4MKyOQU6EPc but can't quite get down the picking. Fun as hell, but equally hard. I was never good at going to between 3 strings like that. Got the fretting down perfect though. Do you still play guitar?





Generally don't like suits. They are too big and clunky.
I would fuck you broken.

gay is okay

Yeah, me too. It's shitty but it was bound to happen at some point, I'm a little surprised I didn't get a warning first. Even the University gives you a warning first.

But they are called parking nazis for a reason.

I actually just got back from one too, I went and moved my truck back into the garage where I normally park. I haven't played guitar in about a month, I decided to leave it at school but at home it's all I wanted to do. So I'm back and I've been playing again. Nothing new or super crazy, just getting the blood flowing again.

That one is really nice.
