New celeb thread

New celeb thread.

Other urls found in this thread:






whats with the random deletions? sometime celeb threads last to 150, others they die instantly?



Got deleted because of the gore shit.

because the OP was the shitposter and he can delete his own thread


OP deletes to "troll" us

inb4 faggot roleplaying


more like inb4 gore-related deletion


"what did you do today?"

"people were enjoying themselves harmlessly on the internet so i posted a bunch of gore picture to teach them a lesson. I R so0o kool 420 blaze it xXx blunts."

Imagine having to live that sad of a life.


do you fap to her daily?


They delete for gore?

I hope you're trolling, because if not they should just delete who's posting gore then.


He is scared of social interactions for a reason.


i fap for taylor every day, goddess





>post one pic of JJ
>gets banned
>posts off-topic shit and literally spam
>noone cares
Gotta love the mods


I wonder what this faggot is trying to accomplish. You'd think they'd try to take down trap threads or something.


well he should get out of his mothers basement and go leave the safe space to go learn how the real world works.

Who am i kidding, trailers dont have basements.


Thing is, he loves traps, you know?


As you post a trap



I'm not sure, actually. I thought mods just delete threads sometimes if too many posts get reported, like when the celeb threads get spammed with Disney under 18 teens, so I figured gore spam might be the same. I could be wrong.


His real world is getting beaten by his dad.
>inb4 he shoots up a school


I see what ya did there

Trust me, we'd know by now.


im guessing the same with pedophiles since he only seems to hate threads with clothed adult women in them. Maybe hes just a poorfag whos mad because celebs have money and can afford to move out. I mean theres 13 eople posting so its him and 12 eople either ignoring him or not caring at all. Find something better to do



as long you dont see her 10 year olds ass she looks hawt

Bumping with one of my favorite VH pics ever.

Only if it violates the rules.
Why do you think didn't get the Mackenzie and Rowan anons get banned yet?


I didn't even mean to do it, but now I like the implication.




I assumed they did get occasional bans, but just had dynamic IPs. I honestly have no idea tho.




Hey i can hope!!

This is now a gore thread.

He doesn't know what to do.
He will end up in some shit tier job with a shit tier wife and shit tier kids who gonna get beaten because it's too much work to raise them well.

Something awesome is happening in this thread


Gore thread, anyone?

No they don't violate the US law.
They don't sexualize them and don't post sexualized pictures.

I wish I were as cool as you








is this real?




so we just bouncing back and forth through the 3 threads to lose the goredouche?

Holy shit this made me so hard like instantly

you sick fuck





You like?

is there more to this photo?

the more is hayley

Very much. Getting hard

What would you do to her

I'm going to jerk my cock to her

You have a kik?

lol @ spammer


Fuck that is hot but I dont

Sad:( coulda had some fun with you

Did the gorefag get banned finally?