Yesterday my mother attempted to get me sectioned

Yesterday my mother attempted to get me sectioned.


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What does sectioned mean?

Put in a mental hospital.
Had to get a mate sectioned once... probably the worst thing I've ever had to do.

why though

Get forcibly put into a mental hospital, against your will if necessary

I've had a string of outbreaks of anger over the past year, culminating in me throwing a chair at my step dad and smashing up my TV and different things. I also nearly killed someone last year and I'm on anti depressants. I think she just didn't know what to do with me and decided to call the police

honestly.... you turn your back for a second, and someone is trying to put you in the nut-house

Which hospital would you have been sent to? Know a few UK ones.

do you know why you get anger outbreaks?

How the fuck did you manage to find a pic related?

Sounds like somebody needs to get your ass sectioned ASAP

A lot of previous drug abuse, the anti depressants seem to help in normal daily life anxiety but they also make me not care about the consequences of my actions, bit like making decisions drunk.

Had a bit of a toxic childhood, lot of anger and aggression in the household but nothing more than a typical household I'd imagine.

I'm not normally an aggressive person, the guy who I nearly killed was the first person I've ever hit in anger (or at least if you ignore petty school fights), he hit his head on the cure and had a bleed on the brain, was nearly fatal.

Typed in sectioned and lo and behold.....

Sounds pretty normal to me

Are there triggers for your anger or is it rather a phase of anger?

You mental!

first step, get off those fake anti-depressents you dumb bitch

Is that sarcastic or not? I'd imagine your typical Sup Forumstard also suffers from some form of mental health/anger issues.

I don't even think I'm as bad as my brothers were, my older bro smashed doors in, my step dad punched through a front double glazed window, people were constantly smashing up other people's stuff in anger, I just broke a phone handset (a cheap house phone, not a mobile) and then my own TV.

If anyone's interested, I didn't even get sectioned in the end, the police said they weren't able to make the decision but we're going to take me to the hospital to get seen by the psyche ward, I told them no so they just said I had to leave the house.

you sound like a fag... and your shits all retarded

I've stopped drink and drugs for the last 7 months (aside from 1 slip), haven't had a sip of alcohol even in that time, and alcohol and drugs were the root behind a lot of my problems.

It's just a stressful time for me, I've not got a penny to my name, lost my long term partner, I was running a business that was giving me over £100k a year which has gone down the pan (because of drink) so I think I'm just dealing with all of those issues related to it. I've started to get panic and anxiety that I might actually go crazy, but I know it's just panic related.

It's basically down to drugs though, I had a great time taking ecstasy but weed and cocaine just fuck your brain up.

damn son
you cant be angry at this

I did try recently, but you feel fucking awful from them. I do think I need to get off them but wanted to wait until I'm a bit more stable in my life before doing it. I don't think they're helping me though, they're making me more reckless and care free, which is good in a sense but I can see it causing me some serious issue at some point because I'll just do something fucking stupid.

Only slightly, anybody with balls has smashed their fair share of shit up. I usually punched walls instead before getting panic attacks from pent up anger and got on meds.

weed and coke don't fuck your brain up you overgrown child.

your brain was already fucked up

i hate when faggots like you blame drugs for your problem and try and get them banned for normal people beccause you can't handle your anger like an adult

Maybe the drugs just show you your problems underneath

Yeah that's the kind of shit I mean, I used to punch walls as well. It's all just stress and lifestyle though. I'm hoping with getting a new routine from a new job (second interview tomorrow) along with improving my diet and exercising, as long as I stay off the drink and drugs, it'll make a big difference. I do wanna get off the anti depressants too, but maybe that'll be in another 3 months or something before I try.

I appreciate this thread is less an AMA and more me just spouting stuff, it's just a way to help me though

Maybe so but I definitely changed as a person since I started to smoke a lot of weed - haven't smoked it in about 10 years tho but have done a lot of coke.

In fairness I suppose I've always had anger issues to some degree, I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow and wanna ask them about either autism or ADHD because it'd really help me just identify the issue to deal with it then.

Have you tried venlafaxine? Totally killed my interest in drink

Possibly, but I don't take drugs anymore (or at least haven't for 7 months) and I still have had a couple of explosions of anger. I actually felt I'd calmed down a lot tho priori to that so cutting them out did help.

I dunno maybe I'm giving myself too much of a hard time, I have been in a fucking stressful environment for about a year, not knowing how I'm gonna feed myself day to day etc. so I suppose anyone is liable to lose their shit eventually in that situation

Never heard of it, i actually have no compulsion to drink though tbf, I know it causes me problems so I just don't do it now. Ideally I wanna be completely clean of any medication too so really be hesitant about going on anything else.

Do you relax from time to time? Or is the stress level at a high all the time

>anyone with balls would........
>panic attack
So assuming your a dude, you sound like a big cry baby who thinks the world is out to get him. Or just a big nu-male bitch boi

Either you and OP need to deal with your anger issues instead of dropping the property value of your house down like a pack of thugs. I bet you can't even repair all the dry wall you broke out of "anger"

Laff on cunt

I used to say that my entire life was constant stress, it's not like that now and that has coincided with the anti depressants - but it also coincided with me quitting working and caring so much about career and shit, so dunno whether it's because of that or the anti depressants. I can tend to chill out when I'm playing on my PlayStation, but that sort of stemmed my going crazy recently and why I smashed up my TV. It completely broke and left me without my only respite or escape - I know that sounds autistic as fuck but it represented more to me than just being able to play computer games. I'm really looking forward to getting a job and buying a PS4 and a TV with my first wage.

my brother smashes shit too and I just don't get it.

does your brain just switch off or something?

how does destroying your own property make you feel better? "like hahha i just smashed my 400$ tv that'll really teach me a lesson!"

it just doesn't make any sense.

What games you play?

I actually appreciate what you're saying, it does feel like the world is out to get me some times and I do actual,t think the mantra of "man up" is something I need to really get to grips with. I'm looking forward to getting back into the gym and lifting weights, boosting testosterone and just generally making me feel better about myself.

If it was as easy as "get a grip" though I would've done it, I'm not an idiot, I'm not stupid, it's just more than that, it's uncontrollable panic and anxiety and negative thinking, and it's hard to just snap yourself out of that.

my dad does the same it's not the fact that it's yours or not, it's about releasing anger by seeing things break.
So far we have, 180€ phone + 15€ keyboard + a cheese wheel.

Well I actually only had a PS3 because I had to sell my PS4, so was playing through a lot of the old Final Fantasy games recently and doing a load of stuff on that (the Excalibur 2 challenge of FF9 for instance), and also played Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon to quite a high level. On Ps4 I like Fallout 4 and Destiny - don't get the hate Destiny gets, it's great fun I think and got a really good online community.

I wanna get FF15 and Skyrim remastered when I get paid though, was gutting to see them come out and not have the console.

With the TV I really thought about it, I stopped myself from doing it but eventually did it anyway. I do acknowledge that I did it to let people know how upset I was with everything, in a weird way. I know this is sounding life a safe space fag kinda comment, but it's true, it's all I had really to my name and to break it showed how pissed off I was at the time.

What's a cheese wheel?

Maybe your outbreaks are your subconscious that tries to get help and you are blocking yourself from this

not knowing the sweet smell of a cheese wheel

Underrated UK comment. Hunt down the NHS paedophilia gang

I probably used the wrong words

Nice trips user

That's a very interesting theory, tbf in the process of me doing this thread I've decided I'm gonna speak to the doctors about CBT tomorrow and go for that. I had it previously and it helped but they stopped the classes on me because I basically admitted to the fact that it was helping me do drugs without getting as panic stuck after it all so they said I needed to go through drug and alcohol things first. I really do just wanna be able to live my life, in sound mind, not without ever worrying because that's unrealistic and unnatural to never have worries and stresses, but just to not have it so much so that it affects your life and makes you miserable/overwhelming.

>Drugs don't fuck up your brain

Kek, druggies actually think this.

Clatterbridge in merseyside.

I've had a friend get sectioned before too, which I think is also why I'm worried about it so much. My mum since apologised and said she just ran out of ways to try and help me and needed me out of the house, I'm staying with another family member who said I can stay as long as I want, have my own room etc. and get all my meals so it's better here anyway.

Stop being so selfish and get some help

I didn't really wanna challenge him on it because I don't wanna make this into a big pro vs anti drug thing, but drugs do effect you, both positively and negatively. The positive effects are immediate but the negative effects are longer term and worse lows than the highs are highs, if you put it all together. Weed is just fucking pointless after you've smoked it a bit, it just makes you paranoid as fuck eventually.

>If it was as easy as "get a grip" though

Srsly 'get a grip', is the dumbest thing I hear on a regular basis from normies that don't have a FUCKING CLUE what it's like to deal with mental problems.

I have made significant efforts to sort myself out, going onto the anti depressants was a huge step for me, and also went to drug/alcohol classes and have stopped drinking entirely since July of this year. I've had to cut off basically all of my friends/associates to do this, so I have made efforts but just not enough.

I'm looking forward to getting back into work, having a natural routine, better diet, better sleeping pattern, sense of self worth, money in my pocket etc. I do think I'll ask the doctor about CBT classes tomorrow too though, I don't wanna be like this as much as how it impacts others, please appreciate, my life is a misery when I'm like this too.

Scouser? I'd be pleasantly unsurprised, half my family is from L'pool.

well, you went through the drug phase and it may revealed the hidden problems to yourself
but why dont you want help from outside?

Are you a cute girl like in this picture

I get the point behind it though, and sometimes there's times when I can look at myself and just think "what are you fucking doing, you're not a retard, nothing's gonna happen it's just you overthinking shit, sort yourself out" and sometimes it can help. However there's scenarios where I get so aggravated that I just can't so easily snap myself out of it like that. My ideal scenario would be to reach the point where I could identify when I'm losing my shit, whether it be anger, panic, anxiety, stress etc. and just be at to say "get a fucking grip" and be able to do so, that'd be fucking amazing.

That's where we sent our uncle, and he's basically dead to us now. You take any recreational drugs op?

I'm an increasingly overweight 30 year old male. I do think I'm kinda cute tho

What antidepressants are you on? Are the side effects too much? Thinking of trying them myself, was sectioned recently lol

Not any more, cut them out entirely, had to cut all my friends out because of it too because pretty much everyone I know likes drinking to ridiculous excesses or takes drugs. Used to love ecstasy, smoked a lot of weed, did more coke over the last 5 years tho. Weirdly solvent abused on and off for a long time too tho, since I was about 15

I used to smash shit in anger, but after I punched my TV a few years ago on a PS3 anger and broke it... not smashed anything up at all.
Too expensive to smash shit up.

From Wallasey, so over the water

cocaine is bad for your heart

weed effects motivation and short term attention span, both are temporary

alcahol whem mixed with coke is very bad for your heart.

none of them effect your brain long term.

Every scientific study conforms this, get out of here with your mom logic about weed being bad for your brain.

in the US, you don't get "sectioned". they wait until you hurt somebody, and then you go to prison. :)

come to America

I do want help, I've never felt able to discuss mental health issues because my mum has always been very dismissive of anything health related, immediately casting it aside as attention seeking. For example I was in agony with my tooth and she angrily took me to the dentist and kept saying that I just wanted to have a filling. Other stuff like that's happened before though and since. When she found out I was on anti depressants she said that everyone's depressed, I'm depressed but that doesn't mean we can just lay about and do nothing all day. Which is true, but sort of completely inconsiderate to how I was.

As I say though, I'm gonna ask for CBT classes when I see the doctor tomorrow, hopefully that'll help to know there's a plan and a schedule in place to help me sort out my shit, did help before.

Provide citations.

Yeah I know, it's a really scary thought. I actually sympathise with a lot of the situations in the US, when I see people posting pictures of spots, rashes etc. on here and asking for people's opinion on it - at first I thought it was a fucking running joke until I realised these people actually turned to Sup Forums for medical advice because of how fucked the healthcare system is there.

Geez man that sounds pretty shitty
At least you can talk about it to some persons in the internet

Sertraline (known as Zoloft in the US). It has helped me, and the scare stories about the side effects when you start didn't happen for me, got sweaty a lot and it does kill your sex drive at first, but aside from that and feeling a bit sick at times it was okay. Did help with social anxiety and general panic but I think they just don't work as well anymore. I would like to come off them, which I understand is meant to be difficult, but ive spoken to many people online who've done it with no issues at all, it's just a tough few weeks at times.

I'd speak to your doctor though before jumping into anything. I don't regret going on the,, but would like to get off them now (nearly 2 years been on 100mg a day).

Brain goes into fight or flight mode. Everything gets shunted back to lizard or impulsive brain as the system is flooded with adrenalin.

You really should have let them section you. You need help, you are a danger to yourself and others when your brain switches to that. You basically become prehistoric man.

Agree about coke, that's definitely more short term, but I dunno know about weed, I do think it's definitely played some part - thats just my opinion though. Some people can handle weed better than others too, some people are more prone to panic and anxiety, so if you can smoke weed and enjoy the positives without the negatives then that's good for you and I envy you sort of, because it'd be great to be able to just smoke a fat one and be able to chill out watching some funny film/playing vidya and having the munchies, but I can't do that.

probably more anger and aggression than a typical household

I don't think I lose control completely though tbh, I only do if I've been drinking, hence why I don't drink anymore.

Surely everyone's prone to losing their shit from time to time, it doesn't mean you have to get sectioned

having so much anger that it gives you panic attacks when you dont break stuff just means you're a big pussy

Is your mother hilary clintron?

Actually, people who lose their shit from time to time and destroy property and attack people are exactly why they have built mental hospitals in the first place.

But thats just your view on this
Maybe you mother saw more behind your outbreaks than you thought or know and couldnt let you slip away that fast

My family would never do that to me LOL. They all know that if they did, I would get out eventually. When I did I would go off the radar and they would become missing LOL.

>and I'm on anti depressants.
Good goy

Yeah this has helped me a bit actually to talk about it, I think I'm really seeking for other people to say "shit yeah I do stuff like that" so I don't feel like my circumstances are so exceptional - ive seen people I know lose their temper just maybe not as often as me. Fuck I dunno, I think I'm a big over thinker of things too, sometimes I wish I was just fucking docile and didn't even concern myself enough about these things to even consider them or think about what they may be etc. Or on the other hand, if a doctor could just turn around and say you've got X issue that's not been tackled or considered so I'd know how to try and either fix or at least tend to a certain specific thing.

OP legitimately I suggest you find a fight to take place in. Literally you sound like a bitch, without offence intended, you need to get checked. go slug it out. go into a boxing gym, if youre in the UK it couldnt be hard to find a bareknuckle fight. you might even get paid

Get off the fucking Jew drugs bro

Kek well I don't pay for them, but appreciate someone is on my behalf.

I do wanna get off them though, though I do feel like they have helped to so,e degree.

they aren't the "final solution," if you catch my drift.

Oh, you think it's finding the money to pay Jew corps for chemical lobotomy pills is the problem?
No dude, I mean... do you like a brain that works properly and that isn't cooked and getting you into trouble?

I do definitely wanna do that, assuming you mean the anti depressants, or all drugs in fact, I'll never touch another illicit drug again I think. I can't just stop taking my tablet tomorrow morning though because the side effects are fucking horrible,I'll need to slowly come off them, which I'm all for doing but I'd rather have a bit more of a steady life before doing it - definitely within the next couple of months I'm gonna go for it and stick with it though

Top kek

Over thinking is a good way into insanity
Just enjoy the moment and dont bother yourself with so much bullshit in your head

Yeah I know, I'm definitely committed to wanting to get off them, I actually wasn't very quick to get on them either, I'd been offered them for many years prior to actually starting them. Not wanting to talk too negatively about them though, as they did play some part in helping me improve but I do also think it's not good to be on them long term as it does affect my decision making, I'm sort of a bit more care free with them - which is obviously good and bad in different ways

>I'll never touch another illicit drug again
That's good news but to put it in perspective, 'illicit drugs' are probably healthier for you than the NHS Jew pills.

> I can't just stop taking my tablet tomorrow morning though because the side effects are fucking horrible
So now do you understand that they are horrible chemical trap pills that intentionally cause dependency and repeated patronage to the pharmaceutical company selling them to you, lest you suffer from withdrawals yeh?????? You see it now m8?

>I'll need to slowly come off them, which I'm all for doing but I'd rather have a bit more of a steady life before doing it -
Start ASAP. Your life won't get better if a pill is cooking your brain, and if it does, what are you going to do then, suffer withdrawals WITH a newly lowered IQ? Quit now bro!

Yeah it's true, I'm hoopinwjth age that'll slow down too. I've just been reading more about CBT and that seems to be a good option, I'll see what the doc says tomorrow. I'm very self aware, so I can identify what's my problems but it's just tackling them where I'm falling down. It's just s shame I'm only trying now to get them sorted, I was sitting on a gold mine 2 years ago, had a great gf who was looking to get married too and been with for 8 years, had 2 cars, loads of material things but I was just a nervous wreck all the time. I'll hope to get back to that place again though, just with a. Different outlook and mindset, that's my goal/dream.

I don't disagree with what you're saying about the medication, I think it's scary how eager doctors are to hand them out, but they've also gotta cover their back too by appearing to do something. I only took the anti depressants when I'd given up hope entirely and felt like it was my last resort, I was definitely on the verge of suicide/had many serious suicidal thoughts and contemplations.

I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow, I'll at least wait until the end of the month when I'll have been paid my first pay so I can at least do stuff like buy a PlayStation to play on and take my mind off it when I'm having the side effects, or rent a car and drive to somewhere nice and quiet and read a book or something. I do think it'd help me a lot to do it in those circumstances than now. I do wan an get off them tho and am committed to doing it.

Haha this made me chuckle - OP

I know what you're saying, I'd kept calm in the face of major adversity for a lot of the year prior to this point though, think it all just came to a head a bit for me, boredom, not seeing friends, no money, Christmas time etc.

Have you considered going along with it, and finding a crazy bitch in the nuthouse to blow your load in? I fucking LOVE crazy bitches.

Hey thanks for listening/talking anyway faggots, it's helped quite a bit.

Fingers crossed I can get this job offer tomorrow, speak to the doctors tomorrow morning and get booked in for some CBT and then shits gonna start looking a bit more positive.

Peace out anyway bros, I'm gonna try an get some sleep

I was more concerned about some major spastic killing me with a pool cue to be honest, that and being so medicated up I can't even remember where I am don't appeal.

Either way, I'm gonna try and make sure that doesn't happen

Scroll to the bottom of and read "The Solution."

You're a duck for doing that to your friend. That's none of your business.