Do I have gyno? I'm like 35 lb overweight. Will they go away if I get fit?

Do I have gyno? I'm like 35 lb overweight. Will they go away if I get fit?

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I don't see anything bad in here, if you're a women of course.

I'm a dude which is why I'm wondering if I have gyno or if it's from being overweight.

top kek

No it's all ok if you have a vagina too.

If you have a penis and male face so yeah wtf

those look far from normal fat man tits
see a doctor

penis + male face = gyno (even morbid obesiti are haven't so big nice tits)

If you a man with a vagina and girl face everything is allright.

we can't know with people nowadays..

my girlfriends tits are smaller
you'd make one convincing trap user


fucking true

hey b i was wondering the same thing than OP

help thanks

Those are pretty perky for man tits

yeah me too

>please hit on us boys

These are tits from a previous thread where a woman had a fat fetish.


When you want my cute

OP you're type 7 dude

right now you hot slut ;)

this is kinda hot, natural tits on men
imagine if they had a girly face / booty too

Oh god i was joking

That's what i would call a bait sissy trap

can you work out any of these or does it require surgery?

hell yea
sure you were, it's ok man, its not a shame to want to be a girl and be fucked by men
i'll indulge ;)

Post body shot with your chest and dick in it. That's not you.

Gynecomastia treatment without surgery is mostly preferred by men who suffer from this condition since it does not involve any cutting and all the risks that come with such invasive procedure. Below are some of the best treatments available for gynecomastia, all of which are non-invasive and by far a lot safer than any surgical procedure.

1. Getting Rid of Gynecomastia Through Proper Exercises
2. How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs by Diet
3. Pluses and Minuses of Gynecomastia Surgery
etc... found on

Look like you can try some stuff, use google.
i didn't knew gynecomastia before your thread mate. Good luck this isn't a sickness.

4. Topical Gynecomastia Treatment – Creams
5. Male Breast Reduction Pills

Well there is some good solution to try

well i got a type 6 or type 7 i i'm pretty sure that requires surgery

I just took that picture in my bathroom, so no. It's my chest.

You have to ask a doctor, b/ can't help you more than that.
Don't worry, it's a few week of treatment for a life of happiness and you'll feel much better, and maybe doctor will say it's isn't gyno at all, who know ?

Or you can accept yourself or become a sissy i don't know.

He'll maybe tell you you just need exercice, we don't see how fat you are.

post a full body with your cock out m8

Thread is dead

I'm about 30 pounds overweight and I don't have floppy titties like that. you definitely got Gyno. why not ask a feckin doctor though