Holy fuck I love my fingerbox

Holy fuck I love my fingerbox

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Its a beautiful model from where did you get it ?

OOh I like the simplicity, I prefer my fingerboxes more complicated.

I love wood fingerboxes

I say that fingerboxes are fake and gay.

OP, I dare you to post a timestamp of you posting with yours. Do it, faggot.

How the fuck did you even get hold of that?

Newfag spotted

What the duck do you use that for?

this one passed down from my great grandfather.

Seriously wtf are these used for? What kind of autistic do you need to be to have a box you put your finger.

dude they aren't real, it's a troll thread. congrats on your first day here.

really!? what rock have you been under faganon?


What are they then?

Nice of you to join us, newfags. You're probably the same people who flood /b with shit porn.

Troll and liar spotted.

Why do you persist with these bullshit threads?

I'm not a fag, I got dubs XD

fucking VIRUS!

Both of those comments were me

One, maybe two different assholes post these threads, usually on the weekends. It's just Sup Forums shitposting.

If you google it, you'll find a story about a Jap artist who made a few for a project.




I've seen this shit for like 10 years on this shithole and still don't fucking get it

I called you out. I even dared you to post a timestamped picture of you with your fingerbox
How does that make me a noob?

Please explain this, asshole.

More like you crying because people blew up your shitpost, asshole.


Guess all these newfags just wish they had a fingerbox... Not posting mine as rare & don't want to be robbed from

Was it properly calibrated right out of the box user?

Are you happy now?

that can be very tricky indeed. never ever assume that it will be correctly calibrated.


What the fuck is wrong with you

ignorant bastid

Wtf is a fingerbox?


Smh OP, having the most basic model Fingerbox, step up your game


>dude they aren't real, it's a troll thread. congrats on your first day here.

And that's why there is so little information on these out there, these people posting "nothing to see here, just move along".

In fact this is one of the most well kept secrets of the internet. The Fingerbox can be compared to the secret levels of the Masonic Lodge.

Not for everyone though, it's also been compared to "taking the brown acid".

So maybe it's better if you just move along.

Well yeah, if you're going to post a pic of a shit fingerbox the rest of your post makes sense.

That's like sheepshagging, but picking the ugliest sheep.


I just finished 3D printing one.
Enjoying it so far.

hell yeah! noice!

All of mine are in 4D. Fuckin' spaced out man.

>trying this hard to prove you aren't a newfag

Ouch. I physically cringed reading your posts and I think I pulled a muscle.


masonic secrets? there's a fucking wikipedia page for them.

i was too embarrassed to make a fingerbox thread but i need help! splinters all over my dick from this fingerbox. i know i shouldn't have but i did it. please help me. emerbgency room? y/n?