Hey Sup Forums, I just found these mushrooms near my house, are they hallucinogenic or poisonous?

hey Sup Forums, I just found these mushrooms near my house, are they hallucinogenic or poisonous?

Other urls found in this thread:

amanitaceae.org/?Amanita hygroscopica

Does your daddy know you're on the internet right now, son?

Ehhhh they're poisonous I think, but I may be wrong :)

They'll make you trip good dude

here's another pic

Oh yeah, hallucinogenic, the good ones too. Give them a big ol bite.


eat them and find out pussy

looks like some high quality stuff. have a good trip man

here's another pic

>eating mushrooms from your dog pissing on your lawn

I live in the countryside

This is just for eating, yeah?

stop teasing and eat it faggot

>small stem
>ball cap
Yes OP its only for eating. is not goin to make you trip. might as well toss them

judging from their general shape they're like milk caps or boletes or something, which are generally known for being food no-nos

Looks like a poison pie or something....so yes, poisonous.

Generally don't eat mushrooms unless they are super obvious. Eg giant puffball, morels, and those spongy cap ones whos name I cant remember now.

Bolettes! Thats the name I cant remember. All bolettes have a spongy cap. Ops is not a bolette.

If it didn't come out of a pile of cow shit after some rain and sun, it isn't hallucinogenic and not worth eating. If it came out of a pile of horse shit, it is poisonous.

Holy fuck OP is greasy

life hack: all mushrooms are hallucinogenic if you drop acid first



OP here, there are plenty of cows around here

Those are (very rotten looking) destroying angels dumbass (speckled cap, pink gills). New liver in the works for you if you survive

amanitaceae.org/?Amanita hygroscopica

Op when you make pancakes do you just wipe your hands all over the pan?

Eating mushrooms whilst expecting the internet to help you figure out what's not going to kill you is like playing Russian roulette and expecting the internet to tell you if the gun your using is a revolver or not.

top zozzle my internet friendo

>that timestamp

I'll second this user. Pretty much any white mushroom is a no no if you are amateur (especially if they grow from an egg and have a collar) because the amantia group is full of "kill you and aint shit you can do about it".

Eat the fucking mushroom quikly


>Being this fucking desperate for a trip

Just eat the shrooms and die.

It's an old photo, but I I figured I'd ask since there is more in my area.

OP, just to impress the gravity of how bad it is to eat unidentified mushrooms upon you, consider this.

Death cap and destroying angel mushrooms are widely abundant throughout the united states. It has several lookalikes which are safe but very difficult to distinguish.

Death caps and destroying angels will guarantee that you die within a week JUST BY EATING A SINGLE CAP.

You want to know how it kills you? It inhibits the ability of your cells to copy DNA... not exactly a quick death. You might even not notice any symptoms in the first few days, but by then the damage it has done to your body is completely irreversable.

Don't fuck with fungi unless you know what the fuck you are doing and/or got it from a reliable source.

Those are not psychedelic mushrooms, do NOT eat them.

What are they though?

OP here, I live in South America