Post girls who are angelic beauties and princesses only

post girls who are angelic beauties and princesses only

angels and princesses = young white women with fair skin and light eyes, though some other women like katya lischina also count




Isnt the girl in the OP dating a Korean guy? Katya with her Asian boyfriend

>Katya with her Asian boyfriend


it is rumored she is dating some korean celeb

she's certainly getting something. why is she even in korea. she is getting money. although given the current russian economy...

tons of wannabe Russian / Slavic actresses in Asian entertainment. they all usually end as wives for rich Asian men.

Her name is in the filename if you want to look her up, she was an actress in Taiwan. With her Asian husband and newborn

not sure if she fits the criteria , let me know




Jenny Albright


she doesnt

Jenny Albright 2

Jenny Albright 3

Jenny Albright 4

more like the girl i posted, not


have some more

This girl


















>they all usually end as wives for rich Asian men.
>settling for the least manly men on the planet

sad day. well hopefully millions of them die soon, a billion if we can swing it

