You have 10 SECONDS to prove you're an oldfag

You have 10 SECONDS to prove you're an oldfag.

Other urls found in this thread:

why bother

pools closed



>newfag trying to learn oldfag knowledge to pass as one in the future

Why do you continue your existence?

why does moot's website suck?

Sup Forums was birthed after moot and his clique got permabanned from something awful for having loli cartoons in their forum posts --> Sup Forums was born

Everyone is a newfag

WeW lad


detsu detsu I like mudflips pedrobear cockmangoer

epic OZ Easter bunny pic

I'm on a youtube video of the hartford CT scientology protests

I can't really prove it, but I've been browsing Sup Forums for 10 years now.

>kill me
>I can't stop

I migrated from Something Awful. Time is no longer a concept.

Is Something Awful still even a thing?

Yes. But it's more akin to 9gag and reddit than our beloved shit hole.

double post, but here's a sampling.


>"Prove you're an old fag"
—Every newfag ever

I praise thee

no I won't

newest fag of them all


Kek, implying I'm proud of being an oldfag. I wish I'd never found this place to be honest.

I've heard stories of how good Something Awful was back in the day. They true?

I feel like you trying really hard


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Believe what you want, bud. I'm not here to prove anything. Sounds lame, but that's what I love about this place.
We're all just bricks in the wall.

lol. The raids were meh at best, but pissing off my friend's neighbor with a sign outside of a pool, then making national news for it, was pretty cool.

> Zippo cat


What is this place?

I didn't realize "something awful" was the name of the actual site, I thought they were describing it. Kek

I was here before the F.ors aken and Pi.mpi njg raid.. Good times.


It used to be one of the Mos Eisley's of the internet, then Moot made Sup Forums, and now Something Awful is something awful.



over 9000 roodypoos

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no wai


hal turners radio show

I is oldfag


too soon xDDDD

2016 was the best year ever
why wont people make 2017 better
talking to you straight, white, males


Niggers die

wtf??? did they take away triforce??



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New fags cant triforce


hey you here me? answer me!

frosted butts


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hi do you want to help make 2017 even better than 2016 was?


no ninjas


I sense a new friendship

lol, internet


The first thing I need you to do is stop being racist.
The next thing I need you to do is stop being sexist.
If you pickup a girl and it turns out that it is a transsexual or a trap you have to be prepared to express love for them regardless of their genitals.

and if you disagree with that or me you are a racist sexist bigot.

ok yes, i am not the one from the 2016 2017 post but i did say hi to you! I don't mind genitals it ain't got my interests. Are we friends now?

Racist? yep.
Sexist? sure.
Bigoted? nah.

See, I'm proud of my race and I know women are physically inferior to men. But I don't hate other races or women for that.

I'll never have any friends :(

Oh well at least i got myself! Don't need much more to be happy :)

Yes user, I like you as a person. we share the same well justified views and beliefs.

You misogynist pig! What would your mother say if she heard you talking about women like that?
You should be ashamed of yourself and agree with me.

Thats not true user


You failure, how dare you respond to another user's post as such?

Get back in jail nigger.

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Want the honest truth? My mother is quick to dress down people that legitimately believe everyone else is the problem.

Cracky desu

I can disagree with anyone I want as long ad they don't share my exact views and beliefs you woman hating scumbag.

thats ok, the elderly dont undersand new ideas so well.

i don't have to prove my oldfagottry to a bunch of newfags

I remember when this was a meme.

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yeah i know you cant
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why on earth would someone want to proof that he has been on this degenerate site for a longer time than others. if youre actually fuckin proud for being an "oldfag" you should rethink your life choices.

You can disagree with others all you like, but that is the limit of it. You cannot force your opinions onto others, you femminazi scum.

tits or gtfo

I like how you're complaining about being here to others.

Like unemployment, and cost of living.

Putti putti, Roody Poo!

fooled you, Newfags for sure.

Itty Bitty Baby, Itty Bitty Boat.

old fag here. youll remember this if youre like me

Boxxy is queen of Sup Forums

How do I make an account?

Someone please help, thanks. :)

tip of the cap to you, sir. how about this?

Mods are asleep, post sinks.

checked bro

Trips and Millhouse is a meme


It's called a USB line, I'll show you later

ron paul, Sup Forums?

Brain Games is now*sniff* over.