Should I cut it out?

Should I cut it out?

Yes. It's not like you ever truly needed two arms
Just learn to fap with the other


take a side pic so we can see the height

What is it?

hell ye

Yes and post video of you digging it out....please...please


if dubs do it faggot


You got cancer OP

bite it out and pour salt/lemon juice into the wound.

>cut a straight cut away from it,
>see if skin around it loosens,
>try to pull it out with sterile pliers
> take picture of this thing

What the fuck


Skins not loose.
Stabbed it and nothing came out.
Tried pulling it too. It's percistant.

Got em

that was fast


Might be a tumor? I would be careful if you cut it out, because your arm has some pretty vital stuff in it

This happened to my dog


>arm has vitals

Let me guess, you are the product of Murican education?

He's right, he could cut an artery or vein and bleed out

There are these things called 'arteries' and 'tendons' if you want to type more shitposts you're going to need these

Put cone on OP so he quits playing with the scab.

same thing happened to me
doctors had to cut mine out for over $300 so you should probably do yourself if you can

Take everything it loves and drive it to suicide

That's what I do with everything/one I don't like and so far it's turning out pretty well

What did the Doctor say it was?

fucking idiot

Or, you could live in a decent country where medical care is provided for its citizens in change for like tax or something. But I understand if you have to take taxes and money from China to buy pew pew devices because isis and freedom.

im in the us just have shit coverage out of college


>decent country
Pick one

at least i dont live in a fucking arab country

Op delivered

Put your mouth around it and suck like it's a strawberry milkshake and you're trying to get a berry through the straw.

With us educational system I am not surprised that your world map consists of amuricah and arabs.
Have fun dying because you cant afford to go to hospital.

trust me i look forward to it

we have a board for national shitposting

jack off about whatever country in a general there

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