Milfags, quick question

Milfags, quick question

I'm scrounging some info on recruiting procedures. Now I'm not familiar with the details of recruiting in the US, so I want to run some questions by you.

First up, is intelligence tested at all? Is there an IQ test? Is it rolled into the psych test?

The only real "intelligence test" for recruitment is the ASVAB. Basically like a watered down SAT that you'll take at MEPs. Higher the score, more MOS (job) opportunities you'll get.

Reading up on it as we speak.

From your experience how would you say it compared? And what did it cover? You compare it with SAT, did it basically cover the sort of curriculum you get in primary education?

The best way i can describe it is just a very basic test. It covers the basics; reading comprehension, math, some science, and a bit having to do with practical mechanics. It isn't a difficult test by any means. Have you spoken to a recruiter yet? They can offer a lot more information on MOS specific score ranges and will even have you take a practice test

No, I'm not actually in the US nor am I applying to join the US armed forces.

For different reasons I'm just looking into how they do it. I'm familiar with some other countries, and I wanted to know if the US does anything like screen for particular IQ brackets to hire.

Looking back, what do you think they could've improved about the screening process? Is there anything they should pay more attention to? A cutoff they should impose? Some part of testing or even training that merits more attention? Etc.

I can't really speak on the intelligence requirements as I was an infantryman and intelligence really isn't important when it comes to pulling triggers. I thought the entrance process was fairly decent at weeding out the fuckheads, but some always slip through

i have 2 self harm scars from when i was a faggot edgelord teen. what can i use as an excuse so i dont get DQ for life at the meps station?

if you're going to join, start lubeing up in preparation of getting fucked by uncle sam's thick chode

How do you think they kept the fuckheads out?

Also, isn't it a useful requirement? If shit goes sideways, or you need to evaluate an open ended situation, pick targets in a strategic manner - or more broadly, understanding your mission and ideologically consciously committing to it, wouldn't that part be important? In a way, aren't you supposed to be able to be a one man army if it comes down to that?

Also, how was your feedback with defense on this? Did you ever for instance have an evaluation with THEM about the hiring process and your training?

And speaking of training, is there anything that looking back you feel would have been useful to include? As in actual trained skillsets. Or is there one they *did* cover that you would really emphasize as important?

Tell them it was a fucking cat scratch or something. Just don't admit to anything. You would be surprised what you can get away with at MEPs if you keep your mouth shut and admit nothing

>aren't you supposed to be able to be a one man army if it comes down to that?

not really. you work as a team. if you're the only one left,you have bigger issues than trying to "one man army" your way out.

You got better ways of getting yourself out?

Maybe I should clarify.

I don't mean you're going to turn into a Rambo. I mean you should be able to assess your situation, predict your enemy, plot your evasion, and make further considerations towards your objective and your downed teammates. Effectively you're going to be the most senior, hell only officer in the area. All the decisions about what to do next need to be made by you.

As far as intelligence being useful in the field, it absolutely is to an extent, however I would rather have a window licker in excellent condition and can shoot like a fucking god and who has had combat knowledge drilled into his retarded fucking skull than someone smart that will fuck up under a real combat situation. Combat isn't like the movies, no macgiver shit happening. You shoot, move, communicate, kill, and hope you dont get shot in the dome.

Infantry training, or OSUT (one station unit training) was exactly what it needed to be. A complete shedding of civilian habits and substituting the skills you need. Again, the shit isn't like the movies, but it will get you in shape, teach you the very basics of combat and how to not get shot in the face, and give you your military baring.

>one man army
not the guy youre talking to, but military endeavors are a team effort. this is real life not the movies bruh

as for questions on training, everyone gets basic training on this but you get more specialized training as its needed or as it seems useful. like you wouldnt send a guy to scuba training when hes going to be in a desert for his entire tour. its a waste of time and effort

as for planning and idealogical shit, google "commanders intent"

That kind of decision making and planning is done by commissioned officers who have a college degree, or you platoon leaders who are non-commisioned officers who have proven they have what it takes to lead men, not by your average soldier or marine. Also remember, 99% of jobs in the military are not combat related and will never have anything to do with combat

they're too deep to be cat scratches.

they're similar to this, (via google) but obviously healed now. about an inch long. i also have scars on my body from getting shot up during airsoft / paintball and dirtbiking. how fucked am i?

Again, lie, lie, and lie some more. Doesn't matter where they came from. I have a fucking scar from a broken bone I never admitted to. I have scars from stitches I said I never had. Just don't admit to anything, and they can't prove shit. Remember, the only information they have is what comes out of your mouth

Well it's not an either or thing I'm thinking of. I know plenty milfags who are intelligent *and* fit and well trained. But if you mean I shouldn't downplay physical ability, I got you.

I'll pull out what I can about OSUT to dig through it too. But basically you're talking about indoctrination there? Combined with physical and weapons training?

Thanks, looking it up right now.

But what if they're all dead? Or even worse, everybody senior to you is, but you have some juniors under your wing? E.g. you're an NCO with some privates cut off from the main force.

I get it's not usually your responsibility. But it could very well be a situation where you either get it together, or you die. Having infantry clueless like that seems like a very dangerous proposition to me and I feel like running them through that kind of self-sufficiency could be as important as basic survival skills.

What's so wrong with some scars anyway, assuming they didn't come from some ass retarded shit?

I have a small scar near my mouth from a childhood incident where I stepped on my dog, tripped, and he went up to yelp. Basically, his tooth went straight into my cheek close to my mouth.

I was very young at the time. Should I not be allowed in the military now because I have a "scar"? Come on now, guys.

That's where you have to trust your chain of command. The competent get promoted, the window lickers don't. Intelligence makes you a better warrior without a doubt, but not all infantrymen have it.

>has various scars from other activities
>well, meps doctor ma'am / sir
>i was doing (X) fell off / tripped on, fell, got snagged on (y)
>hmmmm.....ok. put your cloths back on.

as long as you dont seem depressed and down, id doubt they'll question much. just make sure you tell your family and friends the story you plan on using for a cover in case they check with them for a past with depresson.

Just signed my military contract

ASVAB is important. It tests general English, Math, Science, Technology, Engineering, Physics, Mechanics, and Shop questions and is graded by percentile. I got in the 99th percentile so I got any job I wanted.

Then comes your Physical/Psych evaluation. make sure you are at weight and lie about any past drug usage. As far as the military is concerned, you've never done drugs.

Then you need to get your Security clearance. You need at least a secret for most of the military and the background check takes like 4 months.

>wants to do high stress training and job
self harm indicates the individual doesn't handle stress well.

Oh shit, we've got a MEPs ranger. What MOS did you sign for? I'm assuming something POG braging about your ASVAB

>You need at least a secret for most of the military and the background check takes like 4 months.

Nigga what. Maybe rephrase, I'm somewhat confused as to what you're trying to say here.

also >lie about any past drug usage
Does that include medical treatment of ADHD in youth and psychology, all of which was over before the age of 18?

Navy Nuke.

When he says lie about everything, he means lie about everything. They can't get your pre-enlistment medical records because of HEPA so everything they say about finding things out is bullshit.

a secret level security clearance.

Have fun sucking off sailors while contributing nothing to the fight. The navy is a warriors taxi. Thanks pal. - 11b

Yes lie about everything.
You've never been to the doctor, you've never had a broken bone, you've never had ADHD, and you've never been depressed.

Everyone in the military has some form of security clearance and it takes for fucking ever for that shit to come back. As long as you don't need an SSBI background check you'll more than likely clear it with flying colors. If you need a Top Secret designation and an SSBI, they'll interview everyone you've ever known. Secret and confidential are a walk in the park as long as you have no debt or a criminal record and no foreign ties.

I'll look into it. Is it a good idea to lie about that anyway, though? I mean, assuming of course it's not still a genuine issue and was all handled in the past/ childhood.

Elaborate on this, I'm interested.

Have you considered suicide, friend? :^)

Another question - Does any of this training contain psychological warfare strategies? I'm not expecting like a full special operations package there re: demoralization and all, but I would imagine it being very useful if your infantry would have an understanding of their enemy's psychology and how to affect it, to the point of freaking them out and/or scattering them ASAP. E.g. by targeting the confident/ranking ones and shooting the rattled ones last if possible, just coming up with an example.

Also do you have any interrogation training?

Right but I meant, what if that command is no longer in reach? You're going to leave an unprepared infantryman to his own devices with the enemy in pursuit? Shouldn't he at least know how to hide from them?

No criminal record, but I did get suspended from school for having a knife on me once.

If it's any consolation, it was an accident.
>tfw wore the same pants from the night before which had one clipped inside the pocket and I never even noticed

It's entirely possible that I WOULD be looking to get a job requiring a high(er) level of security clearance, hence my interest.

man real warriors are seals or PJ's. 11b is fucking cannon fodder designed to be used as disposable pawns so the real warriors don't die.

The knife incident never happened. Don't mention it to anyone.

No need for psychological warfare when your spraying the enemy firing position with m240b fire

>foreign ties
my..."girlfriend" if you wanna call her that is from russia. she came over here a few years ago and it working on citizenship, i also have people i play online games with from around the world. am i fucked? i wanna go 0311 in the muhreens

Fuck SEALs, rangers lead the way homeboy, and you've never been outside of the wire if you disagree

The big green weenie will never find out nor care about your god damn virtual friends

So what if you're sharpshooting for another crew? You can't spray them. But you would be wise to base your picks on which are the most immediate threats and which ones would bring the group as a whole closer to surrender.

Well you'll probably need to mention the girl friend if there's any way to trace her to you via a bank account or something. Or you can declare single and lie and say you have no foreign ties. Delete your facebook for the process just to be safe. Most of the time it's not a problem, though they'll probably dig a bit into her to see if she might represent a conflict of interest since she's Russian.
Nothing to worry about if you are just getting Confidential or Secret though. It's pretty rare for an enlisted to need a Top Secret and generally they are just temporarily issued on a deployment. If you were going officer, there's a higher probability of a TS clearance being required.

It's a game time decision. We learn effective patterns of fire for that reason, but your average soldier or marine isn't going Rambo sharp shooting into an enemy compound. That's not the war we're in right now. It's direct force on force action in a sand pit with no cover.

They don't ask you how you got the scars, just where they are so they can use them to identify you

the most you'll need is a secret.
>what do they look for with a secret?
>do you have a convicted criminal past?
>are you in debt?
if you answered no to both of those, you're 99% likely to pass

Go to /k/, dedicated thread there

>effective patterns of fire
See that's what I was looking for.
Can I find more on that exact terminology?

>You've never been to the doctor, you've never had a broken bone, you've never had ADHD
Wouldn't they pull this from his medical records?

i have dozens from just being active and playing contact sports / games. im just worried about somehow getting fucked over for those two.

Not specific to what the infantry uses. OPSEC (operational security) is constantly stressed. Making sure fuck heads aren't posting shit on facebook. It isn't much of advanced combat knowledge so just research basic combat firing patterns, practical ambush positioning, platoon patrol walking / firing patterns, etc, and you should find what you're looking for.

You don't need a secret, most everyone besides 14 series, 35 series, and select others has a confidential clearence

Settle down rambo. Let me guess you want to get into PMC? Have fun with that

HIPPA laws make it damn hard to find that shit. Let's put it this way, if they eliminated everyone who was ever diagnosed with ADHD or Bipolar from the military, there'd be nobody in the military. Lie about it. Your medical records are not a consolidated file.

this. after high school a recruiter called me asked me a few questions, told him i was suspected of having ADD but it was never confirmed. his response was "dont worry about that, everyone has that shit."

Not quite but it's necessarily involved.

The people I got I know I can rely on, and ultimately I'll run through this with experts of course. But I've been giving thought to hiring outside the usual networking. So I'm actually giving thought to the necessary procedures here while I'm pounding espresso, since I'm on an all-nighter anyway. I figured who best to toss a ball around with about this than some anonymous weirdos on the internet, right?

Is it necessarily a disqualifier though?

I'm not American, but when I went in I was open about having had a depressive phase (watched my dad bleed out as a kid, was a whole thing) and it was a non-issue provided the psych examination cleared me. Which was fine.

different countries have different rules.

how can i ensure i dont get a black drill sergeant? i dont want niggers screaming at me.