SERIOUS QUESTION: If you cum into candle wax will it make the surrounding area smell like your cum?

SERIOUS QUESTION: If you cum into candle wax will it make the surrounding area smell like your cum?

No, it will burn all the children you will never have.

Why ask? Sounds like a perfectly reasonable scientific experiment to do at home. Let us know your results.

Here's the idea it'll create a dome of safety too keep out home invaders. Chemical warfare.

I just need to know in advance if it'll work also if scented or unscented will have any effect.

full cum pic?

Wouldn't try scented, cuz the existing aroma will probably dilute the cum. Go unscented.

Run some experiments and find out

OP here the deed is done, problem is I can't tell right now, I'm gonna clear out make a sandwich and come back and see if I notice a difference in odor.

Why are you doing this user?

>what in the literal shit


This is why jesus won't come


You say something shitlord?

>implying multifag

What in the actual fuck?

>caring enough to fake proof

Careful OP you might get girl pregnant this way

you must be him too!

Op all you have to do is bring the candle into a crowded place so you can propagate your seed to the many women around you.


OP here, sad news. When I came back it only smelt a little smokey in the room more like the match I lit than anything.

Maybe if I make a 75% wax 25% cum candle it would have difference results but I have neither the ability to make candles nor the cum right now. :C

I like this idea OP, but make sure you use real life beeswax and not that fake pussy shit.


put me in the screen grab