I been looking for a Water and Soap Shower Head(Pic Related). if somebody finds me one ill gift them a steam game

I been looking for a Water and Soap Shower Head(Pic Related). if somebody finds me one ill gift them a steam game

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that's dumb bro


been on the lookout for one of these since November

Lol how the fuck are you gonna rinse the soap from your body fagatron

as stupid as this looks it might be useful, i'd try it out kek

you didnt look very hard. here you go fuccboi


There you go OP. Looks like someone did the work for you.

fill it with horse jizz. you know, for scientific and academic purposes.

You never left your steam profile you stupid faggot

don't think he wanted anything

>not making modifications with your own two hands

I bet your parents are disappointed in you.

looks like none of you can read, because that thing doesnt dispense soap.

I'll take the game


Do you want my steam or

Holy shit my grandparents had one back in the day, crazy flash back

That seems really dumb. Get some exfoliating gloves (pic related). They are rough and do an amazing job at cleaning your skin. They are also dirt cheap and you can find them at any pharmacy or walmart etc.

Just soap them up and then scrub your body with them. Will clean you 10X better than some dumb shower head that wastes tons of soap.

forgot pic...

that website has like 5


most of the links are either dead or don't give you an option to buy them.

> Anonymous 01/09/17(Mon)01:09:18 No.718286152 ▶
>most of the links are either dead or don't give you an option to buy them.

Damn, I'll keep looking then. that sudz one looks primising, but its not for fucking sale.