Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous:The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


Just a friendly reminder you are NOT your avatar

To be fair, there's just a lot of NSFW for Louise in comparison to SFW.

I save anything I can, since most are good.






Well apparently Akame and Karen ran off, so I am gonna head off to watch some Oreimo and then bed.

Night lads

Louise claim!

Aww. I like their style.

-reclaims minatsuki-

prove it
i thought akame was dead

I try not to think about that.
How was your day?

It's a terrible watch.
Goodnight though.

I do not understand.
Surely the price of gold doesn't fluctuate so much as to give you that sort of advantage.
I have a handful of what I think are mildly expensive watches. Only a few hundred or so at most, but perhaps less since I don't know what watches tend to go for. I intend to sell them in the future, if I ever hit harsh times. I didn't buy them myself, instead, I've collected them over the years as gifts people have given me. Joke's on them, I don't wear watches, like, at all.

Cute reaper claim

It was... odd. I woke up again at about 2, and was up till about 7, went back to bed until 10, then went to work. Decided that tomorrow night, I'm gunna get hammered. THREE BOTTLES OF MEAD THIS TIME!

Yeah it's really cute

Well i better get to bed, i am rather tired.
Nighty night everyone
I told you already i don't like to blush
Goodnight my love


-washes the knives and puts them in the strainer neatly before wandering into the broom closet for bed. Looks around hopefully but sees none, so goes to sleep-

hey guys sorry for not answering. where is tsunyun?


>Isis praises the sun

Well I can buy a gram of pure gold for just over $400 bucks. If I hold onto it for a few years, I believe it will be worth $650 :)

I didn't talk to you tonight, but I appreciate your company nonetheless.

I'm sorry, who are you again? :^)

>Weeb video for weebs

Hm, this may not be a bad idea for you.
Thing is, a two plus year investment for possibly only two-hundred bucks is not a solid one if you're already in a bad state financially. Also, why would that increase in value that much to begin with? Please explain.

...well there you go! Tomorrow should be fun!
I'll be at work, and I don't like using Sup Forums mobile, so I'm kinda bummed. I'll totally hit you up on Dischord, though.

Madoka usually is, though.

You callin' me a weeb, kiddo?

Good night
>cuddles in bed with you

>weeb waifu for weebs
No :^)

Best Vocaloid claim

Well I have good instincts; also, AMERICA!!!

Well what have we here

If I make sure to drink water and stuff, I may fall asleep earlier in the night, which'll make it easier on me the next day with the times and such.
>Working on Mondays


good instincts + america does not necessarily make a good investment.
If you don't have four-hundred dollars to buy gold, I'm genuinely concerned for your well-being.
Do you have a steady income?

Not around right now but you may catch him a bit later.

No I usually just beat up old ladies and take their shit.


Richardguy#1947 on Discord if you're interested

Speaking of which, did we ever actually decide on concrete times?
Working mondays is pretty shitty.

Haven't seen you in a while my dude, what's been happening?

I'm 100% straight

Heya my dude, how's it going?

Snickers and mars

Peace misaki, I'll seeya around.

IRL stuff, discord stuff, vidya stuff

Be cautious if ''Akame'' adds you.

Interesting choice. Why her?


Got my PC up and running. Great temp. Awesome frames. Never seen this shit before so I'm quite amazed.

Why would I be cautious of him?

I believe we were doing Sunset at like, 4-4:30, Parkway after for food and shopping, and then the bowling alley right after, since practically right across the street?
Glad I always have em off... technically.

Ahhh shit ng\igga, what's good?


He's most likely not who you think he is.

Not sure on protocol there.
Hello, regardless.

What is that suppose to mean?

>Beating up old ladies and taking their shit
>their shit
You sure? I'd take their money, but whatever you're into.

>I'm 100% straight
Literally never implied you weren't?
Are we having two different conversations, mate?

I mean a completely different person.

-reminds him of someone he knows and misses-

Coo, I'll get to Seaport at 4 PM, then.
Are you skipping?

Well on that note I'm off to bed. I have to wake up early tomorrow and go hunt down some old ladies. It's on like donkey kong.

Goodnight, Vamps.

I do think it'd be Makototototo.
How've you been?

Gotcha, I'll be sure I have someone to wake me if I'm not awake before hand.
Nah, I work nights, and since it is now Monday, I technically have another 7 hours to work, that are on Monday time.


I gotcha.
If you wanna go there, I technically only work 4 hours on mondays!


Fine i suppose. How about you?

Are you really?


Hey man, you wanna chill out and put that gun away?
We're all straight here, don't worry.

Is the stuff good stuff?


FUcking yes, I love that feeling, what are you gonna play now that the world is at your fingers?

It's 10 AM, I have to go to the college to get stuff sorted but I am lazy.
I'll most likely stay up as much as I can and head to sleep in a bit, kek.
How'd that visit to the aunt's go?

Heard you've been doing the naughty with a Hanako

Most of it yes

Be OW pro, need better KB and Mouse for SC2. DOTA 2. More HotS. Some actually good Survival/Sandbox games. Anything really.

>I'm straight
I'm really confused ;n;
What's happening?

yes i have

Looks like I get to have a live show~

I lied I'm not going to bed

Tomoko how are you?

Listen man, I've had it up to here with your shit.
Do you know the codeword or no?
I'll have you escorted out if you keep wasting my time.

That's good to hear and stuff

Yes yes! Starcraft on high graphics is fucking beautiful. What servers do you play on?

its nothing too crazy
fine just playing tanks

I laugh, cause most of my shift is on the Monday, yet it's my day off. Night shift terming is odd.
>Got do patrol
>Stop at 7-11 on way back
>Grab 7-Up
>Ask night dude if he wants something
>Ehhh, fuck it, sure
>He throws in 2 free hotdogs for it

Hmmm, about 60/40 split of Okay/Not okay. Had a lot of internet drama happen the last few days, but overall, things are looking better cause of it. I'm just salty still.

Went well, talked a bit, helped her with Sea World passes, and found my PS2/Pokemon Deck.

When is the terror plot advancing? I haven't been entertained in a while

Damn... seriously? I was hyped when I heard this too

I think he is trying to rape you. Do you want me to call the police??

You need to get rest to kick the life out of old ladies, I though.

Uh fuck

I can't imagine you knowing someone that reminds you of such a person.

yeah bound to disappoint

Something maybe Americas or US EAST. Idk... it's just around or East US. For WoW? Bladefist/Kul'Tiras.


Wait then what was the codeword, fam?

He can do anything he wants if he calls me daddy.

o.o -huffs...some people just need someone to believe in them in the worst way.-

Ayy, nice! I fully support buying nightshift workers stuff. D'you smoke?

Nah I'm bound to be disappointed all the time

PS2 is a good find, I thinks.
Are you gonna go to sea world? See the fishes and stuff?

We're in hibernation right now, the plot advances soon, though. Gonna figure out where to send my bomb squads at some point.
But for now I'm just watching anime and playing games.

But for real, hi
Who is your waifu?

Ah alright, I play on europe servers mostly, ping is bearable there.
Curse of living in a middle eastern country.

It was "Johnny Goodmeme"

Hello! Pink hair is cute
Who is your waifu?

I believe you know of such a person, but someone like that wouldn't last long in our society.

Ok now I'm really going to bed. Good night all.

>inb4 refugee joke.
Anyway, you play with Kyouko right?

thats uh what i said


Don't hold out for too long, I'm growing bored

No one cares

I demand all of your children with the biggest of noses and curliest of hair.

Disappointed by that, what I mean is I'm bound to be disappointed by everything

Pink hair best hair
Her name is Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière.


Fuck off nigger :)

You know someone like that is in prison right now or on the run.


well thats different than well hanako and me

Nope. No cigs, no weed, nothing. Outside of speeding and downloading Chinese Cartoons, I'm pretty straight edge. I don't hassle others if they wanna do shit though... except weed. But that's more a "Not around me, I can't handle the smell" than anything.