I haven't been here in a while. Where did heaven go?

I haven't been here in a while. Where did heaven go?

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So newfags killed our Sup Forumseloved b?

heaven was removed back in 2014 when they updated captcha's

Why, though? ID's were the shit... No way of samefagging, unless you samefag as heaven.

suck samefaging bring back id's

Maybe if we had a few more janitors and brought back ID's, Sup Forums might actually recover. There's still time guise... Who owns Sup Forums now? What happened to moot? What the fuck's going on?

if i remember correctly they said saging wasn't effective and when they updated the boards coding there was some sort of conflict that the heaven ID created so it was dropped they tried removing (you)'s recently but people pitched a bitch about it too so they brought it back maybe if anons collectively demanded heaven be brought back Asian Moot might have it put back in

I'm samefagging this page up, bitches!

Sage in all fields


i sincerely miss the snarky shit people posted under the heaven ID

Ya know!!! For real, Sup Forums would Sup Forums a much better place if ID's were brought back.


Sup Forums is now dead.

Nobody Cares!

it's been dead since gamergate and and the fappening then Moot hiring Tumblrnina's as janitors who came and deleted threads that were "offensive" Moot legit quit after that sold 4chins to Asian Moot and shit's just steadily going down hill

They should change Sup Forums to /sf/, fro same fagging. Sup Forums is kill

Then, where are the cool kids going these days?

some went to Sup Forums some left Sup Forums altogether for other sites a lot of anons went over to cripplechan for a while

>>other sites

Bitches ain't nothin' but hoes and tricks.

trips, check em

>it's all we do here now...

checked... then why stay?

Behaviorism. Skinner psychology. + Bad at life decisions.

God was never here, faggot. He never was.

I know you ride that shift knob like the faggot you are. Scion is for unusually low test beta cucks. Grow up, boy racer.