I am muslim and cannot stand atheists. All of you are dumb...

I am muslim and cannot stand atheists. All of you are dumb, dumb sheep who cannot think on their own and just parrot everything they hear from their autistic parents and friends.
As soon as someone debates with you, you realize how illogical atheism is and turn theist again. I have reverted all of my former atheist friends into muslims again just by calling out all flawed logic they believe in.

Debate me and you'll also want to be muslim.

I am a theofluid muslim-atheist so while I'm sympathetic to your post, I also think ur a fag.


>A dirty sandnigger
>Calling me a sheep
Are...are you hitting on me?

Here is your (You) OP

Now fuck off.

the hypocrisy of a religious person being mad at another group for being "dumb, dumb sheep"
but that's the point, isn't it?
to make an argument so obviously stupid, people feel compelled to reply
so here's your (You)

You just summed up whats wrong with religion in a small text.Also just because you only probably heard stupid atheists who couldnt prove a point or give a good argument that doesnt mean all atheists cant prove something.

Religious people tend to judge others and thats wrong.We live in a free world and everybody has the right to believe in whatever they want to.Why should u come and tell us that being an atheist is stupid?

You probably dont know this but in history more people died in religious related wars than in economic related wars.My opinion is that religion divides people and encourages differences.Its a distraction dont you see?Instead of pulling our resources togheter to fuckin colonise space or simerhing we still fight over who believes in what


You're projecting again


Need your coordinates to bomb you. Same bs as the IS

Try to find friends with normal IQ

Get crusaded

You're Retarded, Go fuck a Goat and your 8 year old wife. also eat some bacon.

>I am Muslim

>and your 8 year old wife.

>says this like it's a bad thing

Ye the Athiests are dumb.
No such thing as a flying horse.
The moon and sun are different sizes and ages yet Mohammed split the moon in half to make the sun lol.
The Moon only reflex light. Historians even admit that Mohammed coppied text from the Jewish faith in an attempt to convert them and when they didnt he killed them and started the first ever religious war out of anguish because no one was taking him seriosuly.
More then one race of people proving there is not one creater but many creaters of humanity.



Sand nigger just never give up.



>I am muslim and cannot stand logic. I am a dumb, dumb sheep who cannot think on my own and just parrot everything I hear from my retarded parents and friends.
>As soon as someone debates with me, I realize how illogical islam but still keep being a dumbfuck about it. I haven't managed to get out of this mental state and I must shitpost in Sup Forums to prove it.

>Debate me and you'll just waste your time

Ok then, I won't debate you


but my parents are christian and i only know one atheist guy. How was i influenced?

Standing true to the main pillar of islam I see;

Islam is probably the worst religion nowadays though. If you're not gonna be atheist at least choose something else and don't become part of the most ass-backwards, regressive religion there is. Islam is literally the only religion people have to actually worry about these days and that is telling.




i am muslim too and i dont go on here and debate with anybody akhi...