Which colour is this girl's dress?

Which colour is this girl's dress?

Pink and yellow


that's not a dress

Trick question for there is no girl in this picture

That is a man baby

that's not a girl


it's 2017, having a penis does not make a girl less girl

stfu fags you know you'd give your left nut to get your dick wet by this trans-goddess


There is no girl on that picture.


who cares about the dress, just post more bailey

Almost had me OP

okay that thing is gross. bailey jay is perfection.

is that matt damon with fake titties? god that torso shape is terrible.


Christ thats nasty...

it's 2017, denying your faggotry isn't necessary anymore. I hear its cool to be a homo nowadays.

that penis is masculine and disgusting desu

>thinking penises are disgusting
what's it like being grossed out by your own body?

I see a dress, but no girl! Where is the girl? That thing on the pic has a dick.

teh coloor is 2 shades of linetrap

I miss linetrap. The tits just ruined it.

wtf is linetrap?

feels bad man. Gender Dysphoria is a fucking bitch.

knowing that its real name is "bryan" kills the boner

There is no girl in the picture OP, surely you're not retarded?

Same 'chick' in OPs picture, bailey jay. Google it. And yes, "it".

speak for yourself

i would cut off my fingertips to be with bailey jay

Nigger and whites


She's gorgeous

pick one



i had to decide to only keep one bailey jay pic on my computer. watching things like that is torture for me.

bailey jay is literally the first trap to make me question my sexuality. i hold all other traps to her standard.


fuck off to Sup Forums

Fucking degenerates. Go back to Tumblr.

God I wanna suck that so bad





>line trap
>rearrange letters in "line", reverse "trap"
>Neil Part
>Drummer from Rush, minus an "e"
>not e
>illumi not e

bailey jay is illuminati confirmed



why only one pic?

Try Sienna Grace
(My favorite)

because having a whole collection would only confirm my faggotry

and the one pic i have is the one i already posted with her clothes on.







you can't even see her adam's apple and her penis is super feminine. like... literally the closest to a real grill a trap can be. every time i see her face, i fall in love again.



i love her tits



I would literally do things I wouldn't do for anyone else just to be with her!

wouldnt you love exploding in her ass


only cock i would suck
