Honestly, why don't you use Reddit?

Honestly, why don't you use Reddit?

>No ads of people fucking fruit
>No "pick the sign" CAPTCHA
>There's a subreddit for literally everything you enjoy
>No samefagging, every topic is easy to follow

Reddit is better. Prove me wrong. I've been browsing Sup Forums since '06, so please, call me a newfag.

Other urls found in this thread:


I like reddit

Well youre right about that, but I dunno, i kinda miss Sup Forums once and a while a come back for a few days to see all the sick shit you fucking psychos post

Sup Forums and reddit are both shit.

Anonymity wherever you go, that way we can be as retarded as we want without it going on record

Sup Forums and reddit are both shit, both full of people trying to be cool and shitty fucking memes.

"Mw2 vs BF 2"

Fuck off

mainly because of the circlejerk, i just cringe when i read the comments

Tumblr is the better site that you're looking for.

there actually is captcha, just not as much

The formatting is atrocious.

I use eight chan for the most part but try not to shitpost on there so I come here. I also enjoy reddit, but that's more for specific subreddits.

I do use reddit. But I would never say that flat out.

I hate the democratic upvoting shit,. It rewards circlejerking and lowest common denominator memery. I fucking loathe it.

Also the anonymity of Sup Forums encourages a valuation of content bereft of interference from any cult of personality. Except tripfgs but most every one hates them on most boards.



Reddit is like a conversation where each person gets one knife stab against a disagreeable person, and one pat on the back for someone agreeable. Each subreddit has it's own little circlejerk where only certain opinions are allowed, and anyone who goes against the grain is shut up by downvotes. It's impossible to have normal discussions, because you always have to watch what you say in each subreddit.
It's a good site for asking questions and talking about hobbies and such, and the voting system is usually beneficial for that kind of discussion.

I didn't like the downvoting at first, but now I do. It leads to a lot less lol banana YLYL b/s. Shitposting is down voted. If fury threads, shitposting, tranny threads, or gore is your cup of tea, I can understand why you wound stay on this shithole.

Reddit takes itself too seriously

Well.. you asked nicely. Newfag.

I use Reddit for things that interest me and I use Sup Forums for reasons I forget. I think I've just been here too long it's a hard habit to break

i only go to reddit for the donald anymore

Don't thread yourself you elitist queer boy

it's birth wasnt an anime forum so im not interested.

it's good for viewing porn collections of a specific fetish or for tech support on some things

But otherwise you need to sign up to post, and it's no longer anonymous. Unless you make an account for every post. Having an account makes that you have a reputation to hold up, ...

wat? that's not here anymore it's all FIB and shillage shit now. I would know

Underrated post

Mainly because I'm straight and I don't need my opinions verified by a bunch of faggots that think things like gender and race are social constructs.


Gas yourself.

>implying reddit thinks and doesn't just mindlessly repost whatever opinion gets upvotes and replies.

Maybe you should stop making shitpost threads all day and you won't get the capcha?

I do use leddit, mainly for videos and porn
I never look at the comments though.
Reddit and Sup Forums are not the same things, so
you use them for their own purposes.

I honestly only ever looked at the_donald these days.

Reddit is a liberal shithole.

I posted on an MS subreddit about my intention to kill myself before I become a prisoner in my own body (have progressive MS and it's getting close). I posted no identifying details on any post yet still had 2 police turn up at my door a couple of days later with a "duty of care" about the post. No anonymity freaked me out so only use Reddit through a VPN these days.

But then your ip, which is dynamic, happens to also be the ip of a CP poster and you get banned forever for absolutely nothing
And nobody reads your appeal
Yeah i'm salty

Nice trips
Do it on cam

did they send you a bill of their 'intervention'?

This happened to me too. Wtf is wrong with the mods here, banning people permanently for utter bullshit (never posted child porn ever) and then no way to contact them. It's retarded

Nope, UK. Did discuss it with my Doctor who is aware of my intentions. She arranged a psych evaluation, which states I'm not depressed or suicidal, and do not want to die, but but consider it the lesser of 2 evils compared the the alternative. This prevents anyone with a "duty of care" from interfering on mental health grounds. Also issued me a legal DNR directive, and I arranged my final and living wills, and arranged and prepaid my direct cremation.

I use both, reddit is great for actually discussions, Sup Forums is for memes and porn

Happened in december but i'm still mad
I think my appeal's going to be 5000 words long with image proof
And if it gets rejected again i'm done with 4chink
>He says but still posts from his phone

You're in the UK which is why they know. Reddit didn't give you up, the government there is just a nosy asshole.

Reddit has godtier NSFW boards. They also do have some great infosec boards as well. Some of them do teach you their art. Other than that its pretty much shit. Everyone is karma whoring or circlejerking. Not much different than Sup Forums.

Mine was more recent. Seeing as here at my university accommodation there's a shared wifi network for the around 100 students in my apartment block, it's a really shit strategy to ban ip addresses

reddit is best for serius news i use

anonymity makes for spicier memes and more honest posts. reddit is full of vanity posting

Redditor's sense of humor is making bad puns and movie references.

I do use reddit. I only come here when I've gone through anything interesting on my subs.

because their opinion is best opinion and theyve been reposting the same shit for the past 5 years

>hurr durr I thread myself because I thought my post was cool and funny

Yeah, fuck right off you dumb shilling newdick.

I use reddit for serious conversations
I use Sup Forums if I want to laugh

> Underrated post
> nice dubs
FML, people think here sometimes!!!

>implying shitty forced main subreddits like /r/funny are the same as specific subreddits people actually care about

>inb4 millenials ruined both

I don't understand what the fuck you're supposed to do with that site. I went there and had no idea how to post or why I would even post on it. Looks weird.

I used Reddit for jailbreaks, but I use Sup Forums for funny threads and kill the day.

However, those fucking moderators on here delete and ban everyone for simple shit.

This. Anonymity is the only thing that sets this place apart from any other forum. We're all equal.

Unless you're a bitch ass moderator who's looking to throw down.

This. Fuck the mods, what a pathetic life they must lead. And fuck mook and his datamining and obnoxious ads. I didn't think it wwas possible but this place has really gone downhill.

>Also the anonymity of Sup Forums encourages a valuation of content bereft of interference from any cult of personality. Except tripfgs but most every one hates them on most boards.
>Also the anonymity of Sup Forums encourages a valuation of content
>Sup Forums encourages a valuation of content

>Go to fallout subreddit
>Look, i;ve made a sweater with Harvey Preston


Whoever came up with that name, should face some jail time. B/itch/


Because plebbit cant into user shitposting.... newfag

>Honestly, why don't you use Reddit?
>>No ads of people fucking fruit
There are still ads, though, and they're targeted ones, meaning they do not care about your data.
>>No "pick the sign" CAPTCHA
Certainly not.
>>There's a subreddit for literally everything you enjoy
There are echo chambers for everyone!
>>No samefagging, every topic is easy to follow
People samefag on reddit all the time with alt accounts. I'm not into easy to follow topics anyway, so that doesn't apply to me.
>Reddit is better. Prove me wrong. I've been browsing Sup Forums since '06, so please, call me a newfag.
Ok, newfag.

Nuff said.


I was originally there but got kicked off constantly because it's a fucking popularity contest. I would never go to the front page it's pretty nauseating liberal cuck shit. There are so subs though that enjoy lurking
And you have to check out NSFWIAMA good shit

Sup Forums hates it because it's full of normies, but I use it occasionally for a couple specific subreddits, only that though. Usually subreddits for games I play with a heavy storytelling potential, like Elder Scrolls, D&D, and STALKER.

Reddit is better for genuine discussion about something, Sup Forums is better for shitposting.

I used to go to reddit because of a girl who posted on gonewild and a few other subs. Then she quit and I havent been back

So in the absence of a voting system, what is responsible for Sup Forums's insufferable circle-jerkery?